
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

KayokoDaaa · Video Games
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304 Chs

Chapter 191 "I believe you"

Back to a few minutes ago.

Under Aurora's incessant attacks, dropping thousands of archon spears like a rain of thunder, and coupled with the help of Bella's mouth cannon, the vipralopa honkai beast began to be cornered.

He has lightning abilities that can make him move very quickly, and his body is slender like a snake, making him almost untouchable. However, that doesn't mean he's invincible.

The walls of the space continued to be installed one by one from the path he passed, or the one he intended to pass. From another perspective, it was as if he had been led into a maze trap.

Sooner or later, if he continued to follow the labyrinth maker's instructions, he would definitely be doomed.

Deciding to spew atomic breath once again at Bella, and intends to escape. When the giant snake saw an opportunity, it immediately disappeared under the rubble of the building very quickly.


After disappearing from Aurora's sight for several minutes, the vipralopa honkai beast returned again with an increasingly angry expression.

Even though the space dome covering Nagazora City has disappeared, the blockade created by the Valkyries still remains.

In the south there are Bianka and Rita, along with their Immortal Blade squad.

In the west, there were Welt Yang, Bronya, Theresa, and also Siegfried, standing shoulder to shoulder with Anti-Entropy.

In the north, there are Cecilia, Hare, Larina, and also Maria, representing elit warrior Schicksal.

In the east, there was Fu Hua who was already in prime condition, along with her students, namely Cheng Lixue and Li Sushang.

As for escaping through the sky path, the honkai beast vipralopa had never imagined it at all.

He felt like he was being stared at by an extremely terrifying thing. If he flew beyond the height limit of the clouds, then the pillar of light would probably fall directly onto his head once again.

No matter which path he chose, all the endings were still the same.


The Honkai beasts Vipralopa screamed pitifully towards the sky, as if wondering why the world was so unfair.

"[Don't feel sad, you still have a chance.]"


"[Look beneath you, and you will find the answer.]"

Feeling confused, but following the instructions of the voice that appeared in his head with blind faith. When the honkai beast saw Kiana, his eyes immediately lit up.

The human radiated the exact same energy as what he had swallowed earlier. If he ate her, perhaps his strength would increase once more!

He still has a chance!

Giant snake: "AAAHHHH!!!!"

Kiana: "!!!!"

So, take advantage of his extreme speed, and sneak attacks. The Honkai beast appeared behind Kiana very suddenly!

"You chose the wrong food you idiot! Eat my fire sword slash!"

Managed to dodge, and summoned her large sword which was stored in the stigmata room. Kiana raised her sword high, and she swung it with all her might.

Even though her Herrscher of Flamescion core had already been sealed by Thea, that didn't mean she couldn't use this power anymore!

The sword burned fiercely!

This was a power comparable to her father's release of the Might of An Utu!

"Accept your judgment! The Blade Supreme, Rekind--"


"Hah? Isn't this Mei's voice!?!"

Opening her eyes wide because she suddenly heard Mei's very painful scream. Kiana, who was in a daze, was immediately used by the giant snake to attack her.

The giant snake swung its head like a hammer. Kiana, who was hit, immediately flew backwards through several concrete buildings like a tank projectile.


When she stopped, a cloud of dust immediately appeared where she was currently lying.

"{Kiana, you are too careless. Why don't you use your godsbane armor to defend?}"

"Cough! Cough! Cough! Sssssss....."

"{Please be quiet, and let me fix your ribs.}"


Using the vitality power of the stigmata Herrscher of death, and restored Kiana's condition back to its previous peak. Kiana, who felt like all the bones in her body were broken, but in the next second they had healed, got up once again reluctantly.

"Sis can you hear that? It's Mei's voice! Sister Mei is still alive! We have to go to save her!"

Thea: "{Yes, I know. I also heard her screams just now. But, it cannot be denied that this is just a honkai trick to trick you.}"

Kiana clenched her fists: "I'm absolutely sure that it's Mei's voice! My instincts are never wrong!"

"Sis, please save Mei! I beg you!"

Receiving this very sad request from her little sister, of course Thea would not behave badly.

But, there are several things that need to be explained first.

"{Kiana, do you know what it means that Mei is still alive today?}"

"Uh, what do you mean big sis?"

Thea explained: "{In simple terms, Mei, who is the container of the Gem of Conquest, is currently its prisoner. We can assume that Mei's scream earlier was the result of forcibly extracting the power of the Gem of Conquest.}"

"{We don't know whether the Honkai beast will have a mutually binding relationship with Mei or not. However, the current conditions are less than optimistic.}"

"{If the Honkai beast is allowed to recover, then the losses it will cause will become even worse.}"

"{After that...}"


Hearing all these things, Kiana's face became very dark.

She clenched her fists tightly.

"In other words, to end Mei's suffering, and for everyone's safety, we have to kill her?"

"{No, I just want you to know what the consequences are.}"


It was as if I could see Thea's face, which was hard, but also soft. Kiana could hear Thea whispering softly in her ear.

"{Kiana, I realize that I have stunted your growth. You can now differentiate between right and wrong. You no longer need to ask me for every decision.}"

"{do what you believe you can.}"

"{Follow your heart.}"

"{I believe you.}"


Suddenly got a combo attack, and felt like her little heart couldn't stand it. Kiana took a deep breath, and she smiled brightly.

"Other me, thank you for your trust, you will definitely not regret it!"

"I'm a greedy person, so I will definitely save Mei no matter what!"

"Wait, and watch me in action!"

"I will definitely save her!"