
Honkai Star Rail:The Assistant director

Ritsuka Fujimaru. Last master of Chaldea and Destroyer of Worlds. The boy who saved humanity several times to become the enemy of several civilizations, some were innocent, others were not. He holds these titles while being just a simple human with no talent as a mage. Unfortunately, he has an enormous talent for attracting dangerous beings who are interested in discovering how a mere human can defy his own destiny and death several times and emerge victorious. It is because of this bad luck that the boy has that he was dragged to participate in an adventure that goes beyond the stars of his universe. This is the story of his journey from a simple delivery boy (assistant director) to the Herta space station. This story takes place after the events of Ordeal Call 2. So if you feel that Ritsuka is very serious, it's because he just came back from the real world and said goodbye to the Avengers. Another thing, this is my first story that I'm writing in this app (especially in a foreign language) so expect dramatic errors, since I'm using a translator to write. (The old title was the Errand Boy)

Joel2018_Assis · Video Games
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18 Chs

Ritsuka vs Svarog part 1

Continuing where we left off.....

Ritsuka's Vision


A new day begins and Bronya and I didn't sleep much due to the time we got back to the hotel last night.

Upon leaving the hotel Seele takes the two of us to where the rest of my friends are to discuss our mission for Oleg. When I reunite with the group I notice that Stelle is staring at me intensely,I get confused when I see this, not being able to know why she is doing this.

Março 7:Hey,they're finally back!

March 7 said with a happy smile when she saw me.

Ritsuka: I'm sorry for disappearing in the middle of the night.

March 7: That's nothing the unannounced disappearance record holder is right here!

March 7 said with a certain tone of pride.

Dan Hang:And that's something to be proud of?

Ritsuka: You took the words out of my mouth Dan Hang.

Oleg: Hahaha. It's good that everyone is back together. Let's get straight to the point. About this "Stellaron" and your dilemma in the Overworld, your friends have already explained it to me in more detail. The last time I saw Cocolia, she was a stunning young lady…. I never thought that after she became the Guardian…All I can say is that I sympathize with her situations. Don't worry, you have the support of the wildfire in this. Your plan sounds a bit like the ravings of a drunken miner,but at least you're offering a road forward. We Underworlders haven't had a road to anywhere for a long time now,and you can see how things have become. I'm willing to give you guys a shot.

March 7: Don't worry Mr. Oleg, we'll make sure you won't regret it.

With this we got the support of wildfire, after all their objective is to remove the restrictions of the underworld while we want information about stellaron, we will be able to fulfill both objectives when dealing with Svarog since he is the key to all of this.

Oleg said that the wildfire tried several times to interact with Svarog, but was unsuccessful and the old man does not want to sacrifice human lives when facing Svarog's robots who are not afraid of death.

Oleg:Things are different now. Your arrival has become an "external variation" for Svarog. I can't fully understand the situation, but perhaps you guys have the opportunity to convince Svarog to help us.

Ritsuka: That would be best for both groups involved.

I say this with my arms crossed and a serious expression.

💭Even more so if we're going to face Svarog....I don't think Clara will like seeing her father get hurt.

Oleg hears what I said and lets out a light laugh.

Oleg:Hahaha! Our scheme is coming along nicely! But I fear that Svarog just isn't the swaying type. You'll understand when you get to his territory. Things never run smoothly down here.

Said Oleg and he looks at Bronya.

Oleg:What about you, Miss Silvermane? You're the only one here that isn't compelled to do or die with Svarog. I'd like to hear your plan.

Bronya:The underworld is still part of Belobog. If Svarog's existence is a threat to the people here, of course I will fight alongside you.

Bronya said, determined to fight with us on this one and Oleg is pleased to hear her answer.

Oleg:Hahaha,excellent! An enlightened answer, young lady. Spoken like a true successor to the guardianship. Seeing that we are all on the same side, there is no reason to delay. Come on, I've arranged a guide to take you to Svarog.

