
Hope:ray of light

I looked for Hope for years, months,weeks ,days, and finally I found my hope my ray of light

Wuraola231425 · Teen
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I woke up today thinking it was all a nightmare but when I felt the scars on body I when it was all true.Am Gold and I have nothing to my name am just a girl from a ruined family ,well recently I got adopted ,the family treat me well before that let me tell you a little about my self

Like I said earlier am Gold my biological mother was a business woman she rarely had time for me so I was more of a daddy's girl my dad gave me all the love I deserved in the world he was there for me until mom left us she said me and my dad where just obstacle to her success that was the beginning of my nightmare

Dad started drinking and hardly come home, that is when I learnt to take of my self I thought after a few month my dad will come around but I was wrong it was one afternoon I got the information that my dad had an accident and died I knew he loved his wife but he has betrayed his daughter trust. I was just ten years after that Loan sharks came to our house threatening to kill me if I didn't tell them them where my mummy is ,this is when knew I had to run but where to I had no one else our neighbors where the one feeding me but the woman also has kids

One day she told me had to follow her somewhere I asked her where she didn't reply when we got there she sat and was asked some questions the only thing I had was that, is that the girl and looked at me and said yes it was that night I knew what I had gotten myself into ,

The orphanage was only shabby but it was also untidy I was taken to a room where other 7 children slept together I knew from that moment that is was my new life and also when I met my best friend and my everything is name was Henry,Henry was my Hope he was my ray of light he talked to me when no one else spoke to me the orphanage teacher always reported me to the orphanage director say I am not always listening and am also very stubborn sometimes I was put in the dark room.this room bring back bad memories to me and I could tell that I am as more intelligent that my age mates when they play with stuffed animals I prefer reading when they were told to talk nap in the afternoon I prefer thinking about my future I didn't want to end up like my mom but am also going to face my fears and because a good business woman and a good mother to my kids this was my thoughts when I was thirteen .

Everyone know me as Gold at the orphanage but Henry was always calling me is jewel and I always asked him why he called me that he will say am his Gold Henry was a year older that me,he brought me out of my shell he made laughed he talked to me and he held my hand whenever am sick but I didn't know this was about to end my good memories where about to come to an end .

Henry came back from school one day and was called to the director office I thought he did something wrong maybe he will be put in dark room I was happy at least I will not be the only one in the dark room but I was wrong, life just love to play with my feelings just when I was happy with my life he took my friend from me Henry was getting adopted and was going to leave me I cried he tried to beg me but I refused I was sad the day he left he tried talking to me but I knew the moment I faced him I will cry and so my best friend my everything left me again just like my mom and dad and I was back with my nightmare again

please tell me wat u think about it I will write Henry POV in my next chapter Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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