

What use was it having a knowledge that was useless to you? That was what Myra thought when she found out the truth about the world she lived in. Werewolves, Lycans and Paranormal creatures existed and she was one of them... Yet not one of them. She was born without a wolf side. So more or less she was human except for the slight difference. Little abilities that showed she was not a part of the human race, still... A werewolf without a pack and without a Wolf side? surely Fate has had her Hoodwinked. And that is not the end... Being Chased by bullies she seeks solitude in an abandoned mansion. Abandoned is what it's called but it surely wasn't unoccupied. Therein lies a stranger. Bounded in chains and kept in darkness, he makes a plea and in compassion she frees him from his chain but in return is bound in chains. Hoodwinked by fate she becomes his mate. What fate awaits her here on? More misfortune? How much worse could everything go? *** "A visitor? How delightful" A clear voice rang in from the darkness. Myra shivered and turned. The house was too dark that she couldn't see who has spoken. "who's there? What do you want?" "I should be one asking. You are trespassing" "I didn't mean to. i_i'm just seeking solitude. I'm sorry I'll leave" "Not so fast darling. You are here already, so you can as well help me" She raises a brow "Help you?" Only silence answered. What was she thinking? Talking with the darkness. Perhaps being chased by a few bullies sounded better than this, she should leave. She takes a step backwards but halts again. So much for being weakhearted. "First step into the light" She requested wanting to see who she was talking to. In a world were beasts exist, it wouldn't be so surprising if it ended up being a troll. Sounds of metal rattling echoed in the empty room then followed was the sound of footsteps. It wasn't a troll. it_it's a man. A very Handsome Man!

unique2bliss · Fantasy
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10 Chs

a paradise too good to be true

She left school and head back home. Since her plans to attend the audition was cancelled she had no where else to be, she had taken an off day at her various jobs cause she thought she would be busy with the audition so now she had nothing else to do.

Getting home, her uncle and grandfather were no where to be found and for that she was more than grateful. She threw on her house clothes and began her chores. Same old stuff of cleaning and doing the laundry. She had been quite busy the whole week do there was a lot of cleaning to do, by the time she was done the sky had begun to turn dark. Her uncle wasn't home yet, it would have been rare if he was. His drinking habits always kept him out really late so it wasn't unexpected.

When she was done, she fixed some food for herself. As she ate, the sound of knocks filled the room. Curious she stood up and went to check the door.

Her eyes opened in surprise "Brother Gus!"

The handsome young man standing at the door smiled cheerfully at her. The wind seemed to blow through his blonde hair making him even more handsome than he already was, the sun stood gallantly behind him, illuminating his figure till a Halo hung above his head.

"My How are you?" He greeted her pleasantly.

"I'm fine, please come in" She said and stepped aside making way for him to step in. The Young man nodded and walked into the house. His eyes scan the place silently before he turned and looked back at her.

"What brings you here Bro Gus? Are you here to see Uncle? He's not in at the moment" This young man was her cousin. Her uncle's one and only child. They had grown up together but then Gus was matured enough to live on his own so he got a place for himself in the neighbouring village. The only times he came back home was to visit his dad or if he was summoned back by the pack as he was the current Gamma.

"No My, I'll be staying here for the mean time" He replied and only then did Myra notice the duffel bag he had strapped on his back. Her brows furrowed slightly. Something must have happened.

"Did something happen?"

Gus nodded solemnly, he dumped the bag on the floor and threw himself on the couch. His travel worn feet carelessly found their way to the small wooden table at the center of the parlour only to be slapped off by Myra's hands. She just cleaned this and here he was dumping dirt on him. Surely old habits nevvr die easily. She glared at him and immediately wiped the dust off the table.

The Young man chuckled softly "A few strangers were found in the woods just around the border."

"Rogues?" Myra asked alarmed.

"We don't know yet. They managed to escape despite being besieged" He replied "The Beta says they didn't seem like rogue. surely Lycans but still they had an aura totally different from any of us. It turns out they are also wanted by the Supreme Alpha. So the pack is constructing a new Patrol schedule."

She sighed and went back to eating her food. How long has it been since there was any form of chaos in the land? half a decade or so. The last time they were all on their toes was the time the Sovereign Alpha had made his existence known, also forcing several clans to go through the evolution. Strong Werewolves of the pack were all evolved into Lycans by method only the Sovereign Alpha himself knew. The weaker one left to remain as Werewolves. Those were dark times but it turned out beneficial for them. In the end no body had any scruples following this Supreme Alpha as they all saw how he had helped their packs become stronger.

Inter Clan fights subsided and all they were left to face were rogues and the occasional issues of provocative supernatural nemesis but even still such cases were few. Was the peaceful era about to come to an end?

"Are you hungry? I could fix up something to eat for you" She offered.

"Sure please. I would go freshen up too"

"Your room is just the way you left it. Take your time, I'll call you down when I'm done" He waved at her and walked away following her words. Myra watched him walk upstairs then went on to cooking a whole new set of food.

In approximately an hour she was done cooking and her cousin was also down from his room. She set his food on the counter and went ahead to clean the dishes.

"wow. You really are a grown up woman now" The young man teased as he ate a spoonful of his food. "such a pity I didn't get to see you grow"

Myra rolled her eyes. "you would have watched me grow up if only you were home more often" After his mother's death, this cousin of hers totally disappeared from the surface of the Earth. He only came back three years after and acted like nothing had happened. No one dared bring up the subject with him again. In a way he was better than his father who was wallowing his days in Booze, Root beer and gin.

"It's my fault." He replied with a cheeky grin. "Hope I didn't miss your marriage too?"

"Marriage? Did you overestimate my luck? I bet my luck doesn't even have a love story attached to it" She joked back. Fate had played a huge one on her already, she wasn't ready to see it hoodwink her once again in the name of love.

"I don't think so. I bet you'll find your mate soon" He commented nonchalantly but his words had struck Myra's heart like a heavy mallet. Her back stiffened.

She let out a dry chuckle and commented "mate? are you being delusional?"

Gus rose his head and looked at her. "You've stayed with us for eight years, you're more or less Werewolf to me. Besides even humans have their own soulmates don't they?"

"I bet they don't" Myra could finally relax. "You Know how fickle minded Humans are. Something like commitment doesn't apply to them... I mean us. How then can we get destined mates?. It a bit too far-fetched"

He nodded also seeming to agree to her words then he added "You don't know, you might just be like those other human mated to my Kind"

"Yeah that would happen when you find your own mate" She scoffed and retorted sarcastically. Gus was much older than her yet he hasn't found his mate. If she was his age, she would probably had been married off to some random Werewolf already but because he was a guy their grandfather couldn't force him into any relationship. How Biased.

Silence fell on the room. She waited for a sarcastic retort of his own but he didn't utter a word. She turned curious only to see him leaning on the backrest of the chair with a suggestive smile on his face.

"Don't tell me_" Myra exclaimed as realisation hit her. His smile only said one thing. He found her!

"What do you think?" the young man replied back cheekily. His words only a confirmation for Myra's assumption.

Myra's eyes sparkled in pure delight. This was good news, one she was dying to hear about. "Quick tell me the details!" The two spent the right of the night talking about their apparent new family members. The thought of finally finding that one person who was just meant for you was lovely. Probably a paradise too good to be true for some.