Oleg said, starting our new mission. Oleg said he won't be able to accompany us, but he and the rest of the wildfire men will be nearby in case things get out of hand. Oleg instructed Seele to take us the rest of the way where we will meet our guide.


Arriving at our guide's location we met a certain familiar child.

Ritsuka:Wait a minute. Is our guide for the Svarog base a child?

I say this being perplexed to see Hook being in the location where our guide was supposed to be.

March 7:That I really wasn't expecting....

Said March 7 being surprised along with Stelle.

Dan Hang: So. The Moles are part of Wildfire...

💭How can they allow children to go to the location of an old war robot?

Hook:Th-That's right! It's me, Pitch-Dark Hook the Great! What do you want?

Hook said, making a small pose to show off, but we heard a very familiar voice.

Sampo:Uh, kiddo, I think there's been a misunderstanding...

We hear Sampo's voice approaching and he stands next to Hook.

Sampo: I will be your guide, my friends. By boss Oleg's orders.... I have to admit I'm a little offended that you guys thought of choosing a brat for your old mate Sampo...

Sampo said acting like he was upset with us.

Seele: Okay, don't start, Sampo. But I want to ask you something. Everyone in Wildfire knows the location of Svarog's territory. Why do we need you as a guide?

Seele asks Sampo with her arms crossed.

Sampo:Maybe my specialties in the field perhaps? Wildfire may know where the base is, but were they already inside?

Ritsuka:And you were inside, Sampo?

I say this, raising my eyebrows, doubting his words.

Sampo: No. But I've felt my way around the outside and picked up more than a few clues. I can help you. You have my word.

Sampo said and I'm already preparing for the incident where he's going to run away or get us into trouble.

Stelle: Let's hope you can walk the talk.

Sampo: Hey, what are you trying to say?! Name me someone above or below ground that walks the talk like Sampo Koski. My legacy will prove that Sampo Koski was nothing but a willing and devoted servant of-

March 7:Ugh,enough! Jeez! We believe you, okay? Show us the way already.

Said March 7, not having the patience to listen to nonsense coming from Sampo.

Sampo: Ok. Stay close to me.


Sampo takes us to a robot shelter where you can see several people camping in the snow. We had to endure complaints from March 7 asking if we are close to our destination.

March 7:Is this the territory of Svarog? I thought it would be cold and without any signs of life, apparently it seems to be quite busy.

Seele:Many vagrants are staying here temporarily. Their homes were overrun by monsters.

March 7: Isn't it dangerous for them to camp right under Svarog's metal nose?

Seele:No. Svarog may be merciless, but he never attacks without a reason. For those who don't have a home this is a safe place to be. If I hadn't moved I would probably be where they are now.

Seele said and I observe people being close to their appropriate tents.

💭 Considering the state of the underworld city, I don't think the people here will last long. We have to change the situation on this planet before another catastrophe happens.

Continuing our way we arrive at the entrance to the Svarog base, however there is a large gate blocking us.

March 7:What a heavy gate.....Okay, look at this!

Said March 7 with a big goofy smile on her face and I can already imagine the adorable things she's going to do.

March 7:Opennnn sesame~!

March 7 screams loudly in front of the large gate, but after a few seconds of shameful silence, Bronya breaks the ice.

💭Why am I not surprised? At least it was cute to watch.

Bronya: Is this some kind of secret code?

Bronya asks looking at me sideways.

Ritsuka: It's a very famous password that children like to use....and as we can see, what children like to imagine is very different compared to reality. Nice try March!

I say this with a slight smile trying to cheer up March 7 a little.

March 7: Thanks for the support, Ritsuka. At least I have you as a true friend compared to certain people.

March 7 said, staring at Stelle and Dan Hang.

Anyway. After March's childish attempt Sampo informs us that to get to where Svarog is we have to get "certification" from the robots that are monitoring the area.

To achieve certification we will have to take certain tests that the robots will give us. By carrying out these tests we will be able to open the gate.

💭Wouldn't it be easier to destroy the gate? However, I think that if I destroy the gate, I might attract Svarog's attention and I'm sure the robot won't like that at all.


