

Guillermo is a succesful manager, he hangs out with his friends every day, and he has a women which he shares his bed with. But he's still homeless.

YuaraKant · Urban
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6 Chs

2:39 am

"Well... fuck," Guillermo opened the door and entered his house. Everything around him was dark.

He walked slowly. In order to guide himself, he moved his hands in the air, but he still hit some walls or some furniture he had forgot about.

He crossed the living room and got to the stairs. He searched for the railing and clung to it. He climbed the steps one by one.

Now he has on the second floor, and there was a hallway full of doors that lead to rooms that only served as warehouses. He walked to the last door. It was locked. He opened it and entered slow and quietly. In front of him there was a bed, and on it, a snoring lump. It had to be his wife. Guillermo got near the bed without tripping with all the clothes and shoes he stepped on. He put his hand over the edge of the bed and started to walk around it. He walked slowly until he hit what definitely was his son's cradle. He stood still.

No one seemed to wake up.

Guillermo then took his clothes off and left them on top of the cradle's bars.

He kept walking until he reached his side of the bed. He left his wallet and phone in the night table, and laid down.

He closed his eyes.

Breathed slowly.

And the baby started crying.