
The Road to...

General Pho  wish he could kill and bury every nobles in the woods and just continue this trip by himself.

They hadn't even made it to General Narbeth's fortress yet. They had to push their schedule back by several days. The main reason for the delay were the young misses and masters that felt stifle in their rovers and needed to walk around a bit every few miles. 

Every time one of his Captains would comm him, it was for request to stop because the nobles have decided to stop on the road.

They are now two days away from the fortress, and General Pho refuses to stop again for any reason.

They were are already low on supplies, because every time they stopped the wives needed to have a tea party or light up a fire to grill some meat.

His soldiers knew how to rations their food and water, but these arrogant young misses and masters didn't.