
honey baby becomes a superstar

Honey, could you pls accept my proposal? Marriage won't stop you from your dream. I will help you with all I have to make your dream come true, ok?

Ella_Liang_9507 · Urban
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47 Chs

Chapter 45. Let's Get a Marriage License

"Why don't we just go get our marriage license tomorrow?" Linda says gently in the ear of Kevin.

'What did you say? But Kevin couldn't believe his ears.

"I said I'll go with you tomorrow to get a marriage license! "Linda shouts as loudly as she could.

"Get a license without an engagement ceremony? Are you sure? "Kevin takes Linda gently in his arms.

"Yes, I'm sure. How about your idea if we take the wedding off the table and get married quietly? "

"Whatever you want, as long as you're happy. "

"Kevin, thank you for your love and respect for me, you are my Mr. Right, I am sure I want to walk with you hand in hand for the rest of my life. What about you? What do you think? Do you want to marry me?" Linda looks gently into Kevin's eyes and says to him seriously.

"Of course, of course I want to marry you, I love you, I will always care about you, love you and protect you. You are my Ms. Right too." Kevin says, and kisses Linda on the forehead.

"That's settled, then. We'll get the license tomorrow. "

"No problem. Now that we will be legally married, may I come to your room tonight?"

"Why you are in a hurry? Maybe tomorrow night. I'm not ready tonight." Linda blushes a little.

"Well, tomorrow, no cheating. I'll take you back to your room and go to get the license in the morning."


Kevin sends Linda back to the room and helps her close the door, and then returns to his room.

He is very excited, he did not expect that Linda actually wanted to get a license with him so soon, he thought it might take longer to get married with Linda. He lies in bed, a little too excited to sleep.

Get a marriage license. Yeah, get a marriage license. He quickly calls Assistant Chen: "You come to the hotel tomorrow morning at 8:30 to pick me and Miss Lin, remember to bring a bag of candy." 

"Yes, boss, I will be on time tomorrow."

Why did the boss want me to bring candy? Assistant Chen is a little puzzled, but he is too embarrassed to ask again.

Hanging up the phone Kevin checks the wallet quickly, ID card in the wallet, yes. Everything's ready on his side. Is Linda ready?

He quickly sends her a message: Do you have the ID card with you?

He soon receives her reply: Yes, you can rest assured. Good night. See you in the morning.

With the thought of getting a marriage license tomorrow, Kevin's mouth is unconsciously turned up, to marry such an independent and beautiful woman who matches his identity, is his greatest luck from birth to now. 

Linda is lying in bed at this time, her heart is filled with sweetness. It is not difficult to find a man who matches her family. What is valuable is to respect her and take care of her unconditionally. Meeting Kevin is her lucky, she must seize the present luck quickly, and be happy for the rest of her life.

The young couple are lying in bed, all with this beautiful yearning for the future marriage life, and slowly into the sweet dream.

Early the next morning, the sun shines through the screen and Linda is already awake. She gets out of bed, stretches, and walks out of bed. Today, she will put on a sweet makeup and go to get her marriage license with her beloved Kevin. Thought of this, her mood is as sweet as eating honey.

She sits at the dresser and draws her eyebrows carefully. The doorbell rings. She answers the door.

As soon as Kevin sees her, he smiles: "How are two eyebrows different?"

Linda purses her lips: "I only drew my left eyebrow. The other side has not been drawn." "

"Would you like me to draw it for you? "

"You can draw eyebrows?" Linda is a little surprised.

"Of course, I'm a straight-A art student."

"Come on, you draw it by reference to my left eyebrow." Linda hands him the eyebrow pencil.

Kevin takes the eyebrow pencil, staring at Linda's forehead, draws her eyebrows patiently. A lancet eyebrow is done in a moment.

Linda looks in the mirror and sees the shape of her eyebrows. Both sides are the same shape. They are lancet eyebrows. She laughs with joy.

"I didn't think you could draw eyebrows so well, and what other skills do you have that I don't know."

"You'll see at night. "Kevin laughs.

Linda covers her face shyly and runs into the dressing room.

"Wait a minute, I'll finish my makeup and go out with you." 

"Okay, no hurry. You take your time."

Linda takes out mascara and lipstick to continue to make up, and after a while she finally finishes her makeup.

She appears in front of Kevin.

"Am I looking good today?"

Kevin sees the little fiancée in front of him. Slim, fresh and lovely makeup, his eyes are frozen.

"Yes, of course you are looking good."

"Then take your ID card and let's go."

"Yes, in the bag. Let's go."

They eat a simple breakfast together, and when they arrive at the parking lot, they see Assistant Chen waving at them from a distance.

When they are seated, Assistant Chen reports to Kevin quickly: "Boss, the candy is ready."

"Ok, thanks, now go to the marriage Registry Office of Dragon City!"

"Ah, ah, ah? "

The news that the boss is going to get married shocks Assistant Chen. So many girls chase the boss, he does not pay attention, but only has eyes for this Miss Lin. I don't know what magic this Miss Lin has put on him to make him obey her. I can't believe that they are going to get married secretly.

"We are going to get a marriage license. What's the surprise? Keep it a secret." Kevin says to Assistant Chen.

"Yes, boss, don't worry, I will."













anrj, thank you for your continue power stones. Back for updating.

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