
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

KayokoDaaa · Video Games
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282 Chs

Chapter 30: "The oppressed HoV"

Back to 20 minutes ago...

Activated the ICHOR within him, and could feel his body slowly changing. Siegfried unites the Judgment of Shamash, and turns it into Cleaver of Shamash.

An extremely high temperature suddenly appeared on the sword he was currently holding. His hands also began to change under the superheated temperature, and slowly turned into arms that looked like those of a Honkai beasts.

It wasn't just his left arm that had changed. But his whole body is also slowly changing into a humanoid Honkai beasts.

His body temperature suddenly dropped drastically.

Frost appeared around him, and the flames that surrounded him gradually died down.

When Siegfried appeared before the Herrscher of Void again. She saw a demon-like humanoid figure, spiky horns, with streaks of blue-purple veins around the skin of its body.

"Who are you??"

Herrscher of Void was dumbfounded.

Holding the Cleaver of Shamash in his hands that had a high temperature like nothing happened. Siegfried's eyes were like a monster's, looking at the Herrscher of Void in the sky seriously.

"This is the result of my 2 years of hard work. I am now not a beginner who can only change my left arm. To fight you, I will use all my might!"

With the help of K-423 who controls the special stigma on Siegfried's body so he doesn't turn into a Honkai beasts, and plus working hard himself day and night for 2 years. Now, Siegfried can fully activate ICHOR without affecting his sanity at all.

Fu Hua, and Kevin would probably be amazed that someone could control ICHOR so easily without losing his sanity in this era.

"Hum, does that make a difference? A bug is still an insect. At best you just grow a thicker carapace."

Snapped her fingers and opened hundreds of portals simultaneously. Honkai monsters kept pouring out of the portal, and the Herrscher of Void formed dozens of archon spears that aimed straight at Siegfried.

"Zero power, MIGHT OF UTU! OPEN!!!"

With no wind and no rain, Siegfried didn't talk about martial arts at all, and he immediately cast his ultimate move without hesitation!

"Don't you love your Daughter!?!"

Felt the scorching flames approaching her in an instant. Herrscher of Void's pupils constricted like pinholes, and she instantly teleported long distances.


The only four words that came to mind the Herrscher of Void when she saw Siegfried swing his sword.

The sky is burning.

All of the archon's spears and Honkai beasts that came out of the portal crumbled into ashes from Siegfried's full charge. The sky had turned a bright red, and the scars were still visible in the sky, like tearing through the clouds.

Herrscher of Void attempted to form a void barrier to block the heat waves that hit her. But when a wave of wind from the explosion appeared, she was immediately sent crashing to the ground with great force.


Herrscher of Void fell from the sky, along with the entire forest covered in blazing flames.


Siegfried looked around in a daze.

Looking around him that had turned into a sea of ​​fire. Siegfried who was holding the Cleaver of Shamash, was dumbfounded on the spot.

"What the hell... I'm so strong?"

Siegfried, stupidly patted his head.

During these two years, Siegfried has always been training alone to control the ICHOR within his body. He had no idea how much strength he had at that time.

Now, seeing the fiery hell he created with a single swing of the sword, Siegfried, who was ill-prepared, dumbfounded on the spot.




Siegfried shouted frantically!

"Kiana, I'm so sorry! Daddy didn't know dad too strong, Kiana don't die!!!"


Siegfried is nearly mad!

Looking around frantically. Siegfried ran quickly trying to find traces of his daughter, and hoped that his daughter's condition was fine right now.

The area he passed through turned into an extremely cold field of ice. Siegfried, who is panicking for his daughter's safety, does not realize that he has turned this forest into fire and ice with his own existence.


Herrscher of Void who had fallen from a great height, came out of the dry pyre, and she held her dizzy head.

Bright red blood started to drip from her forehead, partially blocking her vision.

"Cough! Cough!"

Coughing violently from inhaling too much combustion fumes. Herrscher of Void felt her whole body tremble.

She, shivering with fear.

She thought that when she came out this time, she should be able to kill Siegfried who was covered in wounds after going through the second honkai war. But what she never expected when she woke up, instead of weakening, this human actually grew stronger!

Humans are too scary!

Siegfried: "Kiana!!!"


Seeing the appearance of Siegfried. Herrscher of Void screamed in fear for the first time.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and there was a thin snot on her face. She was like a little girl who had just been bullied.

"Mom, Human is too scary! I don't want to go out anymore!!"

The Herrscher of Void's mental defense was shattered.

Sinking into the space of consciousness, and trying to escape into herrscher's core. Herrscher of Void's consciousness was suddenly pulled in another direction by a force, and she suddenly appeared in a strange place.

"It pain! it pain! it pain!"

Herrscher of Void held her dizzy head in panic. Her tears couldn't stop falling.

Trying to raise her head to find out what's really going on here. The Herrscher of Void suddenly saw a pair of purple colored eyes, which stared at her with hateful eyes.

Unlimited rage.

Those were the words that appeared when the Herrscher of Void looked into those purple colored eyes.


Her head was getting dizzy. She felt like something of her own was slowly being torn from her.

The stigma room started to distort like a painting hit by water. Everything is twisted, and becomes unclear.

Gasping with exhaustion, and filled with pain from her head. Herrscher of Void somehow knew that there were still two figures that would not disappear from this space.

One is herself.

The other one is the owner of a pair of purple eyes that still stares at her with a look full of anger, like it will never go out.

It was the first time the Herrscher of the Void had seen such angry eyes.

Anger that surpassed even hatred.

She knew who the owner of this pair of purple eyes standing in front of her was. But she still didn't understand why she was so angry.

Was it because she was trying to trap the little girl into her illusion?

Was that why she was angry?

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please, stop this pain! I beg you!!"

Herrscher of Void whimpered, and she cried for the first time.

Her head was currently in extreme pain. Like the hair of her skin being pulled slowly by a psychopath.

It hurts.

Herrscher of Void was rolling on the floor with an expression filled with agony.


Heard a sigh. The pain in her head started to subside, and the Herrscher of Void heard an extremely cold voice.

"Tell that to Kiana later."

Haven't had time to digest what she heard. Herrscher of Void, just suddenly fainted.