

"Allyson!! Wake up! I know you can hear me."


Guess what day it is, it's Sunday!

Sunday is that day when my name becomes an anthem. I can't even get an extra sleep without my eardrums. Yes! My mom's favorite thing to do.

"Allyson dear, shouldn't you be dressing up? It's past eight and you know the service starts by nine"

"Ok mom", I replied grudgingly.

The church service was really amazing today. A guest preacher had come to give words of exhortation.

Pastor Michael was his name. I can never forget the look on his face as he emphatically preached the word of God.

"This man of God is talking to me", I whispered to myself.

Now, this isn't a guilty conscience type of situation.

Pastor Michael's sermon was centered on the life of Joseph.

In his father's house, Joseph was greatly despised because he received favour from God and man. He even had the ability to dream dreams.

Joseph knew his dream of becoming a leader would come to pass and he never threw this opportunity away.

While in prison, Joseph never deviated from his course in life. Eventually, his dreams came to pass.

So I was reminded of my own dream, which is to become an actress. A world famous actress at that. I know, I saw it in my dreams just like Joseph did. In my case, no one cares if I'm to become an actress or not.

"Alleluia! Gloraay!!", the congregation chorused.

It was time to pray. My favorite part of every sermon. I was looking forward to the prayer points....

"All eyes closed!", Pastor Michael said.

"Now say after me, my father and my God! "

"My father and my God!", everyone chorused.

"Whoever it may be........", he continued.

Whoever it may be", the congregation quickly chorused.

"Hold on. Hold on", Pastor Michael instructed.

"Repeat after me only when you have listened to all that the Spirit has to say", he explained.

"Now whoever it may be Lord, that has decided to deceive me from receiving my destinated blessing", he continued.

"Whoever it may be Lord, whoever finds joy in my disappointment, Father destroy them in the mighty name of Jesus!!!!

"Prayer in Jesus' name!!", he screamed.

Every corner of the church was literally set on fire. The pillars of the church were shaking to its core. Thank God for the strong foundation.

I guess I wasn't the only one Pastor Michael was talking to.

I've never been the type to scream and disturb others in the place of prayer. So like always I silently made my request known to my Father in heaven.

At this point, I was starting to think that I might've prayed wrongly.

I mean my parents are the ones not allowing me chase my dreams because they believe it's just a dream of an immature daughter of theirs.

"Father in Jesus mighty name we pray!!", Pastor Michael said.

"Amen!!!", everyone chorused

The church service ended thirty minutes early today. I hoped this wouldn't happen.

I love it when my parents hastily get into the vehicle and zoom! we're home for brunch.

When this happens, they don't get the luxury of time to greet old and young folks from church.

"Daddy?", I whispered into my Dad's ear hoping he'd give me the car keys.

I'd rather sit in that hot seat in the car than sit on a "hot seat" in the presence of folks I'm not so fond of

I couldn't comprehend the look dad shot at me. My brain had refused to process it in a way that would not benefit me. I hoped he had not said what I thought he had.

"Aunty Allyson, come and have your seat ma", my mom called out to me.

Immediately, I felt a cold sweat completely drench me.

Fear my mom whenever she calls you "aunty", "dear", "ma", or any other endearing word. It screams danger!

I should've known that that look on dad's face meant "code red".

Now I was seated on that "hot seat" I had tried to avoid.

In front of me were Mr and Mrs Gbesinro and their "amiable son" Peterson.

If you want to know why I don't like relating with boys still tied to their mother's aprons, it's because of this Peterson boy.

Going down memory lane would just give me unnecessary migraine.

My dad was very fond of him since they shared the same first name. Very annoying!

"My dear, so what class are you now?", Mrs Gbesinro asked me.

"Your son didn't tell you that we're mates or what?", that was the kind of reply only my face could give.

"Same class as Peter ma", I managed to say with a not too genuine smile

I had checked the time, it was almost time to go home. I could only wish for time to be up as soon as possible

"You see, my son here plans to take over our family business at the right age and time", Mr Gbesinro said.

Now the trouble begins.......