
honest guilt, wife don't doubt me

Ecerpt: He looks so handsome she felt like he's seducing her up to the last bite. Why didn't the company use him when they advertise? When she thought about this, she coughed. She was choked by her own saliva. He pushed his water to her which she immediately put on her mouth. He was watching her lips covering the mouth of his bottle. When she realized this, she almost spat at him again but it did not happen. She swallowed all the water with wide eyes! He just kissed her! When there was nothing else in her mouth, the kiss ended too. She was stunned. He was nervous too, why did I do that?! He was frustrated at himself for losing control. He forced a poker face and pretended to look at his screen. "Don't think too much. Your face shows you're going to spat again on my face. I just prevented it from happening again. Why do you always spat water on my face though?" he interrogated her as if she's the one at fault. "I'm sorry, I was.." before she could realize that the situation has been reversed he already replied, "It's okay. Just don't do it when I'm working as the CEO. Show me some respect okay?" he asked in a very gentle tone. -- A simple story of love, daily life, dream and family. Yuyu, the pampered little girl from the White family had no choice but to cut ties to save her adoptive family from a clan trying to claim her for her special skills is business. Living alone, she focused on another dream, to be a chemist. When she found the ladder to her dream, it turned into a ladder of romance. Will she get back to the path of her dream or continue to fall in love? -------- I am writing part of the story everyday. Please do not copy, distribute, re-post anywhere without my consent. ------ Adult contents included. Please make sure you are 18 and above :) mature enough to understand that this is just a story specially on parts with matrimonial activities. enjoy! :)

lovesanta · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs


Back at home.

He opened his suitcase and tossed some of her pajamas. He planned to keep her in the hotel while he worked. She can play and sleep all day as long as she stays beside him.

As he loaded the suitcase behind the driver seat, he saw a bouquet of flowers and his patience almost reached its limit. when he studied its position, as if it had been tossed without care, his feelings get better with that thought. As he was driving, he's thinking, how can she still accept flowers when she's already married? 'Coz you never bought her flowers! Or maybe she cannot refuse so she accepted and tossed it away?' That's a much better reason.

He went back to the office and Assistant Xu followed behind him.

the CEO passed her passport so Assistant Xu can make arrangements and sat tiredly on his chair.

"Uhmmm boss," Assistant Xu started hesitantly.

He looked at him without an expression.

"I forgot to tell you that yesterday, Li Haoran gave Xiao Yuyu flowers. She was about to refuse it but he said it was to wish her marriage well. He also tried to ask her out but she said her husband is waiting at home. I investigated and the rumors started when someone saw all of us getting off the elevator. She invited him to come along with the other secretaries to compensate for being dumped in front of all of us, the only problem is, he cannot stop the gossip." He explained honestly as Li Haoran also admitted earlier that he's giving up.

"Alright. Prepare for our flight."

He went to the room and saw his wife sleeping. What makes her so tired? She watched her and she was snoring cutely with a trace of tears on her face.

Did she cry? He felt guilty. He was so consumed by his jealousy he forgot that he also needs to clarify something to her.

Thinking about it, Yuyu did not even asked about Cheng MeiMei. He felt guilty even though there's nothing to explain, at least he must tell her how they are just classmates in college. This is something she doesn't know.

He plans to talk to her when she wakes up.


"Boss, we have to go or else we'll be late," the assistant reminded him for the third time.

"She's tired. We cannot wake her up, why don't you move our flight," he suggested easily as if changing a slipper.

"I'm awake.." said the sleepwalking zombie coming out from the room.

My wife looks cute even when she wakes up with a bird's nest on her head.

"Great! Xiao Yuyu, you bring the boss down and I will get the car. There are a lot of good foods once we boarded," he reminded her.

Her face immediately lit up and walked to her husband. She had forgotten that they were fighting.

"Hubby come, come. We don't want to be stuck in the traffic. I can do all your work on the way so just bring with you everything."

He was speechless with his wife's attitude. Had he been starving her?

During the flight, the person who said she's going to do the work really worked hard. Eighty percent eating, fifteen percent spacing out and five percent working.

He watched his wife's new appetite and she just glared at him.

"Working tires my brain and makes me hungry." After that, she slept until they reached the hotel.

Three nights and four days living at the hotel did not make any difference in their hanging relationship.

He was so busy he leaves early in the morning when she's still asleep and comes back late and she's already asleep.

He watched the cctv he set up with his phone. His wife sleeps until ten in the morning. Eat while busying herself. Sleep again after lunch and work on something all afternoon. She eats around six, which is the time he leaves the collaborating company and he watch her always trying to stay awake to wait for him but ends up snoring in the end.

Elder Wong was also part of that collaboration and has brought Cheng MeiMei as her assistant and trainee. It may seem just a normal set up but for the CEO he knows that she's up to no good.


On the day that they were checking out, Yuyu said she will wait for the other two at the lobby.

She was playing with her phone when she heard a familiar chattering.

"Uncle Wong, I learned a lot in this collaboration, I hope I can attend more functions like this." she glanced at the young lady who looked familiar.

"Eh? Xiao Yuyu, you're here too? I did not see you in our meetings," she commented.

"Elder Wong," she greeted elder Wong and gave Cheng MeiMei a small smile.

"Uncle, I will just chat with Xiao Yuyu, I'll find you later," she said as she sat beside her.

Yuyu adjusted her seat to get a little far away from the woman who smelled too much of her perfume. "This is my last game, boss will find me soon". She said.

She was about to reply when she realized she's talking over to someone else with her headset on.

Cheng MeiMei watched as she played the team game.

Now she's having an understanding with the last conversation she heard in the CEO office about healing someone circling around that person.

Luckily, the game ended soon and she was able to have a chat with her.

Yuyu kept a poker face focused on her phone, soon the woman talked.

"Xiao Yuyu, actually, I want to be friends with you. You see, Ah Yao and I… we have something way back in our college days. He's my boyfriend. But my family engaged me to a big family in country M and I, I just want to follow my heart before it's too late for us. I know that he's still mad at me for some reasons, about my family, my engagement with Sus, maybe that's also the reason he doesn't want to help when I first came to you guys. But I just want to have a closure and .." she was not able to finish what she's saying because the girl took off her headphones and looked at her with a slight smile.

"Hello, Cheng MeiMei? Were you talking to me earlier? Sorry I was so busy, do you need help?"

She asked innocently.

Cheng MeiMei cannot read if she's faking it or really did not hear her long story, however, the headset she took off still emits a loud sound so probably she didn't? But she's asking if she could help now!

"Xiao Yuyu, can you help me download that game, I am very interested and bored with work. I need a distraction to nurse my mental health," she said.

Yuyu was not mean. She helped her download the game.

"Oh this is the boss," she said pointing at her home screen photo.

MeiMei thought this was her chance to get to Yuyu's good side.

"I have taken a lot of his pictures during work, here look," she passed her the phone and saw the group of people. Her husband looked so good in all angles and Cheng MeiMei also looked elegant and professional.

However, why do they always sit side by side?

She kept her sadness hidden and continued scrolling the photos.

"Yuyu" a cool voice called her

She looked up and passed the phone back to her.

"Come, we will get you snacks," said the CEO. Cheng MeiMei watched as Yuyu's eyes lit up at the sound of food.

That's it! She will bribe her with more food!