
Home Invasion HorrorStory

<p>This story is in the perspective of a woman.<br/><br/>I was in my bed rewatching The Office until I fall asleep and right when my eyes were getting heavy, and I was drifting off to sleep I heard a creek downstairs. I instinctively grabbed my baseball bat I keep under my bed and slowly creeped down the hallway making sure I didn't make any noise. I looked over the stairs at the end of the hall and I see a man looking right at me wearing an all-black tech outfit. He had the hat, gloves, pants, hoodie, mask, the whole thing gotta admit he did look pretty cool but I guess I was staring at him for a little bit too long because he ended up running up the stairs and quickly grabbing my bat. Luckily, I had a pretty good grip on it, so we were fighting for it until I tripped over his damn shoelace and we both went crashing down the stairs. He wasn't moving so I thought he got knocked out so as I started to slowly walk up the stairs but because my foot was pretty strained the bastard grabbed me and started to drag me outside. I started to scream out fire because apparently people are more prone to pay attention to that than when you screaming help. I saw my neighbor Gene come running and tackling him to the ground and once he came out his son did as well and they detained him while I went back into the house and call the cops they came relatively quickly since there was a squad car just around my block at the time and we saw who the culprit was; my ex-husband. He gave this whole speech on how I took his money and bought a new house with it but all that was settled in court because he was just going to use it to pay off some people he got mixed in with on the dark web. Any who just as a safety precaution I moved to the next town over and planning on getting a bodyguard as well if that fucker ever come back.</p>

My first horror story ever written/published. Cant wait to take a deep dive into this new world of being an author

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