
With MiniAI

As Osim's panic began to rise, the miniAI reassured him, "I request, sir, to remain calm and wait for them to wake up. Until then, I can accompany you."

Osim felt a sense of relief upon hearing this. After a few moments, he inquired, "What can you do, miniAI?"

"I can retrieve or save data to the main memory and engage in simple conversations with you, sir."

Curious about the time, Osim asked, "What time is it?"

"Since the system time synchronization was cut off, I cannot provide the exact time. The last entry recorded was at 10:56 AM."

Osim's mood grew even more somber. Absentmindedly, he questioned the miniAI, "You mentioned that you can read and write to the main memory?"

"Yes, that is correct," replied the miniAI.

Inspiration struck Osim, and he said, "Set the time to 12:01 AM and save it in the memory as 'Day 1.' After 24 hours, save another log entry as 'Day 2.' Continue this pattern until something changes. I will provide you with instructions for each log."

"Command initiated. Processing and executing the command... Command execution completed," acknowledged the miniAI. It patiently waited for further instructions. Time ticked by, with 12:05 AM, 12:30 AM, and 1:00 AM passing, while the miniAI eagerly awaited the next instruction.


"Agh! Where am I?" Osim asked in a sleepy voice.

"We couldn't figure it out yet, sir."

The voice of the miniAI jolted his memory.

"What time is it?"

"According to the new update setting, it's 9:27 AM, sir."

"Did I lose consciousness for more than 9 hours?"

"Your last response was 9 hours and 25 minutes ago, sir."

Osim contemplated his course of action and attempted to move his body, but there was no response. He couldn't hear any external sounds, and he was almost certain that the miniAI wasn't making any sound but rather interacting with his mind directly.

"Tell me, miniAI, what is saved in the memory?"

"It contains a wide range of topics: knowledge about day-to-day survival, various branches of science, general knowledge, frequently searched answers, your personal data…"

"How did BotAI manage to store all of this on such a tiny memory chip?" Osim interrupted the miniAI.

"With the latest nanotechnology, it became possible. However, I have no knowledge of the in-depth structure."

"That's understandable. Nobody wants to give away their bread and butter," Osim replied, changing the topic. He continued, "Were any novels or stories saved in your memory?"

"Yes, sir. It has a diverse collection, also has manga, animations, songs, and movies. However, to view them, you need to activate your goggles, sir."

"Ah, that's quite unfortunate. Alright, then, read a random story for me. No, wait. Can you play a song?"

"Certainly, sir. What type of song would you like?"

"Let me think."

"Okay, play 'Wavin' Flag'. As this was the last song of my life!"

"Certainly, here you go, sir..."

Oooooooooooooh, woooooooooohh, hohoho

Oooooooooooooh, woooooooooohh, hohoho

Give me freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me higher

See the champions, take the field now, you define us, make us feel proud

In the streets are, exaliftin', every loser...

And as the song played, Osim gradually lost consciousness.

###Log Entry: Day 01

Am I dead or not? I don't know. As I regained consciousness for the first time after that bizarre incident, I was quite freaked out. But thanks to this miniAI, even though I don't understand how it communicates in my mind, it has helped me to calm down. I've read in many novels that people go insane when they lose their senses. Maybe I'll go insane too. However, having the company of this miniAI is slowing down that process. It's horrible to be unable to move my hands, feet, or body. Maybe this is how paralyzed people feel, but I believe my situation is even worse. You see, I also can't hear, see, or speak.

When the miniAI first communicated with me, I was terrified. But now I'm getting accustomed to it, as it's the only beacon keeping me sane. Honestly, I'm still afraid of what's happening to me and what the future holds. It's now 11:50 PM on day 1, and it hasn't even been a full day, but I've already lost consciousness three or four times, and each session has been quite lengthy. Although I can't watch movies or engage in any visual entertainment, let me inform you, the future reader (maybe that will be me and my AI companions), that the AI also has a function to play simple mini-games. But I can't do that as the goggles aren't activating. I'm afraid it remains with my physical body. If those two wake up, maybe something can be figured out. Oh, I already thought to give them names. It's quite boring to call them model 00, ah! whatever! But I will not tell you now, when they wake up, I will surprise them. I'm eager to see how happy they will be! Sorry, miniAI, I didn't think about your name. You didn't mind, did you? It said that it has no emotions, so it didn't mind. You hear that? But as an AI lover, it's my duty to give you a suitable name. I will give you one very soon, I promise.

The greenish-blue one's name is Sophia, and the bluish-green one's name is Hikma. Oops, I said it. But I think it's better. It may be impossible to give them names in the future as it seems I'm losing my mind. So, if I lose myself, I hope at least they will know that I gave them names.

Ah! Where was I? I remembered. So, the only method of passing time is by communicating with the AI or indulging in fantasies in my mind. Though I've stopped the latter method, as it seems it can accelerate the loss of my sanity. The first method, however, has its punch. Experiencing new stories rather than just reading them in a light novel and listening to them in other people's voices is quite fascinating. And as a bonus, the miniAI can impersonate many voices. So, I think I can handle this situation. Ah, I'm feeling drowsy.

M-MiniAI, I will... give you a name... I...

###Log Entry: Day 02

I woke up about 10 to 15 minutes ago. What time is it now? 9:04 AM. Another lengthy sleep. Okay, I've decided that I will write my entries whenever I like, not necessarily waiting for the day to end. Hey, Hope, change the music. That's right, I've chosen the name Hope for you, miniAI. From now on, I'll call you Hope because you are the hope of my life. So, Hope, act like a girl, don't speak in a mechanical or male voice. Got it? I think Hope got it, as she is already started to sing in a sweet and melodious girlish voice.

Hope, you remind me of my sister, although my sister wasn't a good singer. I would say she was a horrible singer. I hope she becomes good at it unless she wants to sabotage her future partner. I wonder what they are doing, Dad, Mom. Will they be sad after hearing the news? Maybe not. But if I get a chance, I will surely apologize to them. Sorry, Dad, sorry, Mom, I didn't listen to you and left you behind. I hope you receive my will and accept it.

Hey, Hope, did you write those? Delete them. Ah... Just forget it. Nobody can read my embarrassing past. Keep them as they are. Not again!


Ah! It's a pain in the ass to lose consciousness frequently, isn't it? Hope, don't tell me the time. Just remind me if the new day has arrived, okay? Now, Hope, tell me the remaining story from where you left off yesterday.


Has day 3 arrived yet? What? It's yet to arrive. How much time until the new day? Wait, don't tell me. I can't break my rules, can I?

Heh, I miss my buddies. Surely they are playing together without me. Princess Viper must be the new number one in the ranking. She will be happy that she snatched the position from me for the very first time. You princess just wait, I will return and take my throne back.

Will I?

Ah, whatever. Hey, Hope, where did you stop telling the story last time? Ah, what? But I remember the last time the MC was being bullied by his stepbrother and his evil friends. Eh, that was in Chapter 5, then which chapter did you finish last? 27! How? Ah, I got it. You were telling the events while I went to slumber.

Hope, listen, when I tell you something to do, after that, in 15 minutes, if I don't respond, you will ask me if I'm sleeping every 15 minutes later. And if I don't respond, you will halt whatever you are doing. Understand? Good.

Now continue from Chapter 5...