
Chapter 12

“No, not just yet. Can’t afford to spill it now, can we? Let me hold it. My hand isn’t as shaky as yours.”

“Don’t go trying to get it away, you lousy mother…”

“I won’t. I know it’s your bottle. Just chill out and take it slow.”

When Merl glanced at Nate, he read the dismay and shock in the younger man’s expression.

“Holy moly. When I was in college, a couple of guys got a bad trip out of some stuff—not even sure whatit was—but I never saw anything like this. I’ve heard about the DTs, but cripes…Thank God, you’re here to deal with it.”

Merl kept Dane from gulping the whole fifth at once, but it did not take the older man long to down the better part of it. By then, he was starting to get mellow and sleepy again. Before he passed out, they got him back on the bed. Merl prayed he’d stay there for the night. He looked back once as he followed Nate out into the hall.