
honey baby becomes a superstar

Honey, could you pls accept my proposal? Marriage won't stop you from your dream. I will help you with all I have to make your dream come true, ok?

Ella_Liang_9507 · Urban
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47 Chs

Chapter 25. Sign the Contract

Linda opens the door: "Who did you say? Cindy? Cindy, who used to be a girls group member and is now a popular star? "

"Yes, she is, and she told me your address." 

Damn it. This woman is vicious, I haven't laid a hand on her yet. I can't believe she's bullying me again. I'm not going to let her go.

Linda says directly to Mary, "I have conflicts with Cindy. I think she is deliberately using you to get back at me. You'd better not be fooled."

Mary is furious: "I trusted her so much, and it's really annoying for her to treat me like this."

Just at the time Coco appears at the door. Seeing someone at Linda's door, she asks, "Hello, are you Miss Lin? I'm Coco." If today is not convenient for you, I'll come back another time."

Linda answers quickly, "I am Linda Lin, she knocked at the wrong door." It's okay. Please come in."

Linda invites Coco into the door.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but I have some important things to do, so I won't invite you to come in. Good-bye."

Mary is a little embarrassed: "Miss Lin, I'm sorry, sorry to trouble you. Goodbye."

Coco looks puzzled, but she feels it is better no to ask too much about Linda's personal life.

Linda directly tells her: "This woman' name is Mary. She is the golden bachelor Mr. Ma's girlfriend, and she takes me as her rival. but I don't have any personal or business relations with her boyfriend. It's ridiculous."

"Oh, so it is. It is very ridiculous indeed."

"Mr. Bean, a glass of orange for Coco."

"Yes, Miss, just a moment, please."

Coco observes the villa Linda lives in, up and down two floors, spacious and bright. Looking at the style, she could not help but sigh in her heart: Money is good. This Miss is not only rich, but also so career-minded, which is rare.

Thinking that today's business is to sign a contract with Linda, she quickly takes out two copies of the contract from the bag she brings with her and hands it to Linda.

"Miss Lin, here is the contract, please have a look, Bruce Gao had signed it. If that's all right, we'll start our cooperation once you sign it."

"Ok, just a moment, I'll see."

Linda looks at the terms of the contract carefully, the terms are fair to both sides, there is no trap. She quickly signs the contract and gives Coco a copy.

Coco reaches out her right hand, with a kind smile on her face: "Miss Lin, I hope we can cooperate happily."

Linda looks at the competent girl in front of her, feeling similar to her age, and she quickly extends her right hand: "Coco, happy cooperation. By the way, you can call me Linda from now on, not Miss Lin."

"Ok, Linda. Are you ready for your new job?"

"Of course, it's the most important thing I've been always looking forward to."

"Then your dream will come true soon. Now Director Feng is preparing to shoot a new TV play and is looking for suitable actors and actresses. There's a role that Bruce Gao thinks you're perfect for. If you are willing to accept it, I will show you the play script now, and then recommend you to the audition."

I don't have much seniority in the field, any job opportunity is good luck, there is no reason to be picky.

she nods her head quickly: "Yes, I would like to."

Coco takes out a thick script to Linda.

"The role selected for you is the little sister of the male protagonist, although it is not the protagonist, but if you play well, you will get more and better opportunities in the future." 

"Yeah, yeah, OK. In fact, I appreciate Bruce Gao's thoughtful cultivation and your kind help, and I will work hard, won't disappoint you.

"Miss Lin, oh, no, Linda. I believe that with your qualifications and efforts, you will become a very successful artist. By the way, you're joining our company, and I'll post it on social media later today using our company account. I hope you can follow and post the same message from your account."

"OK, no problem."

"Ok, you can read the script when you are free, and we will keep in touch."

"OK, thank you."

Sending Coco out the door and watching Coco walks away, Linda makes two V gestures with both hands to herself.

My career will start again, ha-ha, the bright stage, my dream, I am back.

After the happy mood has passed, Linda begins to think.

The agent is good, organized, a measured person. Linda felt completely unwary of her the first time meeting her, she is indeed a reliable partner.

This villa doesn't feel like a safe place to live anymore. It's terrible that Cindy knows where she lives. Maybe through the information on the Internet, Cindy knew that she had returned back, and then sent someone to follow her.

 You know where I am. It is too terrible.

At this thought Linda gives a shiver and quickly puts the curtains down.

I have to move. I can't live here anymore.

She is wondering whether to discuss with her bestie Nana or discuss with Kevin to move home.

She did not think clearly, but the hand accidentally touches the dial key, dials the phone number to Kevin. It is ok, just tell Kevin.

The phone is answered quickly.

"Little fiancée, have you already missed me?" Kevin speaks in a joking tone.

"Just to be honest with you, I might have been followed. I want to move as soon as possible."

"Who's so bold as to follow my little fiancée, I will break his legs!"

"Don't be so excited, I may be too high-profile. The media likes to publish the gossip information. I have been targeted by the bad guys. Can you help me find a more private place to live?"

"Why don't you just move in with me?"

"Oh, It's day, not night. Don't dream. You think the gossip information exposed about you is not enough? Why don't you think about it? The paparazzi probably already know where you live."

"Then I'll pick out a new place for you, and later to be our love nest too in the future, that's all right?"

"Well, you have to choose carefully." 

Linda's little face turns red again with shyness.