
honey baby becomes a superstar

Honey, could you pls accept my proposal? Marriage won't stop you from your dream. I will help you with all I have to make your dream come true, ok?

Ella_Liang_9507 · Urban
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47 Chs

Chapter 33. Nana Comes to Borrow Jewelries

Linda thinks the time is a little late, it would be better not to disturb Kevin. 

Today I have read the script for a long time, and I am tired too.

Linda washes herself briefly and goes upstairs to sleep.

When she wakes up the next morning, the sun shines on her bed, making her feel warm.

Linda gets up to brush her teeth and washes her face. She has a quick breakfast. She changes into a sports suit and sneakers, ready to run in the neighborhood.

She closes the door and stands in front of the villa, taking deep breaths of fresh air. She stretches her arms and legs as a warm-up for exercise.

She begins to jog along the road in front of the villa. Although the weather is still a little cold, she does not feel cold at all during the exercise. After running for a while, tiny drops of sweat come out of the pores of her forehead. She wipes her forehead twice with the towel on her arm and runs on again.

After running 3 circles in the community, Linda feels refreshed and comfortable. She decides to take one last circle of slow walk.

As she walks slowly, she observes the neighborhood where she has lived for a long time. Now it is winter, most of the trees along the road are bare, only a few tall pine trees are green. There are a few wintersweet trees dotted with small yellow flowers. A gust of wind comes with a nice smell. Linda could not help taking another deep breath. The smell of nature is the best perfume.

There are occasionally a few pedestrians passing by, but Linda knows none of them. When someone says hello to her, she only nods her head friendly, does not communicate with the stranger more deeply. Besides, she will move away soon, social life here doesn't mean much to her.

Walking slowly in the community, Linda is planning the following schedule for today. Suddenly a familiar voice appears in her ears.

"Linda, is that you?"

Linda turns around, surprised: "Tom, why are you here? Have you recovered so quickly? "

Tom's face is full of energy and his hands are clenched in front of her: "Look at me, I'm full of power. I'm young. I'm not in my 70s or 80s. I have recovered. By the way, I just moved to this neighborhood. Do you live here too? "

"Yes, I've lived here for a while. "

Tom is very happy to have a friend who lives in the same neighborhood. He gives Linda a V sign.

"But I will move away in a few days!"

As soon as Linda finishes speaking, Tom is a little depressed.

"Why do you move away?"

"It's a long story. I'll tell you about it another day. I have to get home now."

"All right, Linda, I'll talk to you later."

Linda pats him on the shoulder: "Remember to take care of yourself, remember that! Bye! "

"Yes, yes, ma 'am. Goodbye."

Upon returning home, Linda sees Nana standing at the door of her villa.

"Why are you here so early?"

"I need to attend a business meeting tomorrow, and I want to borrow some jewelries from you, OK?" Linda replies.

"Sister, of course, no problem at all."

"By the way, who is that handsome guy you were talking to?"

"Sister, you are so sharp eyes, that is a friend I met in Korea, he just moved here."

"Looks good. It's my type."

"Shall I introduce you to him? Ha-ha."

"Well, maybe some other time. Come on in. I need to pick out my jewelries." Nana is a little shy and pushes Linda to open the door quickly.

Linda presses her finger several times on the code keys, and the door opens smoothly.

"You go sit on the sofa for a while, I'll go upstairs and get your jewelries." 

After a while, Linda hands a jewelry box like a cipher box down. And then open it on the end table.

"Take whatever you like! I'm going to take a bath!"

Nana's eyes straighten at the sight of a box of jewelries.

"Wow, you have so many jewelries. This is way too much. If I borrow one but lose it, do I need to sell myself to pay for it?"

"It's not that dramatic. You really know how to write stories. It's a pity that you are not a screenwriter." Linda replies and goes to the bathroom without looking back.

Nana choses a relatively small and delicate necklace, and a pair of lavender pearl earrings. Participating in business activity, it is better to present a competent image. These jewelries are just enough. It's not a beauty pageant, but it fits.

After choosing jewelries, she finds a men's coat on the sofa, and a small box.

"Wow, this woman did it so fast. They stayed together for the night."

Later Linda comes out from the bathing room and notices that Nana looks at her in a strange way.

"Why, have I got something wrong on my face?" Linda feels a little puzzled.

"Are we already different, I'm a girl but you're a woman?"

Nana teases her.

"What the hell, what the hell, I don't know what you mean?"

Nana points to the coat and the box on the sofa. "There is no more excuse?"

Linda grabs her hair with both hands frantically: "I forgot to put it away."

Nana laughs heartily. "Tell me the truth."

Linda explains quickly: "The truth is that yesterday Kevin came to cook dinner for me, he forgot his coat here. Then my mom called me, I forgot to put his coat away."

"And what about the box?"

"It is in his pocket. You go to ask him. Nothing was happened between us. Don't get it wrong." But Linda's face blushes a little.

"Not lying? Your face is a little red." Nana says, staring at her.

"No, I haven't lied to you. My big screenwriter, you don't have to think so much about the plot. I have told you all the truth. I'm blushing because I just got out of the bath."

"All right, trust you then."

"Have you picked out your jewelries? You can leave if you have done. I have something important to do."

"Well, I have done. All right, you want to drive me away. What a woman who puts sex before friends. Bye!"

" I will help you to find a boyfriend soon and ask him to take care of you, so you won't have time to talk nonsense here. Bye, bye."


Sorry for being later. Yesterday a little busy. I will try to update steadly. Love you all.

Remark: The little box in the coat's pocket is condom.

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