
marriage contract

in dining hall

Sheena said to siya eat all these dishes these are your favourite. Mummy I have already eaten I have no space in my stomach

Shiv encourage her eat some more sweety.

krish said dad you don't worry she is a foodie and eat all these without telling her

you Krrish what are you saying I am not a beast to eat all these dishes I have small stomach and I am also dieting.

yeah yeah we know what kind of diet you are on.

daddy Krishna bullying me from early morning .he smash the cake on my face.

Krish replied dad no i didn't do it ask from big brother Krrish wink the left eye to his big brother.

dad Krrish really smash the cake on siya face.

see daddy I told you he hate me.

Siya baby krish didn't hate you but he is naughtyachild.krish don't do these stupid things to your sister she's elder to you

daddy she is not elder to me she is just one year older than me

Krrish just shut up you don't respect your big sister and you are very trouble some child your small tricks hurt your big sister and family.

Krrish stand up from the table and left after saying that dad you are to biased .Sheena said to Krrish don't go eat your food first .

I am not hungry anymore I want to go out

shiv said where are you going just listen to your mom and finish your food.

Krish left without listening to anyone Siya becomes sad because of Krrish behaviour she also left the dining table and gone in her room.

the three people left in the dining hall are talking about the meeting.

Kunal asked his dad is everything alright where are you gone early in the morning.

Shiv silent for 2 minutes and said Kunal Sheena come with me to study room

Kunal and Sheena followed the Shiv in study room

Kunal asked what happened dad .Shiv replied you know how I started my business. my friend Rishabh help me with finance in my business and he also supported my business in following years but today we have a meeting. after meeting he wanted to marry Sia to Raghav his son. I wanted to decline but he insist this marriage he is not feeling well and he is the only family member for his son and now his son is 30 year old and didn't want to marry but as the father he want to complete his responsibility to find a good bride for his son. he said siya is best choice he knows siya for many years she is like a daughter to him and we also know Raghav .after listening I could not say no and said yes to Rishabh. shiv was interrupted by Sheena what did you say you arrange our daughter marriage without even telling us Shiv how can you do this to our daughter she is just turn 18 .

Sheena I understand what are you talking but he is my best buddy he help me in my down and without his help my business is not number one in city A .i am not the great shiv if he didn't help me even now when I am in any problems he was the first person who came to help not now but i throughout the life he help me i am indebted to him .now he is asking for my childhandn i can't say no and i also thought it's a blessing for our daughter see he is a nice man and his son is a very good person I have no reason to say no.

but that is doesn't meant you arrange our daughters marriage without asking to her she is just pass high school she just started her adult life what are you thinking . dad m what mom says is right you can't do this you say no to them I know we are in debited to them but that's not the right thing just to marry my sister to him

Kunal you know Raghav he is good man I know it's early but it's not a bad thing as a parents my only concerned to my daughter to find a good house to her and now the opportunities come to over door I don't want to say no and you also know that company has financial crisis right now if I have to do this do you think Rishabh help me now.so you sold your daughter .you didn't do right thing the angry Sheena left the room .Kunal do you think I sold my daughter for company sake. dad I know you didn't do wrong as a father and CEO this is best choice but you should talk to her first if she is ready then I have no complaints but if she said no I will be with my sister side

okay i understand I will talk to you sister first and ask about her opinion.

Shiv gone to siya room where she is opening the gift box that was given by krissh in the box there is a bracelet. she turn back and see her dad why are you here dad

I want to talk to you about something.

okay dad

shiv come sit in her bed .Shiv asked Sia do you think your dad do something bad to you

dad why are you saying this because dad take a decision on your behalf . what is it dad. siya dad arranged marriage for you .you know that person he is Raghav you uncle rishab son .

i want to know your opinion.dad what you want to listen you should asked before arranged this marriage. if you really want to listen then i say no . baby I will give you some time think about it don't take any desion in anger .

siya call Karan her boyfriend but he didn't pick .she call her friend and asked her to meet at Karan house