
Tree Experiment: Batch 1

Before the sun could rise into the early morning sky, Mika left her bed to secretly make her way towards the Amara clan's orchard.

While everyone is sleeping off last night feast, this was the perfect time to put her plan into motion.

With her mother keeping her father occupied, she knew no on would be around to see her hacking into the hidden cameras he installed around the farm.

After changing the feed to a pre-recorded loop, it was easy for her to jump over the orchard's walls and bypass the guards standing at the entrance outside.

Remembering her way around from the previous visit here, Mika didn't waste time looking around. She went straight towards the back.

At the halfway mark, the stench of the sick trees became known. It was faint, but was still able to turn her stomach. 

Better prepared for it this time around, Mika pulled out her nose plugs, stuffed them in her nose and continued walking.