
honey baby becomes a superstar

Honey, could you pls accept my proposal? Marriage won't stop you from your dream. I will help you with all I have to make your dream come true, ok?

Ella_Liang_9507 · Urban
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47 Chs

Chapter 47. Today Is a Good Day

The telephone rings. Linda answers the phone and hears Mrs. Lin's familiar voice.

"Honey, Kevin is a wonderful son-in-law, and the painting has been sent back. I'll keep it safe this time. I won't let anyone cheat me again."

"Yeah, well, it is great to get it back. You get to keep a close eye on your own baby. "

"I see, how are you now, are you two free to come back for dinner with me, I have to thank him." 

"Mommy, let me tell you two big things. Don't get too excited. "

"Tell me, please, honey." Mrs. Lin is a little impatient.

"I passed the audition and will start filming after the next year. And I just got my marriage certificate with Kelvin today." Linda is emotional when she says it, but she is already working very hard to control her emotions.

"Wow, that's great news. Daughter, mommy wish you both success in love and career. When are you going to have the wedding?"

"Mommy, we haven't planned a wedding for the time being. I want to concentrate on my career first."

"But will he agree with you? You don't ask for his approval?"

"As long as I am happy, he is willing to go private and he respects and supports my decision."

"Such a good son-in-law is really rare. Daughter, it is wise for you to skip the engagement ceremony and get the certificate directly." Mrs. Lin's eyebrows curl with joy.

"Mommy, I'll bring Kevin to see you in a few days. Is it OK?"

"Yes, it is ok, of course."

After talking to her mother on the phone, Linda could not help but call her good friend Nana.

"Dear sister, have you been busy lately?"

Nana teases her: "Busy woman, why do you have time to care about me? You want to help me find a boyfriend? "

"I want to share with you two pieces of information about myself."

"Come on, come on, tell me." Nana can't help being gossipy.

"First, I passed the audition. Second, I just got my marriage certificate today. "

Nana couldn't help but sigh: "Woman, you are as fast as a rocket, congratulations, congratulations."

"Then I am a qualified bestie, I have told you everything."

"Well, aren't you already a woman instead of a girl? "

Linda blushes with shyness and says: "Not yet, but I guess I can't escape tonight. "

"Ha-ha, sister, enjoy the sex, look forward to your further sharing." "Nana is so happy to eat a big melon.

"You, be quick, go to find a man, I also look forward to your sharing." 

"I have a man on my mind, but I don't know if he will love me." 

"Who is he? "Linda can't help but want to gossip.

"I don't know if it will be successful, I won't tell you now. I'll share it with you when it's a success."

"Wow, it is so mysterious. If you don't tell me, I'm going to hang up now."

"Estimate your husband will not be able to get off the bed for the next three days after the battle tonight, ha-ha."

"I can't talk to you now, bye."

The two girls end the conversation in laughing.

At lunch time, someone rings the doorbell.

Linda opens the door and sees that it is Assistant Chen.

He's got a suitcase and a big incubator.

"Miss Lin, here are Mr. Wang's personal belongings and lunch for you. Mr. Wang said he would deal with the business first and come back in the evening."

"OK, you come in, please put the suitcase in the bedroom on the second floor, and the incubator on the living room table. Thanks for your hard work!"

"It has been my pleasure to serve you."

Assistant Chen finishes his job and leaves quickly.

Just as Linda is hungry, she lifts the lid of the incubator. There's a lot of good food in there, just the type she likes. She pours herself a glass of warm water and tastes the delicious food slowly.

"Mr. Bean, please put away the dishes!"

After finishing her meal, Linda gives the command.

Realizing that Mr. Bean had been returned to the factory for an upgrade, she shakes her head and has to clean up the dishes herself.

She doesn't know what the night's going to be like, but anyway, she's a little tired. After clearing up the dishes, she goes upstairs to bed in the bedroom.

When all the important things are settled down, she lies down peacefully. Lying on the soft double bed, she soon falls asleep.

When she wakes up, she has a look at the phone. It is five o 'clock, unconsciously sleeping for three hours. Now she feels full of energy.

Do you want to ask Kevin what time he'll be back? She is a little hesitant.

She edits a message on her phone: Honey, when will you be back?

Before sending it out, a message from Mary pops up on the phone: I just had someone teaching that bitch a lesson, her artificial nose was twisted, and her silicone boobs probably had to be redone. How do you feel? 

Linda quickly types out a few words: Awesome, you are quite impressive!

Linda's heart is filled with happiness. This bitch, she framed me, and caused me into deep depression, she deserves it. Thinking of the messy image the bitch is, Linda could not help but raise the corners of her mouth and smile.

My highlight moment is finally coming. It is awesome.

Linda could not help humming the song: "Today is a good day, today is a good day... "

After a while, Kevin pushes the living room door and comes in: "Why are you so happy now?"

"Because you are coming back."

"Is that right? Is that a lie? "As soon as Kevin comes close to Linda, he scratches her small nose with his right hand.

"You're back early. Have you finished the work?"

"Nothing is as important as you, so I come back early to be with you." Kevin takes Linda in his arms.

"Are you hungry? Linda asks gently.

"If you mean hungry for you? Of course. Yes." Kevin laughs.

"You misunderstood me again." Linda hammers Kevin's chest with her small fists.






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