
Holy Heaven's Arcana

A faint whisper sounded in her mind telling her to call it's name, though near death she summoned her courage and spoke a an unknown word "$#@/()@##)@)#" In an instant Whoosh---  A powerful kick smashed the tyrants head and drove directly into the ground with such force that it's neck directly cracked as its body spammed and wiggled before turning silent "So, you're the lowborn hybrids that commands this fellows here?" The whole group was stunned as they turned to look at the person who appeared from nowhere and killed a tyrant with a casual stomp The youth was tall with a slim stature visible even though he was covered in a long white cloak, shoulder length white hairs with light blue eyes shimmering with an ethereal light but that couldn't hide the disdain and contempt present in those seemly cold and unfeeling eyes even though he had a smile on his lips.

DaoistTempest619 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 2:Run For Your Lives

The scorching sun hung high in the sky, and blue rays pierced mercilessly down towards the horizon like countless sharp swords.

Where the wolfs passed, the group seemed to ignite, forming tumultuous waves that surged upwards. The oppressive atmosphere left one breathless, yet it also conveyed the ferocious spirit of this beasts

Especially with the strong wind sweeping in, it seemed as if it wanted to blow everything on the Earth's surface toward the boundless horizon.

The echoing roar of the wind, along with the howls of countless  beasts, formed a tremendous force that shook all beings.

A vast forest that stretched for thousands of kilometres, littered with countless trees

The forest patch with trees reaching as high as 400 metres was treated no different to grassthat seemed to descend from the skies.

Spanning a length of 2 meters, and a width of 1.3 meter with the king at its tallest point reaching a whopping height of 200 centimeters, it was a walking calamity for any ordinary living person

Night Wolves!!

Each of its footsteps thundered the ground, flattening large patches of the forest. A pack of Night wolves was now running through this forest, leaving behind a ruined forest in their wake.

The NightWolf's appearance was not much different from an ordinary lion. It was larger in size, but it was less than three meters long.

From afar, they looked like a group of ordinary magical creatures that posed no threat.

However, if someone really underestimated them, they would have to pay an extremely tragic price

The Night Wolf was a highly intelligent magical creature, as they evolve, they could even speak the common language. They were cunning, smart, powerful, and United ... They were even called the Lord of swarm type beasts because they were more dangerous than even single large behemoths

They were the most dangerous wolve tribe in the Dark Domain of the extreme north.They could use icy and shadow breath with many other spell-like abilities.

Compared to these, the group of five seemed insignificant, like mere specks of dust.

The moment they saw the group, these Shadow Wolves immediately bared their fangs and pounced on the group

A few of the Wolves were brimming with elemental light looking as they wanted to cast a spell-like ability and attack the group

"Those were the howls of multiple Tier 4 beasts! Run!" Lance shouted.

In a short instance, the entire group began running at their quickest speed to escape the wolves chase.

Vaan returned to the Earth Salamander and used Magic Vision to observe the movements of mana in the darkness.

A frown quickly appeared on his face.

"We won't be able to outrun the wolves if we continue like his,, their speed, and senses too sensitive " Xavier mentioned as they kept being pursued despite their presence being hidden "They will catch up to us sooner or later"

"Then what do you suggest we do?!" Lance spat venomously as he dodged an elemental attack from behind before shouting, "We are already doing our best to escape. What else can we do except run?!"

"Our only chance to break the  deadlock is if we deal a heavy blow before attacking them head on, it will at least increase our chances when up against the Alpha " said Xivier as she started chanting incantations in an unknown language

"As expected of a large wolf. Be it its body length or shoulder height, they far exceed mid-sized wolves. Moreover, their length is more than twice that of the mid-sized wolves"

"Just by looking at the numbers above, one could already imagine how powerful their Alpha is, it's combat strength and survival ability were definitely above the normal wolves."

"Sleven you must leave the Alpha alive, it would make an excellent specimen in a project I'm researching" Zeiss said with fervent passion as he hurriedly threw a glowing orb in the air

The glowing orb rotated in the air reflecting a blinding light as it morphed into an Armored Humanoid Giant towering 4 meters in length

As it roared, it leaned back and raised its arms high. A huge ice spear that exuded a sharp chill instantly condensed in its hand and was thrown out. It brought with it a strong, ear-piercing wind and pierced through the air towards the incoming wolfs and exploded and directly injured many wolves


"Everyone ready your positions, Alkane hold the front, Celise and Xivier you'll both be at the back to provide support, and Lance, create a path for retreat Incase things turn dire..." said Sleven as he quickly joined Alkane in fending of the group of Wolfs who launched towards them

"System scan the wolf pack"

[Shadow Night Wolf]: A wolf subspecies with a large body. It officially extinct in 200 years ago in the Kyross Continent ]

[Beware: It has an extremely high environmental adaptability and a bite force of nearly 500 pounds.]


"Be careful! That was the howl of ßeta type Shadow wolf," Sleven's expression turned serious as he solemnly warned the group. "They are capable of boosting lower level wolves and are very troublesome!"

"Celise, we'll be relying on you to purify their shadow mark" Sleven entrusted the rear to the Holy Etherist.

"As for the elemental attacks of the wolves, leave them to me."

"That goes without saying." Celise nodded, vibrant rings of ethereal light shinning from her body as an aura with Holy properties soared and empowered her companions against the shadow effect of the Beta's among the wolves."

A brutal bloodbath transpired.

Wolf howls rang from time to time as they fell to their deaths. Some of the wolves split up and surrounded the group, but they were swiftly burned by Xivier as a flaming sword hovered above the group slaughtering the wolves who charged at them

Alkane the Berserker kept hacking his sword at any wolf that came his way, Vertical slash, horizontal slash, thrust, stab, he attacked everything that came to his sight portraying a brutal slaughter

He was drenched in blood from head to toe. Some was his own blood, while most of it was from the wolves. He had completely lost himself in the moment as he continued to slay the wolfs like a beast driven by it's primal urges

This 2 chapters were to have been published later, but it doesn't matter.

It wouldn't intervene with he plot

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