
Holy Heaven's Arcana

Holy Heaven, a name feared among all beings in the world. Though he did no evil, he was loathed more than the Devil Emperor who plunged the world in to darkness "Because I'm powerful doesn't mean I'm obliged to save all, though evil as you all call me, remember only I Am Holy"

DaoistTempest619 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1:New Environment

There upon, a person suddenly popped up from the dark hole, followed by a flare of Ether which covered the surrounding in an attempt to probe for presence of life

Seconds later after finding nothing, the person jumped out from the hole followed by four others

Though disheveled and dirty, the skinny youth had a face full of ecstasy.

The youth looked around with great curiosity and took deep breaths.

He sighed and said, "Were finally out, hahaha!"

His voice was filled with thriller and relief after passing what could be called the most dangerous moment of his entire life

After their escape and pursuit, they could finally find a safe passage outside without encountering "that" rumored entity

Sleven looked down and felt the soft yet wet mossy floor. A delightful cold sensation was running all over his feet. He looked around and saw the  surrounding was completely surrounded by towering trees and bushes

He mumbled, "That bastard really almost killed us, no one could tell this part of the ground was a trap and underneath it was a whole labyrinth full of dangerous magical beasts. Even if others find it, they would be quite lucky if they were able to escape those traps later on and survive just to end up getting killed by their hands."

"Where are we right now??" asked one of the youths companions

"The signals are down... there seems to be some sort of signal interference up there, as if it were an entirely new dimension, even my system can't connect to ARTHIUS "

The youth clicked his tongue in annoyance

He looked up and saw the large crowns of trees had completely covered the sunlight creating an environment of darkness with only some beams of blue light were visible.

"The air here is quite chilly and humid despite it being daylight....wait!!! are those moons? why are there four moons instead of one...and the color of the sun is--"

The youth suddenly had a bad premonition and if remembering something, the youth quickly pulled out an old parchment and rapidly flipped it's pages till he landed on a certain page reading it, his expression drastically changed to one of dread then despair

Sensing the state of the youth, the others became anxious and one of them quickly seized the book from the skinny youths hands  and examined the page  only to collapse on the floor as if his soul vanished

"We are finished..."  "We are finished.." were the words he kept muttering as he curled his body on the cold floor with his whole person looking desolate and bitter

"What's the problem Sleven" asked a girl with long blonde hairs reaching her waist and healthy physique. Even though she wore a faceless mask preventing others from seeing her face, the presence of the curves and melodious voice need not another explanation to know she was a mesmerizing beauty

"Sigh~ according to the book of Ilyevez, we are presently the Empyrean Continent" pausing, the skinny youth named Sleven let his words sink before he continued with a bitter smile

"Which means we've directly crossed the Kyross Continent and are presently in the Empyrean Continent otherwise known as the forbidden zone to all races"

"But-but how can we directly appear here of all places, i thought it was sealed by Souvereigns after the Ancient Mystic War and all space nodes connecting the other continents to it were destroyed...." said another girl whom unlike the one wearing a mask, she had nothing to hide and displayed her world toppling beautiful visage with purple gem-like eyes, a purple hair cascading her neck like a flowing waterfall, a pale complexion marring her spotless skin and well proportioned body akin to an infernal succubus giving her a seductive yet frail demeanor capable of setting ablaze ones heart with just a glance

Looking at the the girl he'd known since his childhood, Sleven felt fiery flame in his heart threatening to overwhelm him with lust but quickly closing his eyes, a cold and serene energy passed through his soul and calmed all chaotic thoughts he harbored.

"Cough cough!! Celise even i don't know, who would have thought an error in the teleportation chanel will send us this far, I'm sure even they thought it will at most send us to a different region and not a FREAKING FORBIDDEN CONTINENT" said Sleven with his voice rising loud towards the end

"I really regret going to that ruin, if not I'll still be sniff sniff!!!

Tears threatened to flow as Sleven fell on his knees giving way to all the accumulated stress.

The surrounding became silent as everyone processed and contemplated what to do.

One of them was around 16 years old, with ash white hair and crystal clear eyes . Her body still was a bit undeveloped, and her angelic face emitted an ethereal feeling.


They groups mourning was quickly interrupted by a loud rumbling as the presence of numerous magical beast could be felt .

"The event might change due to their involvement, but there's no guarantee whether or not it is to my benefit. Xevir thought calmly. Though outnumbered, they group consisted of elites with each one of them being extremely strong that others in their generation might despair.

What was worrying was that the number of the Lighting wolfs were too much to have simply being attracted by their little group.


Ok guys, your favorite narrator here, I'm sure y'all Wondering why they all look defeated and started crying simply because they got stranded.

Well to be sincere, they can't be blamed due to the history passed on from generations to generations and scars left by the Ancient Mystic War.

-When I say "healthy", it simply means the she is voluptuous. I don't have time to start describing whether she has an E-cup breast or heart shaped butt in numerous ways....it's just flesh, and here flesh doesn't matter much.

So to all the fappers,( I'm not discriminating ) go else where if you want to fap, this isn't a hentai novel.

And it's also abit weird for me to describe all those things...well guess I'm from a different breed hehe!!

I won't go into too much details for now to spoil the fun, so give them some space and let's see how they develope...if they can survive that is hehe!!

                                                   Signed by Yours Truly

                                                                               Daoist Tempest