(A/N: I'm going to skip the certification search part, I don't feel like writing that)


After we obtained the three certifications, we were able to open the gate, paving the way for us to move forward.

However, we soon came across another gate, but this time the structure is much more complicated.

To make matters worse, Sampo decided to run away while we were distracted, which didn't surprise anyone.

Before we can think what to do a robot approaches us.

Seele: It's that same type of robot again! Please don't tell me there's another round of "processing".

Robot: Visitors from Svarog detected. Starting protocol... Scanning.... Checking.

The robot said to us and Stelle decided to do something that took me by surprise.

Stella:Who's a good boy? Here's our certification, we just wanna see your master.

Stelle said, treating the robot as if it were a guard dog and I started to laugh lightly.

March 7:Ooh, good plan! Treat the robots like guard dogs!

Ritsuka:But aren't these robots essentially that? They keep an eye out and return to their master like a dog.hehehe...

I say this having a hard time holding back my laughter.

March 7: You're not helping, Ritsuka.

Robot:Certification failure... Subject has yet to obtain access permissions. Request rejected. Visitors must purchase permits through Miss Clara.

Stella: Oh...

March 7:Do we have to get permissions from her? What does she have to do with this?

March 7 asks being confused with the information.

Ritsuka: Well Clara can be considered as Svarog's daughter, so it makes sense that we need her permission.

I say this making March look thoughtful.

March 7:Daughter...Huh..how strange.

Ritsuka:Are you okay March?

March 7:Yes. It was just something that caught my attention, nothing major.

Dan Hang: Guys focus. We need to find her to be able to pass.

Ritsuka: Right. But we don't know where she is. Hmm.... Let me try something. Where is Clara currently located?

I say this looking at the robot that received my answer.

The robot releases a recorded audio of Clara saying that she is going back to Rivet Town to collect some components so she can repair a damaged energy core.

Seele: So she went back there? But we weren't even there for long. Apparently we're going to have to go back there again.

Março 7:Wait,you guys went sightseeing in another town?

Ritsuka: I wish it was just that... That place is dangerous for Clara.

Bronya: It's hard to believe she went back there alone. I have to admit that she is a brave girl.

Ritsuka: Anyway we have to go after her. Svarog can wait.

I say this with a serious expression and we quickly start heading towards Rivet Town.


Arriving in Rivet Town we started looking for Clara and we found a damaged robot on the way.

Bronya: Isn't that the robot that was following Clara?

Seele:These can openers all look the same. How can you tell them apart?

Seele said and I start to hear some noises coming from inside the robot as if it is trying to react.

Ritsuka: Shh. He's about to say something.

Perkins:Initializing self repair module.... Initialization failure.... Clara in danger... Must protect...

Ritsuka:Ohh that's not good. Where is she?

Perkins: Workshop...target....must be eliminated.

Ritsuka:Damn! A monster must have appeared and now Clara is in danger. Seele, do you know where the Workshop is?

Seele: Yes, I know. Follow me.

We start running following Seele who is taking us to Clara's location.

Arriving at the place we saw Clara being a little injured with a huge monster ready to attack her.

Ritsuka:Don't even think about it!

Without thinking twice I threw my bat hard hitting him and piercing him and that made him start to disappear.

Stelle:One attack...

Stelle said, being impressed seeing that I defeated the monster quickly.

Bronya: What impressive strength, Ritsuka. That monster seemed strong, but you dealt with it very easily.

Bronya said, surprised to see my display of power.

Seele: I have to admit it was a little anti-climactic...

Seele comments showing that she wanted to fight a little too. With the danger resolved, Clara approaches us.

Ritsuka: Are you okay Clara? Did you get hurt a lot?

Clara: I'm fine. Just a few scratches.

Seele:You shouldn't be running around by yourself. It's too dangerous. What are you looking for here?

Clara: There's a fault with one of the energy supply units at the base. If I don't repair It soon,everyone at the settlement will be affected. I knew there was a workshop in this town, so I wanted to try my luck here. I found all the components I needed,but then I ran into a monster.... But you saved me I'll tell Mr. Svarog about it.

