
Honey : The Empire's Treasure

Meet Lila, she an outspoken orphan who lives on a planet that's about the end. Born to stay in the background by the people who abandoned her and friends who betrayed her. Lila wonders if her fate really is to just die. But second chances do come to those need so what do you say Lila? "Sure, what the hell!? I like to be born again." Hopefully her life will be much longer this time. *Please note, I am revising the previous chapters, I know they are hard to read LOL. Special thanks to all the readers who pushed through the chapters, and read the story anyway.

mountwolf89 · Fantasy
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850 Chs

Who's in charge here? (3)

Before showing Mika to the healer's center, Ailwin had to go see about the group in his office. Leading everyone there, he didn't pay any mind to Ruven walking beside him. He could tell that the man wanted to know who these masked people were.

However, instead of suppling the answers, Ailwin waited until Ruven couldn't take it any more and asked his self.

"Sir, who are these people?" Ruven wanted to rip the mask off of Mika to see what kind of brat laid underneath.

"Huh? Um...these are the citizens we have been looking for, don't you recognize them?" 

"Recognize…?" Ruven looked back at the group of weirdos wearing masks. "They can't possibly be citizens…"

"...and why is that?"

"...because there are no cit-...um because all the citizens went into their safe bunkers to wait out this plague." Ruven swift changed the words coming out of his mouth before he created an even bigger slip of the tongue.