
Chapter 544: Diplomatic effort

War serves politics and propaganda is naturally indispensable. After the Vienna government and the Russians reached an agreement, there was more news about the black history of the Ottoman Empire in Austrian newspapers.

There is no need to falsify this time. The crimes committed during the Ottoman empire's brutal years were inexhaustible, and casual flipping was black material.

The call for revenge is growing, and the petition letters received by the Vienna government are estimated to fill a room.

The power of hate is a bit beyond Franz's imagination. If it was not for the police in Vienna, the Ottoman embassy would be gone.

Now the Vienna police have to send people to patrol around the clock to ensure the security of the Ottoman embassy. The supplies of materials inside the embassy all need to be sent by Austria, and the staff of the embassy are afraid to go out.

If not for the Russians, Franz could order a war.

For Austria, this is only a local war, there is no need for full mobilization, and it has little impact on the domestic economy. What should government departments do? Only the Foreign Ministry is busy.

The moral high ground, you will occupy if you do not occupy the enemy, diplomatic activities are indispensable. Fortunately, the enemy this time is the Ottoman Empire. Most Europeans are more inclined to Austria, and there is not much pressure on public opinion.

At the Vienna Palace, Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg dragged his tired body and reported to Franz: "His Majesty, this is the Holy See's telegram.

The Holy See hopes that we will be able to wage jihad against the Ottoman Empire in the name of God, and Pope IX has prepared to call on the world of Christ to organize another Crusade. "

In the words of future generations, this is the heat. In recent years, the Holy See's decline has been so severe that even the Papal States have been deprived of it by the French. Now the Holy See can only shrink to the Vatican headquarters.

If it weren't for Catholics in various places, the people in the Holy See might be hungry. Napoleon III was not polite to them, and the wealth accumulated by the Holy See was basically confiscated.

The phoenix that landed is not as good as a chicken, and now the Holy See 's popularity has plummeted. With the exception of the only remaining headquarters, many of the parishes ignored the orders of the pope.

In this context, if you don't want to reshape the prestige, it is unlikely that it will be long before the local parishes can even excuse them for symbolic aid.

It's not easy to live a good life and return to a hard life. It was at this time that when the Austrian government was about to take action against the Ottoman Empire, the Holy See naturally came to the door.

If it was a hundred or two hundred years ago, the Holy See would cooperate with this, and Franz would certainly be willing to accept it. The Ottoman Empire has not yet fallen and is the public enemy of Europe. Naturally there is no reason for the Austrian family to contribute.

The situation is quite different now. The Ottoman Empire is already declining. Austria does not need so many helpers. If there are many people participating, how will the final loot be divided?

The fat Ottoman Franz has been eyeing it for a long time, and took it out to share with the Russians. It is that the Russian empire has fallen, and it is cheap to occupy. They have no ability to digest the Ottoman Empire.

Even Austria was unable to digest the Ottoman Empire, and Franz was ready to move the entire population.

The excuse is naturally "environmental protection". In order to protect the local vegetation and avoid desertification of the land, all the indigenous people are relocated.

Some of them will be sent to Africa for construction, and the rest will be found in an island in the South Ocean for centralized resettlement or in the Americas. How to deal with it will be determined at that time.

Franz shook his head: "Tell them that this is just a secular war and there is no need to rise to religious heights. We should be tolerant of pagans."

"Holy war" is very cruel. Religious wars are always a matter of life and death, leaving no room for nothing. It was so difficult to knock down the influence of the Holy See, how could it now make them return to the altar again?


The smell of smoke was permeating the Near East, and the Sudanese government, aware of the threat, was not idle. To win this war, the Sudanese government is also working on diplomatic public relations.

It is impossible to say that St. Petersburg and Vienna, the Sudanese government can only retreat and invest in London, Paris and Berlin.

The enemy's enemy is a friend, and there is nothing wrong with saying this here. The three countries, Britain, France, and Britain, did not want the Ottoman Empire to end. Although Ottoman's strength was a little weaker, their existence itself contained Austria and Russia.

However, the plan did not change quickly. A nail was encountered in the Ottoman delegation in Berlin, and William I did not meet them at all.

You should know that in the last Russian-Prussian war, the two countries were still allies fighting side by side. I did not expect to be separated so soon.

The Sudanese government also expects Prussia and Poland to send troops to contain the Russians and share some of their pressure.

Unfortunately, the Prussians had an even bigger appetite than they thought and wanted to use this war to encroach on Poland. No, it should not be regarded as embezzlement, but rather it was William I who would take the throne in Poland.

The annexation of Poland could not be completed overnight. Even if the European countries did not object, the Polish people would not agree.

The monarchs of the two countries are different. There is a precedent for such a thing. What used to be the Polish-Lithuanian Federation can now become the Polish-Prussian Federation.

European countries may oppose the commonwealth of the two countries, but they are definitely not as fierce as Prussia's annexation of Poland, and they will not interfere with the coalition forces. There is a high probability that you will achieve your goals in private after an exchange of interests.

Without a goal in Berlin, Warsaw didn't have to go at all. Without Prussia as the main force, the Poles would not have the power to contain the Russians.

In Paris, not only the representatives of the Ottoman Empire were active, but the Austrian ambassador to Paris was not idle. Both sides were conducting public relations.