Stelle:Speaking of Svarog...

Ritsuka We were about to pay him a visit.

Clara: Huh? What do you need to see him? I can pass a message...

Seele:No. We need to resolve things face to face. Can you take us to meet him?

When Clara hears this she has a worried expression.

Clara:But... Mr. Svarog doesn't like talking to others especially wildfire....

Seele: We already know that. But he has been avoiding communicating with us for a long time and this time we have to see him.

Said Seele, being direct to the subject to Clara, who was apprehensive.

Clara:Um... I know you're working hard for the people down here, but Mr. Svarog doesn't trust human emotions. He only trusts the results of his calculations. So I can't take you to see him... If Mr. Svarog and you guys are going to fight, someone will definitely get hurt.

Clara said, not wanting to change her mind.

Seele:Listen kid you-

Before Seele can say something rude again that will probably only make the situation worse, Bronya decides to take the floor.

Bronya:Clara you said it yourself, right? That Svarog's duty is to protect the Underworld and preserve civilization here. We have the same desire. Why does he refuse to cooperate with us?

Bronya said, asking Clara her question.

Clara:I know Mr. Svarog. He is not affected by other people's feelings. He only follows logical judgments. Terrible things are happening in this world... Mr. Svarog thinks the Overworld will end soon.

Clara said, catching Bronya's attention and leaving me thinking.

💭This probably has to do with stellaron. If Belobog falls through the eternal ice, the Underworld will be the next victim.

Clara: According to the results of his calculations, the strength of the Underworlders will not be enough to prevent the disaster. His plan is to keep the Underworlders away from the source of the disaster so they can survive longer.

💭I imagined this would be the result.

Seele: Isn't that putting us in a cage? This is ridiculous! What difference does it make if our death is going to be extended for more days? How is this better compared to fighting for change?

Seele said, being outraged by what she heard from Clara.

Ritsuka:Clara you really can't help us?

Clara: I'm sorry. I really can't help with that.

Clara responds to me making me let out a sigh seeing that she is being very determined in not wanting to help us.

Clara:Um, if you don't mind... I still have important things to do. I'll go back now.

Clara said, leaving us.


I hold Seele by placing my hand on her shoulder, preventing her from going after her.

Ritsuka: It's no use Seele. She has already made her choice.

Bronya: We have to think of another way...

Said Bronya and I see Seele getting a sad expression.

Ritsuka: Don't worry. We're going to find a way around this.

I say this trying to cheer her up a little.

Seele: Thank you, Ritsuka.

Ritsuka:You welcome.

With our attempt to talk to Clara not working very well, Stelle, Dan Hang and March 7 decided to discuss our next step.

March 7: That's no ordinary kid. So Young and yet so.....stubborn? No, intelligent?

March said, getting confused on what to say.

Dan Hang: she's incisive, and determined... In sharp contrast to you, March.

Stelle:He's right about that.

Stelle and Dan Hang said, irritating March.

March 7:Did you really have to say that?

March said but Dan Heng ignores her.

Dan Hang: It looks like we have to go through Clara if we want to talk to Svarog.

Stella: Isn't there any way?

Ritsuka: I can open the last gate by force, but Svarog will certainly not take this kindly and this will throw away our plan to talk peacefully.

I say this by placing one hand on my chin and the other on my waist.

Ritsuka: I've been analyzing Clara's words about Svarog's calculation abilities. As I said yesterday. I know a friend of mine who is a robot who has the same calculation ability as Svarog, but at a more advanced level. And I can confirm that these calculations do not have a mathematical flaw.

March 7: So how are we going to solve this problem?

Ritsuka:The answer is quite simple. Svarog made the calculations by analyzing the current situations of the Underworld and the Overworld, however he did not put the four of us into the equation.

I say this making Dan Hang confirm with me judging by his expression.

Dan Hang: If we can make Svarog believe in us we will certainly be able to overcome the results of his calculations and we will be one step closer to a peaceful conversation.

