
Holy Dragon Seal

The protagonist is not invincible, has no harem, is not mature, has youth, has vitality, and is walking step by step on the path of reverence. There are thousands of worlds, including the upper realm, the heavenly realm, and the earthly realm. Due to the different laws of the hand, there will be no problems for 100000 years. But one day, the legendary ancient realm appeared, connecting thousands of realms. The Great Transformation of the World took a thousand years of struggle to stabilize, and the world was divided into four factions. In order to compete for control of the Zun Realm, the Holy Clan, Dragon Clan, Demon Clan, and Spirit Clan respectively launched an unprecedented battle. After five thousand years of war, the various tribes met and engaged in the final battle in the realm of reverence. But suddenly a strange image appeared, and forty-two cracks appeared in the air, only known as the Void Crack. Countless worlds were frozen, and countless tribes were wiped out. Unable to resist, the four upper masters of the four clans and the forty-eight masters sacrificed their own hands and sealed the Heavenly Realm and its ten affiliated Earthly Realms. Each ethnic group seals their bloodline and inheritance into a seal. Children of all ethnic groups are also included, but unexpectedly, the law prohibits and exterminates them. In the Eleven Realms, "hands" cover. In the blink of an eye, time has arrived in 100000 years... Earth is extraordinary!

hid77187774 · Eastern
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The mountain is extremely quiet, and the dark clouds above indicate that rainstorm is coming. A group of students form a temporary mountaineering team quickly steps down the mountain in the quiet. It's getting dark soon, they must hurry down the mountain before it gets dark or it rains.


The sound system on the phone started, and the leader of the team picked up his phone and was about to look when a phone call came in.

"Only, Director Wang."

A strong voice came out on the other side of the phone, and the phone was also hands-free: "Mr. Qin, we have just received the notice to take the students to evacuate. It is expected that there will be extremely heavy rainstorm and mountain torrents."

Everyone started chattering when they heard it. Zhang Hanyang pulled his bag in front of him, wrapped his head around it, and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid, it's raining. It's just time to take a shower."

A height of 1.75 meters is not very outstanding, and he looks good. As a back row student in the class, he is a comedian who follows the army. Teacher Qin glanced at him and said, "Okay, Director Wang, our class can reach the foot of the mountain in about half an hour."


A lightning bolt flashed past, followed by the sound of thunder, causing some girls to cry in fear.

Zhang Hanyang's school organized an outing in a relatively large area, and each class chose their own play area. Although they were in their senior year, they were still a group of students. In the eyes of parents, the school paid special attention to their safety.

"Lao Zhang, when you said it, the weather forecast didn't say it would rain. You said, 'If a flash flood really comes, can we capture the hearts of the class flower if we are heroes saving the beauty?'"

The mischievous appearance of Zhang Hanyang's close ally Chen Yuzhe madeZhang Hanyang couldn't help but feel amused. He patted him and said, "The first one to rush you away, don't you look like that?"

I haven't had much experience yet, and I didn't know that when the mountain flood came, it was like a fierce tiger preying on it, and I was joking heartlessly.

"Classmates, we need to hurry down the mountain, boys take good care of girls."

The teacher urged in the middle of the team.

A long line, pulled by three people, the mountain is relatively steep. Utilize male classmates, a boy carrying a bag for a girl.

The leaves on the tree are frantically polishing, and the branches are shaking wildly. The steep slopes are already very dangerous, coupled with strong winds.

As a heavy rain patted on Zhang Hanyang's head, larger and larger raindrops poured down in torrents. So everyone has arrived at the foot of the mountain and got on the return car.

Teacher Qin got on the car and started checking the number of people, only to find that one person was missing.

"One is missing, who is missing!"

"Teacher, Yuxin is not here. The last time I saw her was when she was almost at the foot of the mountain. She said she wanted to go to Huang Xiaoming's place to get a towel."

A chubby boy said, "Teacher, she didn't come to my place!"

"It's over, there's an accident." Teacher Qin quickly contacted the school leaders, and there was a rescue team nearby.

Chen Yuzhe quickly shouted, "Teacher Qin, I'll go find it." After saying that, he was about to get off the car.

"Come back!" Teacher Qin quickly stopped them, afraid of their danger.

Yuxin's name is Huang Yuxin, and she is Chen Yuzhe's crush. At this moment, she is also anxious. Several passionate young people petitioned one after another, but were all rejected.

Chen Yuzhe looked at Zhang Hanyang with a smile and said, "I know you're a brother."

Without waiting for Zhang Hanyang to react, he ran out and followed suit.

"Old Chen, your sister's."

"You guys come back."

The teacher's voice became quieter and quieter in the rain, and the two of them ran quickly towards the mountain.

The person walked and shouted, and after walking for ten minutes, they saw Huang Yuxin in the water.

"Yuxin!" Chen Yuzhe felt like he ran over.

