
Hope In Love

Mia's life is turned upside down when she discovers that she's a werewolf. At first, she's exhilarated by the rush of power that comes with her transformation, but she soon realizes that being a werewolf comes with a price. She's swept up in the complicated politics of her pack, and she finds herself drawn to the enigmatic alpha, Elijah. The attraction between them is undeniable, but when Mia discovers that Elijah is her mate, she's overjoyed. However, her happiness is short-lived when Elijah rejects her. The pain of rejection is unbearable, and Mia must come to terms with the fact that her mate doesn't want her. As she tries to move on, Mia discovers that there's more to the rejection than meets the eye. Elijah was probably in love with someone else. As Mia delves deeper into the mystery, she finds herself in the middle of a dangerous love tie, betrayal and struggle that could threaten the entire pack. With her heart on the line and her life in danger, Mia must decide whether to fight for Elijah or walk away from the only man she's ever loved. Will she be able to win Elijah's heart and save the pack? Will she be forced to give up everything she's ever wanted or was she about to make a huge mistake?

Mfon_David · Fantasy
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5 Chs



Mia had always felt like an outsider as it was no longer news that she devoured her family. She never quite fit in anywhere. She was always searching for something more, something that would make her feel like she belonged. It wasn't until she successfully reversed the curse that she discovered the truth about herself and she began the quest to belonging to a pack.

As she adjusted to her new life, Mia discovered that she wasn't alone. There was a whole pack of werewolves in her town, and they welcomed her with open arms.

For the first time in her life, she felt like she belonged somewhere. And then she met Elijah, who unknown to her was the alpha of the pack she looked forward to joining.

Elijah was everything Mia had ever wanted in a mate. He was strong, confident, and fiercely protective of his pack. From the moment they met, there was an undeniable chemistry between them, a magnetic pull that Mia couldn't resist.

One bright morning, Mia made up her mind to let Elijah know how she felt about him. She didn't care if she will be seen as cheap, all she wanted was to let the crushing weight off her budding chest. She had made up her mind to do that at the pack meeting.

"Elijah! I will love to talk to you if you don't mind." She said, moving closer to him.

"Sure, what's up?"

"Well, I know we have been in the same pack for a while and we have been very good friends but I can't help the way I feel." She said smiling, hoping that her day will be made.

"Mia, is everything ok?"

"Well, I just needed to let you know that I have feelings for you."

"Mia, don't you think you are running faster than your shadows? I really don't see myself dating you." Elijah said, rather annoyingly.

Mia couldn't believe her ears.

But then came the rejection. Despite the bond that they shared, Elijah denied her the connection they both needed. The pain of rejection was unbearable, and Mia struggled to understand why he would reject her. She had heard of the bond between mates, the unbreakable connection that would last a lifetime. Why would he deny her that?

Mia had never been more confused and heartbroken in her life. Elijah, the alpha of the pack she had recently joined, had rejected her advances. She couldn't understand why he would push her away when they shared such a strong connection.

Meanwhile, a rival pack of werewolves led by a charismatic and dangerous alpha named Luke had moved into town. Luke the head of the pack had set his sights on Mia, believing that she was the key to his pack's success. Mia was torn between her loyalty to her own pack and her growing feelings for Luke. 'This was a good way to pay Elijah back for rejecting me', she thought to herself.

As Mia struggled to protect her pack and resist the pull of Luke's seductive charm, she also found herself forming close bonds with other members of the pack, including her best friend Lily. Together, they fought to protect their pack from the danger closing in on them from both within and without.

As Mia was trying to process the shocking revelation from Elijah, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping up on her. She couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something else going on, something that Elijah wasn't telling her.

Her suspicions were confirmed when she saw Elijah talking to a beautiful young woman from another werewolf pack after their pack meet up. Mia's heart sank as she watched Elijah's eyes light up with interest, and she knew that she had to confront him.

"Elijah, who is she?" Mia asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Elijah turned to her, his eyes widening in surprise. "Mia, I didn't see you there," he said, his voice tense.

"Don't play dumb, Elijah," Mia said, her voice firm. "Who is she?"

Elijah hesitated for a moment before answering. "Her name is Emily," he said, his voice low. "She's from another pack. We met a few days ago, and we've been talking ever since."

Mia's heart sank as she heard Elijah's words. She knew that she had no right to be jealous, but she couldn't help the pang of hurt that she felt in her heart.

"Why are you talking to her, Elijah?" Mia asked, trying to keep her voice steady. "Do you like her?"

Elijah hesitated for a moment before answering. "I don't know," he said, his voice low. "She's just...different. I feel like I can be myself around her."

Mia's heart sank even further as she heard Elijah's words. She knew that he was trying to let her down gently, but she couldn't help the pain that she felt in her heart.

"Elijah, I don't know what to say," she said, her voice shaking. "I thought that we had something special."

"We do, Mia," Elijah said, his voice gentle. "I still love you, and I always will. But I need to figure things out. I need to know if Emily is the one for me."

Mia felt tears welling up in her eyes as she heard Elijah's words. Was he even listening to the gibberish proceeding from the walls of his mouth? She knew that she had to let him go, but it didn't make it any easier.

"Goodbye, Elijah," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I hope you find what you're looking for."

With that, she turned and walked away, her heart heavy with pain. She didn't know where to go from here, but she knew that she had to keep moving forward. As she walked away, she couldn't help but wonder if Elijah's heart was really with Emily, or if he was just never in love with her.

Mia was determined to prove to herself and others that she was strong and capable.