
honey baby becomes a superstar

Honey, could you pls accept my proposal? Marriage won't stop you from your dream. I will help you with all I have to make your dream come true, ok?

Ella_Liang_9507 · Urban
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47 Chs

Chapter 35. Go to Have Lunch

Kevin scratches his head: "I must have seen this face, but I can't remember where I've seen."

Looking at Mrs. Lin's dejected face, he immediately comforts her: "Aunt, it doesn't matter, please play the video again, and stop when you can see his face clearly, I will take a photo, and I will help you find this guy."

"OK, OK. Can you see this picture clearly? "

Kevin takes out a mobile phone, clicks a photo: "Aunt, it is OK now. I will find this liar, and he will be at your disposal. I promise to find him for you in three days."

"Kevin, thank you very much."

Kevin smiles and says: "Aunt, you are welcome, we will be a family soon. It is my pleasure to help.

Mrs. Lin feels very happy: "Yes, you're right, good child. Family, family. Right, right!"

Linda begins to complain: "I'm hungry. I want something to eat."

Kevin says: "How about we go out to eat together. I invite you to eat a good meal."

Mrs. Lin replies: "You go with Linda, I'm just on a diet. I'll have some salad for lunch. I won't go."

"Mommy, are you sure you don't want to eat?"

"No, I've lost all my paintings, and I've lost my appetite."

"All right, Mommy, let's go to dinner then. Don't be too sad, Kevin will help you get the painting back."

While Mrs. Lin opens the shop door again, Linda and Kelvin waved goodbye to her.

"Going to the Qing Restaurant?"

Linda and Kevin blurt out at the same time, they did not expect each other having the same thought. When their eyes lock to each other, they both laugh at the same time.

After a while, Assistant Chen drives them to the Qing restaurant.

Kevin takes the menu: "What do you want to eat? "

Linda takes off her scarf and gloves: "Just like last time."

Kevin looks at the back of Linda's white tender hand with a red mark: "What's wrong with your hand, injured?"

"I grazed the door frame on the way out of the bathroom. It's OK, I'm not fragile."

Kevin holds her hands: "Be careful next time, I don't want you to get hurt."

Looking into Kevin's eyes, Linda is a little shy.

Seeing a waitress enter the private room, Linda draws her hands back.

"Have you decided what to eat, Mr. Wang?"

Kevin hands the menu to the waitress: "Just the same as last time I ordered for her."

"Yes, Mr. Wang." The waiter replies and leaves the room.

"Why are you so shy?" Kevin says to Linda with a smile.

"I'm not used to holding hands with you in front of others."

"Never mind, it's OK, it's OK. After lunch, do you have any plans this afternoon? Do you want me to take you out shopping for clothes so I can take you to meet my parents?"

Linda's face is visibly tense: "Kevin, can you change it to another day? I am not ready yet."

"Ok, no worry, take your time, take your time. It's not urgent."

"I'm going to audition tomorrow morning, and how about we talk about other things when I get my work done, OK?"

"Yes, no problem, career first, I understand. I'm with you. Good job, my little fiancée." Kevin raises his thumb, an expression of pride for her.

"Well, thank you for your understanding. I will try to be a good wife in the future."

Did not expect Linda would answer like this, Kevin holds her hands again: "No matter what, I hope you are happy, you do what you like to do, I will always support you."

Now the waitress comes in with the food. This time Linda's hands do not draw back.

 Kevin sees all of these in the eyes, and his heart is filled with happiness.

When the food is all served, the waitress leaves.

Kevin picks up a piece of fish and puts it into Linda's bowl: "Eat some fish, this fish is good for your skin, and will not gain weight, eat a little more." 

Linda puts the fish in her mouth: "Wow, it's delicious. You eat too. Don't try to help me. I can do it myself, don't spoil me."

"My own little fiancée, I would love to spoil you."

Hearing this, Linda feels very sweet.

After the meal, they leave the restaurant hands in hands.

They walk very slowly, and soon they are close to the place where Assistant Chen parks the car. Linda is still a little reluctant to leave.

Kevin says: "A little reluctant to leave? "

Linda nods her head.

"Let's walk one more circle."

"Mm-hmm." Linda nods her head with joy.

They go back to the restaurant's direction.

"Do you enjoy being with me?" Kevin asks her.

"Yes, it is very relaxing, you are gentle and considerate, you don't make any demands on me. Being with you is more relaxing than being with my family."

"I just want you to be happy. I like to see your happy face."

"And what if I do something to upset you in the future?"

"It's OK, we just fit in and tolerate each other."

"Yeah, yeah, you're right."

They walk slowly while chatting.

Seeing that they are about to reach the Qing Restaurant again, they turn around again.

When they are close to the car, Kevin proposes again: "Do you want to walk another circle?"

"Oh, no, I have to get back to read the script."

"All right, all right."

Assistant Chen watches them coming, wondering if they would turn around and walk a little longer.

He finds that Miss Lin is willing to let him see her hands in hands with Kevin. This Miss Lin is a lovely girl.

He sees them getting closer and closer, and he gets out of the car and opens the door for them.

When they are all seated, Kevin says: "Send Linda back to the villa first."

"Yes, boss."

After a while, the car reaches Linda's villa.

"Do you want to come in and have a cup of tea?" Linda takes the initiative to invite Kevin.

"No, how about next time? Just focus on your script, I don't want to disturb you. Besides, I must take care of my mother-in-law's trouble."

"OK, be careful on the way, bye!"