The mountain is constantly washed away, and there happens to be a river

like one where a large amount of rainwater washes down. Fortunately, Huang Yuxin's leg is stuck in the middle of the fallen tree.

Chen Yuzhe quickly went to move, and Zhang Hanyang also went to help. Huang Yuxin's cry was covered by the rainstorm, and Chen Yuzhe kept comforting, comforting and trying.

The fallen tree finally moved a little under the joint force of the two, but Huang Yuxin's other foot was entangled by a vine.


Huang Yuxin rowed down a bit, and Chen Yuzhe hurriedly pulled it, but it was not dangerous. Below was the waterfall formed by the rainstorm.

Zhang Hanyang grabbed the tree trunk with one hand and cut off the vines on Huang Yuxin's ankle with a wild knife he brought with the other.


"I wipe it?"

The sound of breakage rang out, and Zhang Hanyang watched as the big tree under his feet cracked.

At this moment, Huang Yuxin was dragged to a safe place by Chen Yuzhe. When she heard the sound, she turned around and looked dumbfounded.


In the moment of interruption, Zhang Hanyang was instantly washed down by the water, and the rescue team also rushed over.

Chen Yuzhe shouted repeatedly at Lao Zhang, but there was no response.

"Help him quickly, he was just washed down by the water."

The rescue team quickly checked, while the other two went to check on Huang Yuxin's injuries.

As the rain grew heavier, the captain of the rescue team shouted, "The flash flood is coming soon, you guys go down first."

"No, I'm with you."

Helpless, Chen Yuzhe began to blame himself for dragging Zhang Hanyang over, with two carrying Huang Yuxin and two dragging Chen Yuzhe down.

And the rescue team searched for it, but it was dark and rainy, and they couldn't see anything. After searching a few more times without success, I quickly went down when I received the disaster notification.

Zhang Hanyang was washed down by the rain, and his mind instantly went blank. But at this moment, a golden light covered Zhang Hanyang's entire body as he fell.

Just fell into a big pit, but the surroundings were smooth. Sitting in the accumulated water, it took a while before I realized it.

As the water grew bigger and bigger, Zhang Hanyang, who had recovered, quickly looked for the exit,

Fortunately, the rainwater flowed out with a pit below, and at this moment he could only beg not to experience large-scale flash floods and mudslides.

Just when he was helpless, his body was once again covered in golden light. Zhang Hanyang has experienced it since childhood, and he made a promise with his disappearing father not to say anything to anyone.

Until now, he didn't know why, but now he realized that it was different when it lit up this time, and he also noticed a golden light rushing out in the pit of the water flow, because it was too bright to see clearly.

Facing each other from afar, he suddenly rushed into Zhang Hanyang's body.

"Just you, go down this road, this seal will help you, my name is' hand '."

The voice disappeared, and before Zhang Hanyang could react, something he had never known began to impact his sea of consciousness, time and time again.

His body was undergoing changes, and the increase in knowledge of the sea made Zhang Hanyang understand that he was refining his body and refining hammer steel. He had been curious for so long that the golden light could possibly solve the mystery.

Ever since he found out that his departed parents had not passed away, he became even more curious about why.

Out of control, Zhang Hanyang sat cross legged.

With the additional memories in the sea of consciousness, guiding the energy within oneself, and attempting to examine one's own dantian and the additional golden "seal".

But when he tried to touch according to the method, there was no response, and after a few attempts, he simply ignored it.

Time flies by, and the rain stops. The body washed away by the rain feels no coldness, and the black objects overflowing from the body are also washed away by the rain.


Taking a deep breath, Zhang Hanyang stood up. He learned an additional

language in his mind that he had never encountered before.

I experienced the power of my body and it was ten times that of an ordinary person. I stepped on the tree trunk that rushed to the wall and climbed up.

Zhang Hanyang sat by the stone, organizing his thoughts. He knew the vocabulary corresponding to the extra words, but some of them didn't know how to translate and could only understand.

For example, in English, the corresponding word for bread is "Bread", while in Chinese it is "bread", and it is still the same today. But some words have no reference and can only produce one Chinese word.

"Yes, I can give you a name."

Zhang Hanyang couldn't figure it out and slapped himself on the head, so he started his big business.

"If there are words in the language that describe the identity at this time, then I will follow the name" cultivator "in the novel. Otherwise, I will call it" cultivator ". If the level is not easy to fabricate, I will follow the book's methods of refining qi, building foundations, and so on..."

"This well printed cowhide, translated as' Holy Dragon Zun Yin '."

A person sat there soaked all over, with the hairstyle on their head no longer visible.

"Damn it, it's Lao Zhang! Lao Zhang!"

As Chen Yuzhe's voice reached his ears, Zhang Hanyang lifted his handsome face and stood up.

Excited, Chen Yuzhe twisted his slightly chubby body, dressed in rescue team clothes, and opened his arms to pounce.

Dear international friends! Hello everyone! First time creating, if there are any negative aspects, I apologize!!! Thank you for your support!

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