
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 8 A Very Bold Girl

Fang Ming started to talk with Li Na about random stuff anyway he was free and had no plan for the rest of the day, may as well enjoy the company of a beautiful girl.

"what are you going to do now, you will definitely lose your job. no one is willing to offend the dragon gang and employ you"

Li Na asked, walking on the street side by side with Fang Ming.

Fang Ming is 1.78 meters tall, and Li Na's height is also close to 1.76 meters high. The two are like a pair of lovers, attracting attention of the crowd from time to time.

"I don't know, i will have to first find a new job Somewhere the dragon gang influence can't reach".

"I am a man, and those with hands and feet will never starve to death" Fang Ming said with a smile.

"Then if you don't find a job and can't pay the rent. Where are you going to live at night".

"Station, hospital, park anywhere! It doesn't matter!"

In fact, Fang Ming can rest in his own portable warehouse without renting a house, but Li Na doesn't know!

she said in distress, "How can that be done? You will get sick after some time"

Then, as if thinking of something , she slowly lowered her head, looked at her toes and walked forward, and said in a low voice, "you can stay at my place for a few days first".

"huh what ?".

Fang Ming stopped and looked at Li Na in surprise.

He didn't mishear right Li Na actually asked him to go to her house, this girl is so bold.

Seeing Fang Ming intensive gaze Li Na face turned bright red, she didn't dare look Fang Ming in the eyes.

"don't get the wrong idea, you can only sleep on the floor, no monkey business".

"once you find a job and your situation stabilize, you can move out".

Li Na face became redder as she explained.

"After all, you just provoked a big gang just to save me!".

Fang Ming was stunned. were girls this bold in this era? or was his face this handsome and he didn't knew.

Fang Ming shamelessly accepted and followed Li Na to her apartment, he is a man who lived 2 life if he cant tell what to do next in this situation, he may as well apply for 3rd reincarnation.


At night, in a 16 square meters apartment, this is Li Na rented apartment with one bed and a desk to study. Fang Ming was laying on the floor.

Fang Ming was looking at the ceiling while questioning life. Li Na really made him sleep on the floor.

He couldn't sleep at all, this girl was shyly blushing and didn't lift her head to look at him even once all the way here, who wouldn't misunderstand the meaning of this gestures, no he has to pay her back Fang Ming made up his mind to have her experience the misunderstanding he just had and ignite the same flame she ignited in him and also to try his luck and see if he can spend the night on the bed instead of the hard and cold floor.

"Li Na are you asleep?" Fang Ming whispered.

"Li Na".

"Li Na".

"i'm already asleep" Li Na replied in a soft tone.

"Nonsense, how are you talking when you are asleep!" Fang Ming was amused.

""I'm talking in my sleep!".

"Then I will sleepwalk at night too" Fang Ming teased.

"don't you dare" Li Na said in a panicked tone.

"i'm very daring" Fang Min replied in a laugh.


The next day.

Early in the morning, in Li Na's room, a pair of lovers were hugging.

At this time Li Na is only nineteen years old, at the age of splendid bloom, with an irresistible beauty.

For Fang Ming Li Na was a fatal temptation he could barely resist.

As for Li Na, Fang Ming was twenty years old, he was young, handsome, strong, humorous, and most importantly he dared to face gangsters for her.

She already had a good impression of him from the beginning, but after being frightened by the gangsters yesterday, and his heroic image when standing up to protect her.

Li Na's already messy emotions become even more out of control. Perhaps, from the moment she invited Fang Ming to live with her, she was already ready.

Thinking of how bold Fang Ming was when he got in her bed and hugged her last night, and how she allowed it Li Na's face turned even redder, and she quickly buried her face in Fang Ming chest.

Although the two ended up sleeping in the same bed and hugged like lovers nothing happened.

By now it was already 10 in the morning. and both Fang Ming and Li Na were still lying on the bed hugging and enjoying each other comfort.

Fang Ming turned to Li Na in his arms and asked her:

"what are you planing to do".

"I am planning to continue my studies, the collage year is about to start" Li Na said softly.

"That's great, you continue your studies you will have a future when you graduate and you can find a decent job"

Fang Ming praised her decision before he asked " what specialty did you pick".

Hearing that Fang Ming agreed with her and even encouraged her to continue her studies she was very happy.

in this era people were still conservative, and didn't think that a woman can accomplish anything with going to collage.

Li Na's parents didn't support her attending college and refused to help her pay tuition fees. that's why she was working part time job.

Now that she found out that Fang Ming had a good opinion and even encouraged her to continue her studies she was overjoyed and couldn't stop talking as she expressed all her thoughts.

"I want to study Management and become a big company CEO in the future, but my parents don't support me, so I can only do some part time jobs to earn tuition."

Her parents thought it was useless for a girl to go to college, learning how to read and write was enough for a woman and asked her to go out to work or just get married.