
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

KayokoDaaa · Video Games
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305 Chs

Chapter 8: "Storyline changes"

It's eight o'clock in the evening.

"Why isn't that stupid Tuna online yet?"

Lying on the floor, K-423 frowned, and she glanced at the mounted clock with bored eyes.

"This is weird, did something happen in the real world?" K-423 senses something is wrong.

There's no point in continuing to think. K-423 got up lazily, and she rushed straight out of her stigmata room.

"[You stupid tuna, why don't you hurry--- DAMN IT!!! Why is it so cold here!!!]"

K-423 opened her eyes wide.

Through memories that are immediately synchronized. K-423 notices that this stupid Tuna rushed out of the house carrying Judgment of Shamash, after seeing an alert on the Honkai monster detection detector device that was on the table.

K-423 could only scream angrily:

"[You stupid tuna! What are you thinking! Come back home soon, the Honkai monster right now is no match for you!]"

The girl, who was fighting the cold snowy night, shook her head: "No way! My dad taught me fighting techniques gun kata Kaslana, so I am also a warrior! I will not let them hurt my dad again!"

"[Why are you so stubborn!? This is too fast! You're only 9 years old!]"

"I am very strong! Father said Kaslana's duty is to protect the weak. This time I will protect him! I will show you that I am the true Kaslana!"


K-423 shouted in frustration.

Since when did things get so messy? The future plot where Kiana rebels is brought forward in a very short time.

She knew that this day would come to her sooner or later. But seeing the plot advance for no apparent reason somehow made her feel extremely panicked.

"[Above you!]"

The girl raised her head.

Above her head, were a group of seraph-class Honkai monsters. The only weakest type of Honkai monster that can fly. They can usually be subdued by a B-rank valkyrie.

"Leave it to me, I'll show you how strong I am!" The girl raised the twin gun-shaped Judgment of Shamash to the sky.




The sound of gun shots continued. But, not a single Honkai monster fell.

They didn't even hit the target.


"[Of course it won't hit, you stupid Tuna! Gun Kata Technique is a technique that prioritizes melee and mid range attacks! Your ranged attacks are simply impossible! dodge!!!]"

With a warning from her other self, the girl managed to escape the Honkai monster's sudden dive attack.

Roll in the deep snow. K-423 sensed that the girl's temperature was starting to drop very quickly.

They both felt a chill to the point that it was running down their spines so viciously.

"[Never mind the plot content, if I die here, what's the point of worrying about the future!? Tuna, let me control the fire, and you can only focus on running and dodging!]"

"Okay I believe you!"

By mutual agreement, and tacit understanding after fighting within the stigmata room for so many times. K-423 felt her small body wobble briefly, before she stabilized her footing.

"[These bandages are so annoying!]"

Removing the bandage on her right eye. A pair of sky blue eyes, and alluring purple, reflected very clearly in the eyes of the Honkai monster.

"[Now better, then die you monster!]"

Her body controlled by Tuna moved agilely towards the monster, and K-423, which had full concentration, shot the group of monsters quickly.

After doing all these things, K-423 began to focus again on targeting other Honkai beast.

If one looked from the other side, one would see the little girl dancing amidst the snow dodging all the attacks of the Honkai beasts with absolutely perfect moves.

Every shot from the trigger always harvests the life of the Honkai beast without the slightest miss.

This is an art.

"Another me you are so amazing! As long as we are together, we will be invincible!"

"[Silence! I don't want to hear anything from you, you troublemaker!]" K-423 gets angry.

With the last shot ending the life of the Honkai beast. The white-haired girl gasps around the pile of Honkai beast corpses she created, and K-423 can finally heave a sigh of relief.

Hot steam created by body temperature, and ambient temperature, could be seen very clearly escaping from his dry mouth.

"[If you really want to do something dangerous, at least tell me beforehad. Don't make me worry.]" K-423's voice became gentle.

"Hmm! Well the other me, I'll definitely say it next time!" The girl smiled happily.

This fight isn't just about eradicating the Honkai beasts that threaten the surrounding environment. It is also very important for this little girl to find herself.

Protecting the weak from Honkai. Now, the girl felt she was the real Kaslana.

Exactly as her father had said.

"[Now back home, I feel very tired. I hope there are more snacks in the fridge tonight.]"

"Okay! The other me, thank you!"

"[Why thank me, this is also your own effort. Otherwise, maybe we won't survive the night.]"

"Hehehe.... As long as you're here, the two of us are unbeatable partners!"


Did she just hear something wrong? You must say this sentence to Mei! Not me!


Walking in the snow, looking for something, and finds a honkai detector that keeps beeping in a pile of snow. The girl cleaned it up, and she tilted her head in confusion.

"Why is this thing still ringing, is it broken?"

"[No, it's not broken... Tuna be careful! There are still Honkai beasts here!!!]"


When the girl realized that the danger still had not abated. A large shadow appeared to cover her body, and the girl looked back dumbfounded.

A 3 meter tall Honkai beast, Templar class, appeared behind her silently without her noticing at all.



Both the girl, and K-423 opened their eyes wide, dumbfounded.

Their heartbeats almost stopped simultaneously.

When she saw that the sharp spear in the hands of the Honkai monster was about to stab her into skewers. The girl closed her eyes, and K-423 forcibly controlled her body to dodge.

"[You stupid tuna! Don't suddenly close your eyes when fighting! You almost killed us!]"

"S-Sorry! I panic!"

Managed to avoid being attacked by the Honkai beast while rolling in the snowdrift. When she raised her head again, the 3 meter tall Honkai beast had appeared before her again.

"Very fast!"

"[Very fast!]"

Their minds instantly froze once again. This time, despair enveloped the minds of both of them.

"What are you trying to do to my baby doll?"


The girl screamed at the sight of a familiar figure standing in front of her.

Holding the Honkai beast halberd that was about to stab his daughter tightly. Siegfried added strength, and the spear instantly shattered into pieces.

"Take this!"

With a single blow, the 3 meter tall, Honkai beast died instantly, and collapsed on the spot with a light thump.

"Wow, very strong...."

The girl exclaimed in awe.

When she was still astonished by the strength her father had displayed. Siegfried turned around, and he looked at the girl silently.

K-423 somehow felt this was very familiar.

"[Oh, it's about time huh.]"

K-423 sighed, and she slowly backed away. She would leave important moments like this to the Tuna.

She knew, that from now on, everything would change.

Either for this girl, or herself.