
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

KayokoDaaa · Video Games
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273 Chs

Chapter 63: "Make chaos in the Schicksal headquarters"

After dealing with family problems, then the next is dealing with more serious problems.

That is how to revive Cecilia and Sirin into new bodies.

Thinking about this problem 2 years ago. Thea chose a rather risky option. Namely talking to Otto.

There were several reasons why Thea wanted to talk to Otto.

First, this person is a person who has gray morals. The boundaries of good and evil in this person are very blurred.

He is a good person in the eyes of all valkyries because of his actions to eradicate honkai, and help disaster victims around the world. But, he is also a very vicious bad person, when it comes to his own interests.

Just like the second honkai war happened, and Otto sent a honkai fusion bomb missile to where Cecilia was at that time without any hesitation at all.

To talk to someone like this. Of course Thea had thought about the benefits and risks she would get.

Thea, wants to make peace with Otto.

She had thought about this for years.

There are many ways in this world to create an empty body that can accommodate a soul. Thea herself, with the help of the knowledge reserves in Amber's memory, she can recreate Cecilia's body in great detail without anyone's help. Moreover, underground St. Freya itself, currently there are many clones of Cecilia that Otto secretly keeps.

There are too many ways to get a living body here.

But in this world, if you don't bother other people, then other people will bother you for all sorts of reasons.

The thing she wanted from Otto the most was one thing.

It's a, Peace.

A peace for her family.

Make Otto would stop bothering their family. make Otto for to stop plotting to disturb their family harmony, and make Otto to become an honest person who is willing to protect them selflessly.

Because of that, negotiating with Otto was necessary.


"By the way, the real Kiana is still alive today. She has been brainwashed by Otto now, and has become his loyal valkyrie."

Those were the words Thea had spoken this morning before they went to visit the floating island of Schicksal in the Mediterranean sea.

As a result, before they actually docked at the airport. their visit to Schicksal's headquarters became a bit frenetic.

Siegfried, and Cecilia, started going crazy there.

"Otto bastard! Get out of your hiding place! Where my Kiana!!!"

"Kiana, where are you!? Mama is here!!!"

Seeing the condition of Schicksal's headquarters which was destroyed, and messy everywhere. When the smoke from the explosion rose from a distance, Thea who controlled Kiana's body for the whole day, clicked her tongue in awe.

"It seems I overdid it a bit."

Welt Yang: "...."

Einstein: "...."

Tesla: "...."

The three of them were speechless.

Tesla: "Wait a minute, looks like I took the wrong medicine this morning. Didn't we come here for sneak purposes? Who are the two monsters downstairs!? The two of them have soloed all of Schicksal's valkyrie soldiers! This must be a dream!"

Einstein: "The possibility of dreaming together is almost impossible Dr. Tesla. I would also like to think that all of this is just a dream. After all, I have seen people who should have died revive again."

Welt: "What exactly is going on here... What am I doing here?"

The three founders of Anti-Entropy begin to doubt their sense of the world.

This is too absurd.

Forget it why Siegfried could solo against Schicksal's valkyrie soldiers so easily. Why is the Cecilia clone they made suddenly getting up and moving!

Cecilia's wandering spirit enters the clone? bro! How can that be?!

Besides, the clone bodies we created have never been this strong! There is something wrong!

Why are you Siegfried acting so casual? You're weird too!

Everything is wrong!

What actually happened here!


On the other place...

Otto, who saw the surveillance camera recordings, also began to doubt his life for nearly 500 years.

He wasn't surprised by the sudden attack on his Schicksal base, and he wasn't even surprised when he saw Siegfried being able to solo all of his valkyries.


Seeing Cecilia fighting side by side next to Siegfried, and taking down her valkyries one by one, without getting them hurt. Otto, who has lived for nearly 500 years, said he was very surprised.

"Amber, is that woman next to Siegfried an artificial human created by Anti-Entropy? They actually used such lowly methods just to control Siegfried."

Amber stepped forward: "Lord Otto, as per your request, I have traced back the identity source who has an almost exact face as [Cecilia.]"

"Oh, the result?"

"Our spies from Anti-Entropy said that three days ago, two researchers, namely Dr. Einstein and Dr. Tesla, were conducting sub-cloning trials."

"The surveillance camera over there managed to record the process of creating the [Cecilia clone's body.] Would lord Otto want to see the documentation of their research results?"

"...Show me."

Took the terminal handed over by Amber. Otto personally saw the research camera footage 3 days ago.

Inside the screen, there is a large tube filled with life-sustaining fluid, and there is an artificial genetic embryo that is standing still and not moving.

Otto is very familiar with the process of creating a human clone from embryo to baby stage. However, when it came to human clones, he was the expert.

Speed ​​up videos with Fast Forward. During the three days of recording, Otto only saw a baby growing rapidly to become an adult woman in a tube full of nutritional fluids.

Nothing unusual.

"This... How is this possible!?"

Stopped fast-forwarding the video, and saw that Cecilia's clone in the tube had already opened her eyes like a sleeping beauty waking up from a long slumber, and after that Siegfried had come to take her away. Otto kept playing back the video, and he frowned even more.

"Are they provoking me?"

What Otto thought when he first saw this video wasn't about revive Cecilia. But, it is only an insult and an profocation to him.

Otto himself can revive Kallen with all of her complete memories.

There is nothing different from the original Kallen. But, that was still not the Kallen he wanted.

During his research to find a way to revive Kallen again, he found that there are two methods to revive someone who has died.

First, is consciousness.

Second, is the soul.

Products produced through consciousness can be created artificially by overwriting a memory, and forming a memory.


Otto doubted this method.

Was the person who returned to life using this method really the real her? Are you sure that she isn't someone who has all the memories of the dead, and thinks of herself as her?

Doesn't that mean taking the fake as the real?

Over the years of his research, Otto had given up on revive Kallen using this method.

But on the other hand, his passion with "Soul" has increased tremendously.

He believed, if he could explore deeper into the secrets of the soul, he would be able to revive his Kallen one day.

Kallen is really all he knows.

Kallen Kaslana, who is totally original.


Looking at the white-haired woman fighting next to Siegfried, thinking of herself as [Cecilia], and continuously trying to find her daughter. Otto could only have a look of disgust on his face.

And also... Accompanied by immense anger.

Viewed from any side, this is a blatant pure provocation, and also at the same time trampling on its goal all along.

The hope is that for 500 more years...

Could it be stepped on and soiled so easily in front his eyes?

"Well done Anti-Entropy. You guys managed to piss me off. Amber, get ready to declare war on Anti-Entropy."

"I hope you all can bear my anger."

Otto's eyes became extremely dangerous.

Today, he decided to wipe the Anti-Entropy organization completely from the entire map of the continent.

He would show them the consequences of making him so angry.

"A wise man once said that people only want to hear what they want to hear. Although I don't know the content of your mind, declaring war with just a little provocation like this, you must have the wrong thinking."

".... Who?"

Copying the weapon Divine Key, Judgment of Shamash, using the Void Archive. Otto aimed the gun in his hand at the direction the voice had come from, and he heard the child's voice once again.

"Your aim is too high, I'm under."

Otto: "...."

Sighed when she saw Otto correct his aim. Thea, who didn't want to play the riddler anymore, immediately spoke about what she wanted.

"Otto, let's have cooperation."