
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

KayokoDaaa · Video Games
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280 Chs

Chapter 258: "Surrender of Schicksal's position"

Sky city, Shenzou.

The black storm that covered the sky at 12 o'clock this afternoon, suddenly disappeared without warning.

Discussion about this strange phenomenon in the media is still hot, but all the news is immediately suppressed by the big hand behind the scenes so as not to cause panic.


Just like cities in general, although Sky City can be said to be a prosperous city, they also have a dark side.

No one would have ever expected that a city known for its cutting-edge technology, would have such an abandoned slum area.

Under the bridge, several homeless had turned into undead due to the honkai energy, and Wilson was among them.

Sweat soaked all the hollow armor she was wearing. The Gem of Desire that was supposed to be in the socket, was currently stuck to her skin like cancer.

Hollow armor - Blank Key, is a battle armor created by Dr. MEI in the previous era of civilization. This armor has the ability to use Herrscher gems without needing to be a Herrscher.

But, of course, the person who wears this armor will not be as strong the original Herrscher.

So the question is, how could Wilson create a storm that covered the entire land of Shenzou so easily?

Well, this might be considered an accident.

"Good job, we are one step away from achieving the world we want. Thanks to you, our negotiations went successfully."


Wilson suddenly fell to the floor, and she attempted to get back up. However, the infection lines of honkai energy running through her body, prevented hee from doing such a fancy thing.

The collision of the honkai energy with Schariac's holy blood made Wilson feel like her skin was being roasted by extremely hot flames.

It hurts.

"You must immediately escape from this place before the Schicksal valkyries come. Follow the established hiding path, and take care of yourself carefully."

"Yes... Father..."

Stifled a whimper, and got up with difficulty. Wilson didn't ask much, and she left.

A few moments later, the valkyrie Schicksal came to the location, but the bridge suddenly collapsed.

No evidence was left behind.


Collaborating with Gray Serpent made Thea realize that her attention had long lost focus.

What was she thinking when she first decided to cooperate with Otto?

Isn't it all just a stigma project?

Even though there were twists and turns in the middle and she suddenly became the supreme leader of Schicksal, Thea's goal still remained the same.

It's just that the reasons to save the world are increasing.

Unconsciously, Schicksal had become her heaviest shackles.

Otto is really good at playing.

So to get off this chessboard, Thea had to choose to give up.

Handing over Schicksal's top position to someone else is of course impossible because Thea still needs this position to control the large machine so that it operates according to her wishes. But, she could trust someone else to organize this large family.

Suitable talents were recruited, and Otto's dictatorial reign finally ended in this era.

The advantage is that Thea doesn't need to deal with every trivial decision, and only a few important documents will reach her desk.

Maria's position as her assistant was immediately threatened because she saw how thin the documents were. Meanwhile, for Amber, Otto's most exemplary assistant, her pensive time is getting longer and longer.

During Amber's creation, until she became Otto's most valuable tool, apart from sleep, this was probably the first time she felt that name [freedom.]

It felt... really unsettling.

Amber: "Saintess Thea, are there any documents that haven't been processed? Can I help you?"

Maria: "Hey don't think about that, it's mine!"

Thea: "You two, please don't fight over work. I really don't understand the thinking of model workers like you. Now we have time to relax, so, just enjoy it."

Schicksal's three nocturnal creatures, Thea, Maria, and Amber, were currently arguing inside the office.

Busy work often makes them lose their sense of time. Day and night for them are the same.

Seeing that the night had passed, and the morning sun was rising in her office window. Thea smiled slightly.

She hadn't had this kind of free time in a long time.

Although the downside of this system was that the commands might be very slow to execute, Thea felt it was all worth it.

The office door was suddenly knocked.

"Sis, I'm here to take you home. Mama said she missed you."

Kiana entered the office, and she rushed towards Thea.

Seeing the confusion on Maria and Amber faces. Thea turned around giving a gentle smile.

"I decided to relax with my family these few days. You two should also learn how to relax."

"Amber, I've called Theresa to take care of you. She's really good at relaxing, so learn from her."

"Besides that, Maria, if you don't have a work would you like to come with us for dinner? Mama invites you to eat together."

Maria was surprised: "L-Lady Cecilia invited me? Really!?"

"Yeah, when have I ever lied to you. You'll know when we get home."

Kiana, who saw Maria approaching Thea excitedly, became sullen, and she pulled Thea into her arms.

Kiana pinched Thea's stomach fat.

"Mama never said anything like that."

"There is, it's just that you didn't hear it clearly. Let me send a message first."

Has a gentle smile as usual, with half-sleepy eyes. Kiana looked at Thea's face for a moment, before her eyes glanced behind her.

"Sis, why do I feel like your hair is a bit dull?"

"You mean I'm getting older like a grandma?"

"No, I didn't mean it like that!"

"Hum, I wanted to ask for your help in choosing which flower bouquet I wanted to send to mom. Now I don't need you anymore. Maria, let's go!"

Kiana: "Σ(°△° !!!) Sis I'm sorry!"


Seeing that the three of them had left. Amber, who had been left alone in the office, felt confused.

"If we all leave, who will take care of all this work?"

Amber felt this was her chance to work overtime. But, remembering Thea's firm eyes, Amber immediately thought better of it.

She suddenly thought of a legal way.

Since Theresa came to Schicksal to play with her, why didn't Amber teach Theresa how to process a document?

Amber still remembers the evaluation about Theresa who really liked fishing in the office whenever she had the opportunity. If she teaches her, maybe Theresa will become a good principal?

This is a great idea!

Theresa: "ASYUHHH!!!"

In the hallway, Theresa, who had just ordered a special edition of warm bitter gourd juice in the cafeteria, suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

All the hairs on her body stood up.

"There must be an evil spirit here!!"

Theresa was frightened, and she held the giant golden cross with her body shaking.