
Holy Heaven's Arcana

Holy Heaven, a name feared among all beings in the world. Though he did no evil, he was loathed more than the Devil Emperor who plunged the world in to darkness "Because I'm powerful doesn't mean I'm obliged to save all, though evil as you all call me, remember only I Am Holy"

DaoistTempest619 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Narrator's POV

They say life as a protagonist is full of adventures, love, joy, sadness, betrayal and friendship.

While that of a villain is made of betrayal, hatred, agony and distrust, scheming and deceit

As for the others....well they hardly have any role to play except being canon fooders meant to pave the way for the protagonist or to create a bad image of the villain.....you could say they were just... "Extra" with their sole existence meant to show how relevant others are.

Like many other earthling, I'm just your average guy tired of my failed monotonous life and was filled with big dreams of reincarnating in a good world

Funny right?? Tsk tsk tsk!!!

My life was boring because i didn't try to fix it, i complained about not being given a chance to do so, i whined about every single difficulty i faced, and worst of all....i disappointed all those who trusted in me.

You guys might get bored about all my sermon but the thing is....I'm in the mood to talk and if you're not interested then skip to the next chapter.

You know it's very rare of me to waste time speaking what some might perceive as rubbish so guys have patience and read like a good citizen... if you're one that is (^_^)

Ok so back to what it was saying, i was never someone ambitious...on the outside that is, because I'm sure if it was given super powers then hehe!!

So i simply lived my life while putting just the right amount of effort needed...and I'll say i do regret it right now....but still I'm sure if it was given another chance then i would have done thesame thing.... well all because I'm simply a lazy person and i knew the outcome would still be death by old age, that's why i never put too much effort in doing many things i don't like.

You might say I'm a loser and whatnot and sincerely i don't care...maybe that might be one of the redeeming traits of might i was content of.

I was never one to over invest in emotions and relationships...well maybe it's because i haven't had one yet, but I'm sure i would still behave thesame after having my brain fried  by countless novels and clichè endings

Well i won't go to much into my personal life,  for now and instead let me be the narrator and tell the tale concerning the life of a peculiar entity.

I won't get your hopes up and this isn't a vanilla novel guys, though it won't be clichè and chummy, and in the future many of you would come to hate me forgetting I'm just a narrator and not the creator.


-No Main Character in this novel, everyone has the right to live even though I'm just a narrator

-REALISTIC SCENES: Don't expect clichè plots or cringe encounters, it sometimes sickens me

-Extreme Logical world view

-Most special characters have an extreme Survival Mindset

-Expect Villains to posses very high IQ

-Expect cruel scenes if there is any because i won't go soft on anyone and will portray everything to the best i can

-Expect NTR in some characters, it's real life situations and so all can happen

-Expect growth type characters

The view of the world would sometimes focus on a key individual, and when I'm done with the person and story before i can take time to create a side story focusing on a main character.....or if someone is interested then the person can talk to me and obtain the permission to write the side story, i would very much like that.

-I'm not God so don't bash me later on if your not satisfied with the novel, I've explicitly stated what to expect and if you want to leave a  review then i expect a proper one and not some bot reader who hasn't even read the story or warning.

-I'm just like many of you, a guy who wants to express his ideas and I'm welcome to anyone who is sincere enough.