
Nancy at the gym

When Nancy got to Mtwapa, she changed quickly and headed for the gym where she was to begin her training.

At the gym, Nancy met the youthful gym instructor whose name was Dickson.

Nancy was wearing a skin tight black trousers, some rubber shoes and a yellow top ready to hit the gym. She found two other girls who were also there for the afternoon session.

"Since all of you are here for the same training, I am going to take you through for the next one hour. You are all new and this is your first day so, it will be easy to handle you." Dickson told them.

"We are ready." one of the girls said.

It was obvious Nancy was the shapeliest of the three but also, she was the shortest as the other girls were taller than her. One of the girls was slim and tall, as the other one was fat and heavy. They all had signed up for body toning and physical fitness.

"So, today, we will have just a warm up and I will also take you through the motions so as you get used to. We will not do much since I am sure tomorrow you will wake up feeling like you were running up the hill." Dickson told them.

Dickson was tall and athletic due to the nature of his work. Standing at 6 feet 2 inches tall, big muscles and very low body fat percentage, he looked like someone straight out of an action movie. He was also light skinned dude.

It was obvious the girls were salivating for Dickson but he was just there trying to help them as an employed instructor.

Dickson took them through warm up before they got into the intense exercises' session.

Nancy was enjoying the motions. She was the most flexible of the three. Even Dickson was enjoying how Nancy was doing her exercises such that he even began using her as an example to the rest.

"Wow! I just love how you move your waist!" the tall girl told Nancy as she executed one of the moves requiring her to squat while stretching her arms straight ahead. She was turning her waist such that her buttocks would seem like they are protruding from behind.

The fat girl was having it difficult executing the moves such that she was becoming breathless when told to jump and squat in quick sequence of exercises.

Dickson made them to squat and hold. He then moved behind them trying to see if each was executing the motion the right way.

"I want to see how flexible and strong you are…" Dickson told them. He then went holding their waist, lowering them a little so that their legs thighs would be parallel to the floor. He was so enticed by Nancy's ass such that he wished he would be able to hold it but held himself from doing it due to his work ethics.

"I am getting tired!" the fat girl said and suddenly dropped to the floor.

Nancy laughed and said, "I love the gym!"

All girls laughed.

The fat girl stood up and told Dickson, "Do you think I am like them? I cannot be like them and it is why I am here to be like them…" She pointed at Nancy and the other tall girl.

"Yes, the idea is to have your body flexible and strong." Dickson told her.

"Can I tell you something?" the fat girl told the gym instructor. They were relaxing for a few minutes before going on to the next session.

"Yes, you can." Dickson said.

"The reason why I am here is to get some flexibility and be able to have sex in a more enjoyable manner. Imagine I cannot do some things without feeling bulky!" the girl said making everyone of them to laugh. They were having fun of the exercises.

"The key is to get some flexibility and lose some weight. Your will naturally tone up if you lose some weight and be able to do some things." Dickson told the fat girl.

"What is your weight if I may ask?" Nancy asked the fat girl.

"I am 103 kg!" the fat girl said.

"Damn! Ok. But I believe you will lose some here. These exercises are tasking enough." The slim tall girl said.

"Ok, stories later, we resume now and follow my lead…" Dickson told the girls. He went on to take them through a rigorous session lasting 45 minutes, with just 30 seconds between transiting to other exercises until the girls were totally exhausted.

When the girls dropped on the floor panting, Dickson began to massage their legs, while stretching them. The girls felt it was completely ok for him to touch whichever way he wanted.

Nancy lay there as Dickson held her legs, stretched them for a while before holding her left leg and beginning to massage her thighs. He kept pressing until she could feel his hand pressing her vulvas. She did not mind as it was making her feel relaxed. Dickson did that to both legs. He then massaged her abdominal muscles, her breasts, her neck before leaving her and proceeding to do the same to the other girls.

"Today was just warm up, in fact the three days will be for making your body get used to the exercises then we will move to more difficult exercises which will help you become more flexible and stronger." Dickson told the girls.

"Wow! and I feel like dying!" the fat girl said.

"You will get used to; in fact, you will like how you will be in three months." Dickson told the fat girl.

After they were done, they went to shower. There were two bathrooms so one of them had to wait. Nancy opted to wait as the other two showered first. When they were done, Nancy went and showered. She wanted to change into some other clothes as the ones she came with to the gym were all sweaty and smelly.

When Nancy was done, she got out of the bathroom while stark naked and began wearing her clothes as the other girls watched.

"Wow! I love your confidence! I cannot dare step out naked least people see my shapeless body." The fat girl told Nancy.

"Just work hard and you will soon have a shape to be proud of. In fact, I admire your height." Nancy told the fat girl.

"My height, well, some people tell me I should have been a police office, but I really hate that job." The fat girl said.

"Which job do you do now?" The slim talk girl asked.

"Right now, I am jobless, living with my sister here in Mtwapa. But I was working as a chef at a certain hotel in Nairobi before it closed down out of mismanagement. So, my sister told me that here in Coast there are many hotels and I should come and try my luck here." The fat girl said.

"Then you are at the right place." Nancy told her.

"By the way, what are your names?" the fat girl asked before saying, "My name is Valery and I am from Kiambu."

"I am Nancy." Nancy said.

The slim girl looked at them and said, "I am Hellen."

"Nice to meet you." Valery said. "You make me feel like I know you for so long."

"Yes," Hellen said, "I have noticed Nancy is a very friendly girl who seems to naturally attract people to her."

Nancy laughed and said, "You are making me feel flattered."

Valery picked her items and stepped out of the ladies' changing room.

Nancy was about to go out when Hellen grabbed her gently from behind. Before Nancy would think what was going on, Hellen turned Nancy around, looked at her into the face and then without a warning, planted a short French kiss on her lips. Nancy didn't know how to react to that but strangely, the kiss felt so passionate to her such that she felt her own entire body respond to it. Hellen kissed her more and then released her.

"Sorry." Hellen said, "Couldn't help, you have such nice lips…"

Nancy was stunned. She was left speechless as Hellen stepped ahead of her and while at it, caressed Nancy's buttocks and then walked away.