
Chapter 53, Entry to France


On March 21, 1851, the Tsarist Government appointed Duke Alexander Menshikov as a special envoy, sent to Constantinople to negotiate with the Ottoman Government.

Upon hearing this news, the diplomatic world was in an uproar. Duke Alexander Menshikov had once served as the Governor-General of Finland, commanded wars against the Persia and Ottomans, and had been the Commander of the Black Sea Fleet as well as the Minister of the Navy.

As a core figure in the ruling group of the Tsarist Government, Duke Alexander Menshikov's role as a negotiating envoy was enough to demonstrate the Russians' seriousness.

This attention seemed to send a signal to the outside world that Russia wanted to resolve the issue through negotiations.

However, considering that Duke Menshikov was a member of the War Party and had also commanded the last Russian-Ottoman war, it seemed that this was also a show of force to the Ottomans.