From a military point of view, the French must be indispensable to rescue the Ottoman Empire. If the Paris government sits by and watch, Sudan will not have much effect, even if it convinces the remaining countries to intervene together.

Napoleon III left the question to his son again: "Ou Ren, what do you think we should choose?"

Crown Prince Euren replied with a tense face: "This choice is very difficult. Strategically, the existence of the Ottoman Empire is our natural ally.

History has proven that the existence of the Ottoman Empire can restrain a large part of the energy of the Habsburg dynasty, making them unable to dominate Europe.

It is only this time that Russia and Austria have joined forces. We want to intervene. The price we need to pay is too great. Otherwise, war may break out.

Judging by the current situation, we are not suitable for a war with Austria. At least five years, we must avoid war with major powers as much as possible.

Whether to save the Ottoman Empire depends mainly on the strength of the Ottoman Empire. If they really die, it won't help them even to save them.

If they withstood the first wave of offensives, then we would take the European countries to mediate together, and it would not cost much, and the Vienna government would stop. "

Napoleon III patted his son's shoulder, and nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, Eugene. Your progress is very fast. It seems that it won't be long before you can be alone."

After taking a few steps forward, he added: "Now is not the time to interfere. Austria wants to dominate the European continent, it must first pull out the nails behind it.

The Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire were their obstacles. Franz chose to form an alliance with Russia, which was equivalent to reducing one enemy behind.

Their only confidant was the Ottoman Empire. When the nail was pulled out, the Eastern Mediterranean was completely in the hands of the Austrians, and their power extended to the Indian Ocean.

But don't worry too much, the existence of the Ottoman Empire is the last basis for the Austrian and Russians to join forces. Without the common enemy of the Ottoman Empire, the 'St. Petersburg-Vienna' alliance would have no value.

Perhaps in the near future, the Russians and Austria will see each other as the enemy of life and death and fight for continental hegemony.

Of course, the prerequisite is that the Tsarist government can win the Second Russian-Prussian War. Franz's layout ability was very powerful. The Prussian kingdom, which originally blocked them in the German Federation, has now become the best thug for the Russians.

If one day the Russian empire really collapses, remember to pull them. With this nail in it, neither Prussia nor Austria dare to participate fully in the struggle for continental hegemony.

This time, let the British people have a headache! Notify the London government that we are consistent with them on this issue. If they are going to intervene, we will do as much as we can. "

Man is dying, and the problem is more thorough. Now Napoleon III realized that the best ally for France was the Russian Empire, but it was too late.

During the era of Nicholas I, the Russian Empire was in full swing, and the entire European continent was trembling under this behemoth.

In order to revive France and get rid of the shackles on his body, Napoleon III and European governments made a similar decision-to suppress the Russian Empire.

With the joint efforts of everyone, the decaying Russian empire was still overwhelmed and slowly fell down. Alexander II's reforms restored part of the strength of the Russian Empire, but it was definitely not as good as it was at its peak.

It was too late to join the Russian Empire. For no reason, Napoleon III could not use the money to fill the bottomless pit of the Tsarist government. Even if he was willing, the people of France would not agree.

"The enemy is in Paris" is not a joke. The fighting power of the people in Paris is the highest in the world. Once they find that the government is betraying their country, a revolution should not be too easy.

At present, they have not exerted their full strength. When they did their best, it was faster to change the government than to change clothes.

The average person may not change three suits in a week, but the French can change three governments in one week, including weekend vacations.

In order to strengthen the wisdom of the Ottoman Empire, Napoleon III gave support to the Sudanese government. In addition to the material assistance in weapons and ammunition, he also issued a large empty check.

That means: You have to hold on and send troops when we are ready. Now it's just to confuse the enemy so that they are caught off guard.


In London and Gorston, the attitude towards the French and French countries was very unpleasant. Not only did he become a tortoise, but he also lost his decision. Isn't this the British Empire grilled on the fire?

In the name of them, they are looking forward, but who actually listens to them? Napoleon III said so nicely that France sent out as many soldiers as Britain sent out.

Just think about it and know how unreliable this is. This war was mainly carried out on land. Even the landing operation can go to the Black Sea.

The Royal Navy can never go to the Black Sea to help the Ottoman Empire, right? If they dare to go in, don't think of it.

The Black Sea Strait is so narrow that it is not difficult to block the gate. Once blocked, it will not be far from the annihilation of the entire army.

Unable to block the sea, to fight on land, it is estimated that even the first wave of the British Army's strength is not enough.

Of course, they can also threaten Austria and Russia with blockades of overseas trade. If that's the case, the French will keep clapping and applauding, and then act as a melon-eating crowd.

Don't look at the Austrian navy, which is only half of them. It seems that the Royal Navy can easily roll over. In fact, war is not a number game.

If it does, the Austrian navy can rely on scattered colonies to wage a war.

Material blockade, and people are not European enemies. How can you guarantee that European countries will not do business with Austria? Not to mention, at least the French will not give up the opportunity to make war money.

In theory, as long as Austria's colonial strongholds scattered overseas are removed, these problems can be solved. The problem is that these colonies are not easy to fight. Except for the weak Alaska and Austrian South American states, there are heavy soldiers everywhere.

At the size of the British Army, even sending it all out would not help. You ca n't just do your best for the Ottoman Empire, Britain, at all costs, expand your army and die in Austria, right?

This kind of selfish thing, Prime Minister Gulston said he was not interested.


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