
Chapter 50: The Source Tape

Chapter 50: The Source Tape

[As everyone had expected, Punklord's second global network war was launched in full force. ]

[After a year, the degraded ethereal tape that flowed into the Wilderness and Junkyard had undergone a generation of optimization and upgrade, both in performance and operational range, with significant improvements.]

[But no one had expected that the war would start so soon. In the Green Oasis government meeting, someone mentioned that it would take at least a few years for the rebels in the Wilderness to pose a threat to the Green Oasis, at least until they were fully familiar with the ethereal tape they had obtained.]

[However, the war started much sooner than everyone had expected.]

[From the Green Oasis outwards, the scale of the war gradually spread throughout Punklord, with hackers from all over the world participating in the war. They either defended their own interests or simply sought to cause chaos, launching a global offensive and defensive war.]

[As a high-ranking official of the Green Oasis government and one of the most skilled hackers in Punklord, of course, you also participated in this global network war. Although most of the time, you played the defensive role in this offensive and defensive battle.]

[In the early winter, the war had lasted for over a month. The civil order of Punklord had begun to collapse, but perhaps For today, Bai Heng left Silver Wolf behind, hoping she could live a normal life.

Because of his involvement with the Scrap Heap Gang and the "Punklord Network" government, every move he made was being monitored by many hackers of Punklord.

Therefore, he could not go looking for Silver Wolf, even a greeting online was not allowed.

But he did not expect that the future would turn out to be like this, Silver Wolf had become a skilled hacker, and her future achievements might not be inferior to his.

And he had not found the murderer of his parents, a war that would change the entire Punklord had arrived earlier than expected.

Thinking of these troubles, Bai Heng shook his head and opened one by one the arcade machines in the basement.

There were eight arcade machines, only three of them could be turned on.

However, when Bai Heng opened these machines, he unexpectedly found that the astronomical record he had left had been broken by Silver Wolf.

He smiled with a sense of relief, and then started a game, until the record holder on the three machines became him again.


After leaving the fast food restaurant, Bai Heng began to walk towards the headquarters of the Punklord Network Company.

But on the way, he met two children.

They were two little girls in rags, huddled in a corner of a narrow alley.

When they saw Bai Heng, they quickly ran deeper into the alley.

These were the orphans left by the war, just like the natural disaster that had happened years ago, he and Brownnie had become orphans.

Bai Heng knew that he had frightened them, so he said:

"Don't be afraid, I'm from the government."

"Are you hungry? I have something to eat."

Perhaps it was the word "eat", the little sister who had been hungry for many days stopped.

But the older sister still wanted to drag her away.

But before the little sister could be dragged away, Bai Heng had already come to the side of the two little girls, gently touching their messy long hair.

His action made the older girl immediately White Heng cursed himself for a few seconds, calling himself a "fool" and a "nice guy," but then thought to himself that if he could come up with a solution like this, he might actually be a genius.

And, after all, life is short, so what's the harm in pretending to be a genius today?

He pressed the button on the Source Cartridge, and a quantum display appeared in front of him. White Heng chuckled, "This thing is much better than the fake ones made by Punklord Networks."

He inputted the instructions and began editing.

[Brain Width Expansion],[Enhanced Thinking Agility],[Increased Maximum Stress Resistance],[Increased Calculation Power]...

The Source Cartridge, compared to regular Ether Cartridges' ability to edit reality, could even edit a person's physiological functions.

After completing a series of edits, White Heng felt his mind was*** load.

But it didn't matter, it was just once.

After all the preparations were complete, White Heng smiled and said, "Guys, it's time to start the game."

[Through the Source Cartridge, you hacked into the global Ether Cartridge terminals and issued a challenge to all hackers simultaneously within Punklord's worldwide range.]

[In this moment, everyone was pulled into the Black Domain Network. For hackers, being forced to join the game was a provocation, and at the same time, all attack instructions began targeting you, disorganized information streams kept*** had been edited by the Source Cartridge, defended itself with an incredibly terrifying calculation power.]

[However, the price was that blood was flowing down your chin, and you could clearly feel that your life force was rapidly draining away.]

[1, 2, 3...180 seconds, that is, three minutes later, just as you had planned.]

[A sweet and salty taste rose from your throat, and you bit your tongue and spat out a boiling stream of blood from your mouth.]

[At the same time, Punklord's global network went down