


In the City of Kampala Uganda lived a kind,innocent and timid Girl known as Juliana.She was the second born in her family.she had an elder sister with whom they were not actually going along well because their likes and Dislikes were totally different unlike with her other siblings she shared good childhood memories

I know her very well infact I consider myself her shadow because I have walked with her since childhood and know all her where abouts.

Inspite of born in a middle class family Julianas parents gave them all the very Best they could they fulfilled all their Desires. when Juliana started school she wasn't at all Happy she used to fear her teachers and her surroundings.Her parents had a tough time struggling to send her to school she lacked Self Confidence and she was also not keeping well as she had a minor Problem of Bronchitis this went on in both Nursery and Primary school but one think that kept Juliana going was the Love of Her parents and to conclude,she was her Father's soul model her mother had a Great role to play taking care of all her siblings,Family and household chores but her Father's trust and support on her made her move on and one more thing was she had faith in God since childhood she always wished to stay close to God.she was unable to complete her religion classes due to not keeping well but she kept her foot down and took effort and sat down with her Grandmother to learn the Basic like the Holy Quran and five times Daily Prayers.

Juliana had two Childhood Friends named Saida and Huseina with Saida she is in touch and are close till late.Both of her friends were fighting their own battles in one or the other way, many Family issues which they shared with Juliana. they all friends shared Good childhood memories,Understanding and relied on each other's company wherever they went

Years passed by and Finally it was time for Juliana to go to Secondary school..In her first Days of school she was feeling very uneasy to be around unknown students though it was a Girls school but she was surrounded with people she had never met before but finally she Got very comfortable with all because she came across wonderful people who really touched her heart.she made many Friends and enjoyed Each Day in school she Loved her teachers and Started loving school.She also gained herself confidence which made her love her life she also made other wonderful friends in other countries and stayed in touch with them through letter writing and sometimes met them personally.

Juliana became more and more Deep in Religion which made her change drastically it was like a miracle she started turning to a beautiful lady with time and According to her the result was because of Prayers and Bowing down to God.

When Juliana was about to finish high school she found her soul mate who was from Muscat known as Feisal and they got engaged.It was actually an arranged relationship,her family setup.

He was four years elder to her

One year passed by with Love and excitement she shared alot of Good memories with Him..

Juliana didn't have much Dreams her only Desire was to get a Loving and caring Family.

An year didn't end and Julianas elder sister got married though as mentioned in part one that they were not in very Good terms but she really missed her absence.but it didn't take Long that it came time for Juliana to also leave her Parents house.After marriage Julianas life took a turn.she got a very wonderful,Loving and caring Husband and family,Her husband gave her the Best and they loved each other alot but one main thing which was lacking with all in their relationship was understanding I would say each one had their own flaws The miss understanding caused alot of instability in Julianas life because she gave her very Best in fulfilling her Duties..years passed and she gave birt

h to four wonderful children after a gap of two to four years,each child gave her a reason to smile..she spend her life in honesty,love and care but as it is said that straight trees are always cut first.One thing which was annoying is that she always had to prove herself inspite of being right.Her relationship with her elder sister took a complete turn they become soo close and shared each and every problem of their life with each other I would say that her elder sister became like a mother to her as they both didn't want to burden their parents to share their personal issues with they become a shoulder for each other to cry on..with time Julianas other siblings also became matured enough to understand her problems

Life went on with twist and turn each Day a new battle to fight Juliana was somehow broken and had lost herself but she didn't give up as She was always bowed down to God which was her strength..one thing I realised in Julianas life is that one should not give in more..they should have their own self respect.May it be your own or stranger you have to learn to say no if your heart doesnt agree on something,because once you are available for people everytime you tend to loose your self respect and people tend to value you less.. years passed by and each Day something new came up though she had faith in God that all will fall in its place.she fought her own battle and never involved her parents in anything..her major support were her siblings throughout.Not to forget when her children became mature enough they were a great support to her as well..expecially Julianas elder Daughter Samia was a get support to her.This didn't last long after few years her trust in God and Prayers brought miracle in her life a huge twist in life made her life worth living.Both couples started understanding each other very well She found herself she started loving her life.She truly had a happy ending and both couples lived happily forever..

One thing I have learnt from Julianas life is though you become bitter struggling through life but it makes you stronger and you can actually know your capability you learn to become independant but one more thing is that never leave the part of God,always Bow down to God because miracles do happen,Speak the Truth because it may sound bitter But it is better than a thousand lies..though Straight trees are cut first but always be honest because honesty is the policy..