
Honored One In Naruto(being rewritten)

AU, Cover page not mine got on google MC died and reincarnated in Naruto with some perks I do not own Naruto, Naruto shippuden or JJK or any anime/manga I used here Naruto Genderbender, Naruto=Naruko

Weavile_3900 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

IQ over 530,000

"Oh, interesting, you use that metal gauntlet on your arm, to create sound waves for attacks," said Cid as he was dodging Team Dosu's attacks

"But oh well, you guys are so insignificant that my Six eyes don't even register you," said Cid

"Stop it, you diamonds in the rough, pipe down and listen up," said a man, behind him was a gang of Chunins

"It's time to begin, I am Ibiki Morino, your proctor in this exam, and your worst enemy," said Ibiki

" You from the sound village, do you like getting your asses kicked or what, stop fighting or I will fail you," said Ibiki, as Team Dosu retreated

"And you Cid Gojo, stop fighting this instant," said Ibiki

"Who do you think you are ordering here, old man," said Cid while looking at Ibiki, but Ibiki did not flinch, and Cid smiled as he backed down

"I never thought I would see the Oh so great Cid back down," said Kiba

"Hmm now that the troublemakers are gone, Listen up there will be no combat between Candidates, no attacking each other without the permission of your proctor, Even then the use of fatal force is simply prohibited, anyone who even thinks of messing with me will be disqualified immediately got it?" said Ibiki saying the last part while looking at Cid, as Cid's smile grew even bigger

"You are creeping me out man, don't tell me you swing that way," asked Sasuke

"Now let us begin with the first stage of the Chunin exam, handover your paperwork, in return you will each be given a number," said Ibiki as he took out a card with one written on it

"This number determines where you will sit, we will start the written test once we are all seated," said Ibiki

"WAIT DID HE SAY WRITTEN TEST," screamed Naruko as she saw a big pile of papers in the hand of one of the chunin

"Naruko don't worry I will show you my paper," said Cid

"Man Cid you're such a lifesaver," said Naruko as she hugged Cid

"Naruko you should study sometimes, even in the academy you just mooched of Cid," said Sasuke

"Yeah, imagine an illiterate Hokage," chucked Cid, as the entire Rookie nine started laughing

----------some time later--------

"Hey Cid how the hell are seated next to me," asked Naruko in a low voice

"Well, I first analyzed how the numbers were given, then looked at the seats, and how and which order we were gonna be seated, after that I chose the right time were the number picked by me will be next to you," answered Cid

"Damn, that's smart," said Naruko

"But won't they figure it out," questioned Naruko

"What can they do about, I played in the rules," said Cid

"Everyone eye's front, there are a few rules you need to be aware of and I won't answer any questions so listen closely," said Ibiki

"Alright rule number one , the written part of the exam is conducted on a point reduction system, contrary to what you must be used to, here you will start with ten points a full score, but as you give wrong answers your marks will be deducted, for example if you have three wrong answers your final score will be seven," said Ibiki

'and If I miss ten my final score will be zero, I understand,' thought Naruko as she nodded to herself

"Rule number two, teams will pass or fail depending on the total scores of all three members," said Ibiki

'Cid you genius, you anticipated this didn't you,' thought Sasuke as he looked at Cid and Naruko conversing not paying attention to Ibiki

"Rule number three, those who are deemed by the sentinels as having committed an act of cheating or something similar to that will have two points deducted for each act," said Ibiki as everyone gasped, well except Cid and Naruko those two are in there own world

"In other words, there may those who will be dismissed during the test without waiting for test grading," said Ibiki

'This means they're deducting points from things other than the written test problems,' thought Sasuke

"Know that those who commit cheating will bring ruin upon yourselves," said Ibiki

"If you aspire to become a Chunin at all, know that Shinobi should act like exemplary Shinobi." said Ibiki

'Damn it this guy, wait if me and Cid score full marks, even if Naruko get's a zero we will pass,' thought Sasuke 

"Oh and if any of your squadmates get a zero, everyone on that team will fail," said Ibiki while looking at the happy Sasuke and Cid

"Fuck you dude," said Sasuke and Cid in unison, Ibiki only smirked at there reaction

"By the way, the final question won't be given out until the fifteen minutes before the end of the testing period," said Ibiki

"The time given for the test is one hour, BEGIN," said Ibiki

'all this is too easy, I have memorized all of the 144 formulas, given in the Jonin guidebook,' thought Cid

'This parabola problem might be tough for kids but jokes on you I am a maths major,' thought Cid as he blitzed through the test

'Now to help Naruko, well should I even help her, whatever I should help her if there are any changes in canon because of me,' thought Cid 

[Six Eyes:100% Awakened State]

Cid saw, felt and heard everything present in the room, at that moment Cid saw all the people who were catching cheaters, analyzed there blind spots and when they look at Cid's row, he then meticulously performed billions of calculations in his brain with his IQ of over 530,000, he saw only one conclusion Victory

"Why the hell is that kid so focused on cheating, its not like we can fail the Uzumaki princess anyway," said one chunin to Ibiki

"Haha, that kids got the spunk I will give him that," said one other Chunin

'Cid Gojo huh,' thought Ibiki as he remembered a conversation he had with Lord Hokage


"Ibiki can you cure trauma," asked Hiruzen 

"Huh, why do you think that I can cure trauma," said Ibiki in disbelief

"Well, you can make people have trauma, I thought you can reverse that process as well," said Hiruzen as he sighed

"Why ask Lord Third," asked Ibiki

"Well, a kid named Cid Gojo did something," said Hiruzen feeling distressed


'Cid Gojo, who even are you to make Lord Third have that expression,' thought Ibiki