
The day of the lord

– The day of the lord

Nancy and her daughter Lydia got back to Mtwapa a few minutes past 8 pm. She was lucky to get a tour van that was going back to Mombasa after having taken tourists to a certain hotel in Nairobi. Even though it was not authorized to carry passengers, Nancy, her daughter and 2 more people, a lady and a guy got a chance to travel with the van that moved at great speed until it got to Mtwapa before it was too late.

When they got to Mtwapa, Nancy and Lydia got to a hotel and took some food with them to go and eat at home.

==== story by Anthony Kerry 0711 403 777

The following day which was on Sunday, Nancy dressed her daughter nicely and the two went to church. They both dressed similarly and in very fashionable clothes which made people turn to look at them as they walked on the road.

They got to church and found people busy in a praise and worship session. They too got busy, joined other people in praising the lord.

Nancy danced and gyrated her hips alongside other girls who were next to her but she was catching the attention of almost every man who was behind her. Whenever she moved her body in unison to the songs, her buttocks would literally tremble. There was no hiding her shape despite wearing a very decent dark grey dress with thin broken lines all over running vertically on her dress which reached the floor.

Lydia was also busy dancing like her mother.

Some men could hardly concentrate on the songs, they only looked at Nancy's hips as she moved left to right while dancing to the tune of the gospel songs which were being led by a young pastor who had recently gotten married.

Though Nancy was not a regular church goer, she used to go often such that she was well known on that church. Some had even tried to tell her to join the choir due to her nice voice but she refused.

When the time for preaching arrived, Nancy sat comfortable holding her daughter listening to the sermon.

That particular day, the sermon was about the prostitute who was used by God to save the children of Israel.

The pastor said, "Even if you are a prostitute! Never undermine your importance to God, God can use you to reach out to the people who do not know God, or to help God's servants to reach out to more people just like how Rahab.

I know, Mtwapa is known for prostitutes but let me tell you, God can use these prostitutes to reach out to many more people than you who think the prostitutes are dirty people who deserve to go to hell.

Halleluyah!" the pastor said.

People replied with a thunderous Amen.

The church was full of ladies, most who were those night time ladies since they knew they were so welcomed in that church.

"Let me give you an example, when you come with your offering, God does not look at who is giving it, God looks at the heart and intention of the giver. When that woman you call a prostitute gives her tithe and offerings to God, God takes it with an open hand because she offers it with a clean heart.

When that prostitute poured oil onto Jesus' feet, Jesus did not consider she was a prostitute, but the intention of her sacrifice regardless of who she was.

Other people were with Jesus day in and day out, but none ever thought of giving an offering to Jesus, but Mary Magdalene took the money she had gotten through prostitution, bought the most precious oil of that time and anointed Jesus with the oil.

So, these girls you see at night hawking their bodies, God accepts their offerings because they give with a clean heart, and give with openness and thanks Giving.

After all, don't they say, let me flaunt what my mama gave me??" the pastor said.

Everyone laughed.

"Yes, that is true, praise the lord!" the pastor said.

There was a thunderous AMEN!

"God created them beautiful, even some women envy them, but Satan threw them afflictions such that they opted instead of begging, they would rather earn some income through whatever means rather than stealing. The men who go to them, no one forces them, they go to them and give them willingly.

God is a merciful God, he hears their prayers too, that is why you find most of them living a better life than most people who consider them sinners. Most have nice houses, drive nice cars, they do not get sick, in fact, they do not get AIDS because God has favored them. Do you know why? They always come to give praise to the lord, repent their sins, give their tithes and offerings and most also help the poor and the needy.

You know, sometimes back, I went to a children's home. I found one lady who I knew as a prostitute, she had delivered a lot of food supplies to the home. Let me tell you, when those children eat and get satisfied, they will pray to God to bless that woman.

When Rahab helped the children of Israel, the lord of Israel in return saved her from death, and I am sure she shall be among the saints to ascend to heaven to be with God forever." the pastor said.

People said Amen.

A choir stood up and began to sing.

After the song, the time for offerings came. Nancy reached for an envelope and pushed 10,000 kshs into it.

Songs and praises continued until it was time for people to go home. Most people went home at around 1 pm, but some would remain behind for other things like choir, meetings etc.

The church board would also often meet at that time.

It was about time Nancy went home when some ladies approached her.

"Nancy, "a lady said while hugging her, "You decided never to join our choir?"

"Imagine I cannot sing." Nancy said.

"You have such a nice voice; God has blessed you with a nice voice." The lady told Nancy.

"Yes, but I am not a singer." Nancy said.

"Make use of what God has given you to glorify him." the lady told Nancy.

"I will pray about it, if God reveals to me that I should join you, I will." Nancy said.

"Ok, I will pray for you too." The lady told Nancy.

They parted and Nancy began walking towards the gate.

"Hurry up, I want to go home to sleep, I am feeling like I did not get enough sleep at night." Nancy told her daughter.

However, she had not reached the gate when a young man who came running caught up with Nancy.

"Praise the lord." The young man greeted Nancy.

"Amen." Nancy replied.

"Pastor wishes to see you before you go home, or if you can come back to meet him at around 5 pm. That is what he has told me." The young man told Nancy.

"Right now, I want to go and get some lunch, tell him I will meet him at 5 pm." Nancy said.

"Ok, let me go and tell him." the young man said.

Nancy kept on walking with her daughter, with some men, some married ogling at her as she passed such that even their wives felt jealous. Some women knew she was a prostitute but she sometimes wore so decently such that you would confuse her for a pastor's wife.

As Nancy walked away, she asked herself: what does the pastor want from me?