
A night of harvest

Nancy passed by a pharmacist who knew her so well. She wore to be as physically appealing as possible to elicit maximum lust from men such that whenever she passed, men would cat call her with whispers and whistles. Nancy did not bother with them since majority were not courageous enough to approach her when alone but in groups, they would be very courageous. She even told herself: these men work like dogs, when alone they are cowards but when together they can attack anyone.

Eliud the pharmacist saw Nancy and stopped serving two young ladies who stood by his counter and asked Nancy, "Wow! where are you going looking like this?" Nancy had almost all her thighs exposed. Even the girls looked at her and envied her for attracting all attention from everyone.

"Don't worry where I am going." Nancy said, "Give me my parcel."

Eliud used to supply local prostitutes with a drug called scopolamine which went by its trade name 'Transdem Scop'. It would transform someone into a completely hypnotized zombie who would obey all orders given by someone who blows it to his nose.

Eliud had sealed the parcel so nicely with a brown envelope.

"You know the drill, if caught, I don't know you and you don't know me." Eliud told Nancy.

"Come on! I have never been caught why should I?" Nancy said and gave money to Eliud.


Nancy sat on high stool, with her thighs well exposed, her shiny grey dress pulled high enough to show her beautiful thighs. She was seeping in some wine while trying to pick her target when a tall, large man with a medium potbelly approached her.

"Excuse me darling, are you with someone?" the man asked Nancy.

Nancy looked at him, she quickly gauged his financial worth by the watch he was wearing and the phone he was holding. He had an I-phone.

"I am alone." Nancy replied sounding not interested.

"May I join you?" the man replied.

"Yes, you can, as long as your girl will not come here to pull my hair." Nancy replied with a smile.

"No, I am alone too. I just parked my car outside to come here to have a few for the road before going to my home. I actually am married but my wife and children are in Nakuru." The man said.

"Haha, you married men never stop following us." Nancy said sarcastically.

"Who would not notice such a beautiful girl seated on a high stool?" the man said and touched Nancy's thigh. Nancy held his hand and placed it fully onto her thigh. She was actually not even interested in the touch but his watch. She estimated it to be worth Kshs 750,000 as it was a Submariner Rolex watch.

"I love the softness of the thighs." The man told Nancy.

"I am Nancy, and you?" Nancy asked the man.

"Call me Kaka. That is the name I love being called but not my real name, it is the name I give people." The man said. He knew already Nancy was probably a hooker and not worth telling his names.

"Ok, Kaka." Nancy said with a smile.

The two continued talking, drinking and just flirting with each other.

"Excuse me, I want to go to the washrooms, check for me my glass." Nancy said. She left the glass half full.

Nancy went to the washrooms and put a tablet of Scopolamine into her mouth and melted it. She then quickly urinated and went back to the high table. She however did not bother drinking from her glass again knowing the dangers of leaving the glass half full.

As they talked, Nancy went so close to Kaka's face and carefully blew Scopolamine's fumes from her mouth to Kaka. Kaka attempted to kiss her thinking she wanted a kiss but Nancy refused.

"Wait I wash my mouth from the smell of alcohol. Then I can come and kiss you." Nancy said. She excused herself and went to the washrooms. She brushed her teeth thoroughly not to have any effects from the Scopolamine as she waited for it to take effect on Kaka.

When Nancy returned to where Kaka sat, by the look of his eyes, he was totally hypnotized. She knew he was ripe for harvesting.

"Darling, come and fuck me now…" Nancy told Kaka acting like she was all horny, "Let me take you to a room and you tear my pussy until morning."

Kaka grabbed Nancy's ass and both walked to the door. Kaka was no longer himself. When they got outside, Kaka wanted to go to his vehicle but Nancy led her to another vehicle, an Uber car.

"Take us around town, we want to do some few errands and then go home." Nancy told the driver. The driver was waiting for any client as he knew it was about time for most to go home.

"Ok, get right in." the driver said and adjusted his seat so they would leave.

Nancy began to kiss Kaka while caressing his already erect dick. Kaka was enjoying so much until he was moaning.

"I love this hard shaft; I want it deep inside me until I scream in both pain and pleasure…" Nancy told Kaka.

Kaka did not even reply. He pushed Nancy to begin sucking his erect dick. Nancy sucked it so sensually such that Kaka was moaning so loudly until the driver was getting annoyed.

"Where are you going? And please respect my work!" the driver said.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? We are paying!" Nancy barked.

"You should have told me what you want, I will park the car and let you do your thing, but you must pay. This is not a lodging." The driver said.

"How much do you want?" Nancy asked the driver.

Before the driver answered, Nancy saw an ATM lobby. She quickly guessed Kaka probably had all ATM cards.

"Stop right there!" Nancy told the driver.

The driver nearly hit a motorcyclist while braking very hard and directing his car to the side of the road.

"Fuck you! Do you think you are the only road user!" the boda boda rider said and showed the driver a middle finger. The driver did not even bother responding.

Nancy led Kaka to the ATM lobby. She did not enter as she did not want her face captured by the CCTV.

"Darling, withdraw for me Kshs 40,000, please…" Nancy said. Kaka got inside like someone being controlled via a remote control and quickly withdrew the amount.

As soon as Kaka got into the car, he gave all the money to Nancy.

Nancy noticed Kaka had 4 ATM cards. They drove around with Nancy telling Kaka to withdraw money each time, but due to maximum limit of various ATM cards, Nancy managed to get Kshs 175,000 that one night.

The driver got a hint on what was going on. He looked at Nancy suggestively.

Nancy winked.

The driver drove back to the club where Nancy had picked Kaka. They walked back and sat at another dark spot before Nancy slowly walking out to meet the driver as she did not want him blowing up the whole thing to the police and probably blackmailing her. Kaka was left drinking alone, totally hypnotized by the effect of Scopolamine such that he was not even aware of his surroundings. When he got totally intoxicated, he simply walked himself into his car, locked himself inside and slept.

"Drive me back home, now, take this amount and make sure to shut up." Nancy told the driver and gave him 8,000.

"No." the driver said.

"What? You don't want money!?" Nancy asked the driver angrily.

"Make it 15, I know you have a lot. Do you know if this blows up, I will also be in shit? It will be assumed I was part of it." The driver said.

Nancy added 2,000 more and handed them to the driver, "Take it or leave it, furthermore how much do you earn in a night? You only carry drunkards who pay you hundreds! Stop being stupid now, take this money." Nancy told the driver. The driver literally grabbed the money.

"Now, take me home." Nancy told the driver.

"Yes, madam." The driver replied politely and drove away. Nancy gave the driver some direction, but not the actual place she lived. She stashed all the money into her handbag and told the driver where to stop, a few blocks from where she lived. She made sure the driver had gone before walking into their apartment's gate.

"I told you girls to stop walking alone out here, I am too old to come fighting thugs in case you are attacked," Said the 60 years old gateman who was siting at the gate of where Nancy lived.

"Don't worry, God is with us, we never get attacked. He sends his guardian angels to cover us with the blood of Jesus Christ." Nancy said. She quickly reached for Kshs 200 and gave to the old man.

"God bless you my daughter. God bless you." The old man said as he took the money with both hands.

"Amen, let me go catch some sleep." Nancy said and walked away. The old man placed the money inside his empty wallet and went back to sit where he sat waiting for the rest who will come at night.

Nancy slowly opened her house, switched on the light, then proceeded to pour all the money she had gotten that night. She held the notes, smiled, looked upwards and said, "Thank you lord, thank you for making so many men into fools!" she was over 150,000 richer!