

Raven_562 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Ch 9

That evening Nora cooked, penne with a vodka sauce she made from scratch. A tossed salad and a bottle of Brunello from Jeffrey's private cellar. Dinner was served.

Everything just so. The way he like it.

They ate and talked about his new novel, which was set during the French Revolution. Jeffrey had only returned from Paris days earlier. He was a stickler for authentication in his writing and insisted on travelling for research. with Nora having for her own busy work schedule, they were apart more than they were together. In fact, they had been married on a Saturday, in Cuernavaca, Mexico, and flown home on Sunday. No mess, no fuss, no records in the States either. It was A very modern marriage.

'You know, Nora ,I was thinking, 'he said, digging his fork into the last of his penne. 'We should really take a trip together.'

Maybe You can give me the honeymoon you have been promising.

He put a hand on his heart and smile. darling, every timer Every Day I spent with you the honeymoon.

Nora smiled back,Nice try, Mr. Famous writer but I'm not letting you off withe a cute line.' OK. Where do you wanna go ?

How about French She offered we could check up at the hotel ducap Or Italy he said holding up his glass of wine to scanny Hey I know why donid1878 t we do both Jeffrey throw his head back roared Muslim there you go again he said his index finger wearing there always wanted it all and why not definitely finish dinner talking about more possible destination for the honeymoon. Madrid, bavina, lanai.

The only things setting as the scale of Pennsylvania Sherri cartwheel was to get a travel agent involved by 11 they were smuggled in the bed husband and wives are very much in love.