
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

KayokoDaaa · Video Games
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278 Chs

Chapter 17: "Kaslana family education"

"Strange, why am I so sleepy? This feeling very familiar... Maybe i just tired..."

Siegfried rubbed his eyes while yawning widely.

Taking a wet cloth, and washing her hands and mouth Little Kiana who suddenly fell asleep on the couch. Siegfried packed up the messy pizza box, before he couldn't help but yawn once more.

"Uhhh... Looks like it's time to go to bed..."

Rubbed his tired eyes and stretched lazily. Siegfried lay down next to his daughter with very gentle movements, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Closes his eyes slowly. Siegfried could somehow hear whispers rising around him.

It voice sounded so small. But somehow it felt very familiar.

Like someone asking for help.

"Siegfried save me!!!"


Before Siegfried could process what was really happening to him. It wasn't even a second before he closed his eyes, a tiny scream was heard, and a girl who had the exact same face as his daughter, with slightly purple hair, flashed by, and jumped onto the sofa chair in one big leap.


Siegfried whose stomach was suddenly stepped on by a pair of tiny feet suddenly woke up quickly.

"My other self don't run! Fight bravely like a Kaslana!"

K-423 screamed hysterically: "Kaslana fights unlike you! You are a disgrace to the Kaslana family!"

Noticing that there were two figures that had the exact same face as his daughter, running back and forth around the couch like playing catch. Siegfried noticed the situation was not right, and he caught the girl with double braids who passed in front of him.

"Old man, what are you doing! let me go! Syaahhh!!!" Kiana rebelled like a cranky cat.

"Siegfried, don't let go of that demon! She's too dangerous to let live!" K-423 also commented scathingly.


Holding the rebellious Kiana in his hands with great difficulty. Siegfried noticed a little girl hiding at the end of the couch.

Wearing the exact same outfit as Kiana, purple eyes, ponytail with a slight purple gradient at the ends of her hair. Plus the most iconic thing, this girl is hugging a yellow Baba Homu doll tightly.

Looking at the girl in front of him in more detail, Siegfried was suddenly very surprised.

"Are you Kiana's other personality? I just found out that apart from your eyes, the ends of your hair are purple. You remember me from someone I met in Siberia. By the way, where is this?"

"Old man, don't ignore me! Let me go!" Kiana screamed very loudly.

Make Kiana calm down first. Siegfried keeps her away from K-423, and he can finally heave a sigh of relief.

"Really, what exactly is going on here, is there someone who can explain it to me?"

Seeing that the ferocious Kiana had been tamed. K-423 came out from behind the sofa carefully, and she gave Kiana a bad look.

Kiana also looked at her other self with a look full of hostility.

"I'll explain."

With K-423's explanation, Siegfried immediately understood what was really going on here.

In summary, this is a stigma room created by Kiana's other personality, and has the exact same size, model as the log cabin of his real-world home.

This is usually where Kiana and her other self communicate with each other.

However, for some reasons that cannot be mentioned. Kiana's other personality chose to drag Siegfried's consciousness, and she begged him to help calm down Kiana who was furious.

"I can understand part of the story. But Kiana, why are you angry?"

Kiana screamed: "She's been eating my share of pizza secretly! Always lying to me, I'm so mad!"

K-423 also shouted unfairly: "Siegfried, she's trying to hit me! This girl is bullying me!"

"Aren't you the one who always hits me first!? Isn't this how we make a deal!?"

"No, you devil! You are trying to slander me!"

"No I don't!"

"Yes you did!"


With the debate of the two Kiana. Siegfried, who had always been silent and listened to the information that leaked out of their mouths, finally made a decision.

He looked at Kiana with a serious look.

"Kiana, Kaslana doesn't fight like that."

"Uh, why?"

Siegfried smiled gently: "We Kaslana always protect the weak, we are warriors for them. Using violence to solve all problems is not a trait of the kaslana family."

"Moreover, if you use that violence against your family, and the people we care about. You really shouldn't do it."

Siegfried just realized that he was a very bad father.

He had tried his best to teach Kiana everything he knew. Exterminating Honkai beasts, cooking, cleaning the house, and so on.


He seems to have forgotten to teach the most important thing, namely moral ideas to his daughter.

This is a big failure for a father. Fortunately, this error can still be changed.

It's still not too late to educate Kiana back on the right path. Siegfried held Kiana's shoulder even tighter.

"Listen, Kiana. You want to be like dad, don't you? Did dad ever hit you for no reason?"

Kiana lowered her head, and she shook her head guiltily.

"Now Kiana knows what wrong. How about apologizing, and you two make up again. Aren't you two best friends?"

Kiana pouted: "Okay..."

Walk past Siegfried, and walk towards K-423 step by step. Kiana, stared at her other self for a bit, before she pursed her lips, and looked to the side guiltily.

"The other me, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have used violence to solve all the problems. I was just angry because you suddenly appeared, and just disappeared without telling me. I thought you had disappeared... I'm really sorry."

Kiana lowered her head, and she apologized sincerely.

From the slightly frightened tone of her voice. K-423 knows that this girl in front of her is very serious.


K-423 was also speechless.

The words of young children are usually more touching than those of adults, because they are very honest with what they have to say.

She felt, there was a small arrow that directly pierced her conscience very cruelly.

"I-I'm sorry too... I should have told you from the start. Sorry for making you wait so long."

Kiana shook her head, and she smiled: "It's okay. After all, you are now in front of me. Welcome back home, my other self."

K-423, who was suddenly hugged by Kiana, could only groan helplessly: "Kiana, why are you so cute..."

Her heart felt like it would melt.

Siegfried who saw the two of them embracing each other, also felt like his heart would melt like butter.

Kiana is so cute~

Two Kiana's, too cute~!

"By the way, I'm sorry about the pizza thing too. You'll forgive me too right?"

Having said this. K-423 somehow felt Kiana's warm embrace suddenly became very tight.

"Another me..."

"Yes, what is up?"

Kiana raised her head, and she smiled gently: "The matter about you suddenly disappearing is indeed my forgiven. But about the pizza, that's another problem!!"

K-423 suddenly opened her eyes wide, seeing the change in Kiana's facial expression, which was originally gentle, into a very deadly facial expression.

"I caught you!! Now, feel the power of the SUPER TORNADO HAMMER!!!"



Siegfried: "...."

Siegfried, stated that he learned a lot today.

He had already realized a truth that all parents around the world had managed to discover.

Educating naughty children, it is very troublesome.