
Honey, I Hate You: Married To A Beguiler

She will do anything to escape her death, including marrying the man that she detested the most. Dayton Katherine, who thought true love, and happiness prevails all things, was led to her doom by that thought. Marrying the man she truly loved was her dream, but it turned out to be a nightmare she never saw coming. On her wedding day, after she lost everything including her position, and wealth, she was murdered by the man she loved dearly. It turned out he deceived her, and made her know that what she thought existed was only a fantasy which deluded her. After being killed, she was granted a second chance– a chance to redeem her mistake. Katherine woke up a day before the day she died. Now, she is desperate to run away from her mysterious fate, but they are bound to happen. For her to escape the fate of dying on her wedding day, and being killed by the man she loved, she decided to marry Jaylen Eric. She wanted to believe all men weren't the same, but she was mistaken. She caught Eric kissing her cousin an hour before their wedding. She had no choice but to marry him in order to protect herself, she is bent on hating the beguiler she got married to. This time, she won't waver for this man, nor will she allow her mind to be clouded by thoughts that will delude her. What if he turns out to be the most supporting, caring, loving, and reliable person she ever met? What if his feelings were genuine towards her? What if he began to make her waver, and her life got endangered? Will she be able to cope with what lies ahead of her? Allow the pressure from her in–laws, cousin, and her fate swallow her? Or come out strong from it? Except; “Do you think you can keep hating me?” His question made Katherine turn to face him. She hesitated before she replied, “Yes, I will never waver for you, Honey.” A teasing smile playing on his lips, Eric took a few steps closer to her. “Wifey, do you think that wall of hatred won't melt down if I try seducing you?” Seeing the determination in his eyes, she can't help but laugh. “Try, and see.” (I will be updating two chapters per day except Sundays.)

Muhammed_shafa · Urban
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24 Chs


"That accident killed your friend's mom?" Eric's face turned paler upon hearing her words. "So, someone died because of me?"

From his voice, guilt was all she could hear. He sounded different, almost as if he was hiding dark pains and carrying a heavy burden.

"She is like a sister to me and her mother was the only person who gave me hope when I almost died. She was the reason I am still alive," she paused, more tears streaming down her red cheeks. "What am I going to do? What if she finds out her mother died because of my husband? Uh?"

She had never faced a dilemma like this before. Eric was also a victim of the driver's action, but there is no one to blame aside from him. He is the reason Mirabel's mother died.

"Honey, I am sorry, I can't go back home with you," she said before opening the car door.

She did not bother to listen to Eric's words before she got down from the car and ran out of the parking lots. She regretted ever asking him about his past. If only she didn't meddle with his privacy, this wouldn't have happened.

She hailed a taxi back to Jaylen Mansion. While she was in the car, she brought out her phone and dialled Mirabel's number.

She tried several times, but Mirabel isn't picking up. Given how angry she was, Mirabel might burn her skin if she sees her around.

"Ma'am, you know this is a remote street, right?" The taxi driver remarked as she got out of the car.

"I know. That is the reason I decided to pay you well," Katherine replied, handing him the fare before heading into the mansion.

Upon entering the living room, all eyes turned torwards her, causing her to wonder what they were up to.

She walked closer before she greeted. "Good afternoon. Why is everyone here? Is anything the problem?"

Given the way they were staring disgustedly at her, she doubted if there wasn't any problem.

"There is," said Madam Quinn. She approached Katherine before slapping her.

Katherine clenched her fist, struggling to control her anger. She didn't want to provoke Eric by retaliating against Madam Quinn.

She raised her gaze, her bloodshot eyes staring at Madam Quinn before she asked, "What is this nonsense about? What did I do to deserve this slap from you?"

Madam Quinn burst into laughter at Katherine's innocent act. "You didn't know? What am I even saying, is there any thief that will agree he stole?"

Confused by Madam Quinn's question, she replied. "Since I am not a thief, what has this got to do with me?"

Avery walked up to her, holding Their family heirloom. "Why did you steal this? Do you need money? Gold? What do you need that this family can't afford for you?"

Katherine burst into laughter at Avery's words. She less expected this act from the Jaylen family.

"Did you just laugh? Is our family a joke to you?" Ethan asked angrily.

She turned to look at Ethan, who was standing next to his furious father– that was when she realized what was happening.

Fear crept into her at the realization of what was happening to her. There was no doubt she was framed. But who could possibly do that? The only person she could think of was Annabella.

"Mr. Davis, I swear I did not steal your family heirloom. I didn't even know that something like this existed," she pleaded, tears clustered in her eyes.

"You didn't? Wasn't your family heirloom given to you? Or was it given to your sister?" Madam Quinn questioned with a teasing tone.

Katherine gritted her teeth at her words. She doubts if what Madam Quinn said was a lie, afterall Annabella is his niece.

"I am Dayton family adopted daughter, so I don't really know about this stuff. I swear, I don't," she replied innocently.

Avery chuckled at her response before she turned to face her father. "Dad, won't you say anything? Didn't I tell you she was a red flag? She hid her real identity just to be a member of the Jaylen family. No doubt, she also stole our family heirloom so as to make her husband the heir."

Mr. Davis, who had a share of his own doubt, walked up to Katherine who was obviously trembling.

"Katherine, you didn't do this, right? I know a hardworking lady like you won't stoop so low to steal," giving her the benefit of doubt, he asked her warmly.

Hearing his words, she felt a bit relieved. "I swear, I didn't," she replied.

"Then, why was it found in your room? Or was it stolen by Eric?" Avery's sharp voice resonated in the living room.

"Steal? What is stolen? And who steals something?"

Eric, who just walked inside, asked curiously. The moment he got a glimpse of Katherine, he walked up to her.

He leaned closely before he asked, "What is happening?"

Before Katherine could respond, Madam Quinn replied, "Your wife stole our family heirloom. Maybe she wanted to give it to you or you instructed her to."

"And what are you trying to insinuate? Do you think I am like you or your children?" Anger laced in his voice, Eric asked rudely.

Madam Quinn chuckled at the way their plan was unfolding. Though, she expected more than this from the both of them.

"Since you both are the same, an illegitimate son and an adopted daughter, I expected exactly this–"

Mr. Davis, who couldn't stand the fact that this was going to tear his family apart, interrupted Madam Quinn.

"Eric, did you know your wife stole our heirloom?"

"And what proof that she stole it?" Sounding like the Eric his family knew, he inquired.

Mr. Davis smiled faintly before he handed him a golden toad that looked old, though its color was still vibrant. Ths toad was a sign of wealth and power their family held. It is one of Mr. Davis' most treasured property.

"This golden toad is an artefact passed down from our ancestors to our family heir. It was found in your room, inside your wife's closet," Mt. Davis replied.

Eric's lip curved into a smile at his father's words. He knew this was going to happen, that was why he was always cautious around them.

"I placed a camera in our room because of a situation like this. If we check and my wife isn't guilty, everyone who embarrassed her must apologize!"

His words brought back Katherine who was lost in her thoughts to reality. She didn't expect him to be such a pervert, how can he install a camera in the room without letting her know? Again, she felt relieved and hoped the videos wouldn't be tampered.

How is this chapter?? (haha, I wasn't expecting Jaylen family's drama too)

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