
Hope has a warrior

When demons arises and men are blind only a few sees through the blind nature of man kind but who will take up the cross and fight against all odds for the salvation of humanity from its worst threat !!! Please note that this piece of art is purely fictitious !!!

SunnyMinds · Fantasy
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17 Chs

I went nowhere

"I have to go."I muttered weakly. slowly opened my eyes slowly.

Everywhere looked strange. "How did I get here l asked myself but got no reply from anywhere. My whole body felt sore and all my bruises reappeared.

Neglecting the pains I stood up to survey the environment and maybe understand what happened to me.

On looking back I recognized the trap zone which I ran through.

Separating me and the trap zone was a very sandy valley. But I couldn't tell how and when I crossed it.

I stood there for a while waiting for answers but none came. I decided to name what I experienced several seconds ago a 'real seeming dream' but that could still not explain how I crossed the valley.

I kept pondering over what just happened till the answer finally occured to me. I just crossed the legendary valley of illusions and has passed the test by agreeing to go with the priests.

"If my guess was right then from here I should see the big temple or hall where the gargoyles were said to be at rest."I thought.

I turned back and few metres from where I stood was a temple just as I had imagined and I began to walk towards it slowly and happily feeling accomplished since I thought nothing else could stop me.

The words that was said to me a night before I embarked on this quest began to play in my head.

"Remember the temple is divided into chambers. When you open the first door you will see a well designed cup on an elevated platform by your right. It is the cup of salvation pour the oil in it and open the next door which is just about two feets away from the first door.

The gargoyles lay down to rest according to their strength. Starting from the door was the weakest and the strongest lay at the innermost chamber. You will see many scary things which might make you to feel scared but do not relent until you have put all of this oil in the mouth of the one lying singly in the innermost chamber of the temple. Do not hesitate to answer any of it's questions correctly. Then you know you have successfully gotten this mission to accomplishment.

I felt like celebrating but I knew it was not over until it is over. But everything around me seemed to celebrate impatiently without waiting for the mission's accomplishment. The trees waved at me, the wind whispered songs of praise into my ears, the sand gently scrubbed the hero's legs but I kept moving on.

On getting to the temple's first door for no explicit reason a strange feeling accompanied by fear took over me and I surprisingly began to shiver greatly.

I rightly found the cup on the platform by the right and emptied the content of the soda bottle completely into the cup and lifted it high above my head.

It was time to see the legendary gargoyle who has different descriptions in different stories at last I could finally set my eyes on all of them and really understand what it looks like though the strange feeling that haunted me persisted.

l entered the second door and it was truly a hall divided into chambers by walls which were parted by a little space in between them.

Something like a man's figure caught my attention. He faced the innermost chambers too while I saw only his back.

Immediately saw him he gradually turned to me.

"You are welcome. I have been expecting you." He told me with a very ominous voice.