
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

KayokoDaaa · Video Games
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282 Chs

Chapter 274: "Fight against the Herrscher of Finality"

Humanity has lost against Honkai, but that doesn't mean they have lost completely.

At least they still have the last light of hope.

Kevin used the final form [Signet of Deliverance], Bianka also didn't hesitate and she activated the [Dea anchora] battlesuit, as well as Thea with her [Finality] mode.

Their destination was the coordinates of the Cocoon of Finality on the moon, and by using the power of the Herrscher of Void, through a familiar feeling, the three of them finally arrived there without being hindered by a single enemy.

This is a place where there is a vast sea of ​​mirrors with the Cocoon of Finality trapped in the middle of the dimension. The sea of ​​mirrors turned purple due to the glow of the planet-sized entity.

Stepping on the multiple stars that were standing in the water, when they arrived, they saw [Kiana] who was waiting for them there.

This is not a clone of Will of Honkai that imitates Thea's form the same as before. Feeling the pain caused by the stigma invasion, Thea could feel that the person in front of her was really Kiana.

Thea clenched her fists tightly.

"Kiana, if you are still conscious please give me some signs."

Hearing this, [Kiana] just smiled, as if laughing at her hopes.

Kevin without hesitation rushed towards [Kiana] without caring about his teammates.

Since he fought the Herrscher of End last time in the previous era, Kevin had never brought out all his power because there was no opponent worthy of him to consider as an enemy.

But this time, Kevin didn't hesitate at all.

The sword in his hand was enhanced beyond its limits, the matter within it collapsed, and was reassembled by his will into the most destructive flame.

This was a fire as bright as a star!

Like the trigger for battle, Thea and Bianka also followed, and they all launched attacks.

Thea swung a sword made of neutrons and anti-matter at [Kiana], while Bianka used her Durandal lance to stab.

Seeing all three attacks coming towards her, [Kiana] used [Absolute Time Fracture] to stop time.

With the blessing of the Cocoon of Finality, this power was enhanced, and time truly stopped according to [Kiana]'s will.

Everything within the domain stopped moving as if someone had pressed the pause button.


When [Kiana] was about to launch an attack, she moved, and... three pairs of eyes also moved to follow her with cold gazes.


The time domain shattered, and what followed was a tremendous explosion resulting from the collision of various forces. If they had fought on the moon, it would probably have exploded by now.

"Kiana are you okay?"

Thea's feelings are currently very mixed. She hoped that Kiana could survive the attacks of the three of them, but she also hoped that Kiana would die.

At least, if Kiana dies, Thea can pull her soul into the Stigmata world and revive her.

"Be careful, it's not over yet." Bianka said warily.

The attacks of the three of them succeeded in destroying [Kiana], but that didn't really end her.

[Kiana]'s current body was merely a projection and carrier of the power of the Cocoon of Finality. With Cocoon's help, [Kiana] returned intact before them.

Kevin continued to launch attacks.

The final form of his [Signet of Deliverance] had a power that had surpassed the Herrscher of End. No matter how much [Kiana] came back, Kevin's fire sword slash always came first.

Kevin swings his sword crazily, he turns all the pain he experiences into his strength, and he will never stop.

To control the power of Finality, Kevin relies on his steadfast mind that has been forged by the deaths of his friends and those he loves.

This accumulation of hatred that had accumulated over tens of thousands of years had accumulated so high that it made Kevin's eyes blind.

All Kevin's eyes could see right now was [Kiana].

Faster, stronger, the sword in his hand flashed more and more fiercely and matter and space around him began to collapse.

The sword slash was as fast as light, continuing to move relentlessly after [Kiana], and changed the color of this sea of ​​mirrors to red.

All the pain he experienced, all the sacrifices of his friends, will be returned completely and become his power to continue moving forward!


Kevin started to go crazy, and Bianka kept her distance from him so she didn't accidentally get cut.

The only thing she could feel right now was flames as hot as hell covering her everywhere. Feeling unable to keep up with her teammates' progress, Bianka activated her full power.

"Durandal, lend me your power!"

Blessings from the bubble world she guard reached out to Bianka, and responded to her hopes. She activated the power of [Astral Harness] and after that used the ultimate [Sagittarius The Archer].

A giant golden arrow appeared in front of Bianka, using her feet as support, and the blessings of the stars as arrows, Bianka aimed at [Kiana], and released the bowstring!

[Kiana] who had just respawned, was pierced by a golden arrow, and the golden arrow continued to move forward to the Cocoon of Finality!

It was a pity, even though [Kiana] exploded, Cocoon of Finality did not receive the slightest damage.

"[It's useless.]"

When [Kiana] respawned again and pouted, the first thing she saw again was her old friend, Kevin.

[Kiana] died again.

But after suffering many deaths, [Kiana] will not accept her death again easily. She also begins to learn how to use the power of the Herrscher of Finality in battle.

The solid nitrogen attacks, the electromagnetic blades, the fluid ideals, began to disappear, and were replaced by fire and lightning attacks mixed with Finality's most efficient and also most destructive power.

[Kiana] learned very quickly after experiencing hundreds of deaths.

Maybe attacks using a sword and a gun were less efficient for her, so [Kiana] started to leave the two of them, and she immediately hit using her fists!


For the first time in history, [Kiana] finally managed to hit Kevin until he flew away.

Kevin got back up, and he also started using his fists covered in flames to kill [Kiana]!

As a result, [Kiana] died once again in one hit!

Never go against your ancestors!

They both absorbed fighting experience very quickly, from using weapons, to both of them using their fists to correct the truth.

The person who suffered the most from the rapid progress of the two of them was Bianka. Although she was also a fighting genius, there was a clear difference between humans and dogs.

[Kiana] has the Cocoon of Finality behind her back which can give her endless power. Meanwhile, Kevin is a super soldier who has collected all the Honkai monster genes in his body, have power of Finality, and has lived for 50,000 years which has given him a lot of experience.

As a result, [Kiana], who was growing rapidly, attacked Bianka first, and the Dea Anchora armor she was wearing was immediately shattered into pieces.

Bianka vomits blood.

[Kiana] saw the dying Bianka and she wanted to kill her to reduce the number of enemies. However, because she was distracted, Kevin took all the opportunities and killed her again.

One blow, [Kiana] immediately disappeared.

"Thea, is it finished?"

"Yes, thank you for buying time, grandpa."

Thea, who had been missing from the battle area, spread her wings, and her real body in the Imaginary space came behind the Cocoon of Finality.

Dark chains tightly wrapped around the planet-sized entity. [Kiana] who had just respawned, saw a black chain coming out from behind her back, and the chain pulled her back to the Cocoon of Finality.

[Kiana] put up a fight.

She could feel that these chains behind her were made from the power of the stigma on her back.

She wanted to break this connection immediately. But when she touched the stigma, her facial expression suddenly froze.

Kiana, suddenly raised her head to look at Thea. Time seemed to start to slow down.

Her eyes were full of regret, and apologies.

When Kiana was sealed back into the Cocoon of Finality, a single tear fell from her face before she disappeared completely.

Thea watched all this with tired eyes.

She opened, and closed her mouth several times. But in the end not a single word came out of her throat other than pain.

Thea could only lower her head guiltily.

She failed.