March 7:But how are we going to do this? Showing our photos won't work, will it?

Ritsuka: We'll have to think about it after we manage to convince, Clara. She's certainly on her way to the robot camp. Let's catch up with her there.

I say that and we decide to go back to where we came from to talk to Clara once again.


We return to camp and manage to find Clara who is trying to fix the energy core, but without success.

Dan Hang and I noticed the problem with the machine and decided to help fix the machine with the help of Stelle and March. With that we managed to get the machine to turn on.

Clara: Thank you very much for your help guys.

Dan Hang:No need. We hardly lifted a finger. So the settlement's energy supply problem is solved for the time being?

Clara:Yes. The people on the outskirts don't need to worry about heat or light now.

Stelle: We're not trying to win you over.

Clara:I understand. You helped people who were hurt in the mines and you took a risk by going to Rivet Town to get supplies. You are good people.

Clara said with a cute smile.

Clara: If there's anything I can help you with, I'll do my best! But that....

Clara said, remembering our past conversation.

Ritsuka: Clara. Take a look at the four of us. Do you think we look like the Underworlders?

I say this to Clara who starts to analyze us.

Clara:Well....uhh... You seem to be different from other people.

Ritsuka:Exactly! It's because we're not from here. We were never factors in Svarog's calculations. And we both know that these calculations are from people from the Underworld and the Overworld, but these results do not apply to us.

I say this by starting to tell Clara about us.

Dan Hang: When did Svarog start making these calculations, Clara?

Said Dan Hang asking her a good question.

Clara: It was... A long time ago. It was around the same time that the Underworld was sealed, I think....

Ritsuka:That was a long time ago. Circumstances have changed to the point where we have someone important in Belobog like Bronya, I'm sure Svarog didn't calculate that? What is more-

Stelle: We are not from this planet.

Stelle said, completing what I was going to say.

Clara: Different planet?

Clara said, getting confused.

Clara: Don't treat me like a child! Those are just made-up stories that grown-ups likes to tell. I don't...

Stelle: They're not mede up.

Stelle said, but Clara wasn't convinced yet until Bronya decided to say something.

Bronya:Hey,Stelle and Ritsuka aren't lying,Clara. I believe them.

Bronya said with a gentle smile.

Clara:Bronya do you really....

Bronya: I know how you feel Clara. You want a new hope for the underworld, but you don't want anyone to get hurt in the process, do you? I also have my doubts... But my instinct tells me that Ritsuka, Stella, March and Dan Hang... They are the new hope this world has been waiting for. Let them meet with Svarog, and let's see if the results of his calculations are different. For you, for him...it won't hurt anyone to try, right?

Bronya said, leaving Clara thinking.

Clara: I... Okay. I'll take you to see Mr. Svarog.

Clara said and I let out a sigh of relief and the rest of my friends are happy with the news.

💭 Finally.

March 7: Really? Awesome!

Clara: I understood everything. If I tried to change Mr. Svarog's mind it would take a long time. Even if I keep trying until I grow up I don't think I could do it. And in the middle of it all people are starting to get sick, losing their homes and fighting each other... I don't want that to happen again. If you really believe you can convince Mr. Svarog...then I have to be brave too. Everyone,follow me.

Clara said, making us follow her back to the gate. And along the way I can't help but have a bad feeling.

💭I hope that when we don't have to fight her father just to make him change his mind... Knowing how unlucky I am that wouldn't surprise me.

I think about it, letting out a sigh, preparing myself for the worst outcome of our conversation.

To be continued....


A/N: Guys, I'm thinking about something.... How can I say this without giving away too many spoilers?

I'm thinking about adding certain things to Ritsuka's arsenal as the story goes on, but I don't know if that's a good idea as I'm afraid it might make the story a bit boring and that's the last thing I want to happen.

One last thing, I hope that whoever is playing FGO managed to catch Kriemhild. I got it by doing only one 10 roll.

I tried to catch Charlemagne, but I was unsuccessful. So now I'm saving my Quartz to get Archtetype:Earth (Arcueid)