
Holy Dragon's Ascension

For the sky I could not reach, for the freedom I was chained from attaining, for the memories I had seemingly forgotten. I will grasp them all in my claws. Read 1 chapter ahead on Royal Road!

LuckyChant · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Fruity Power up? (1)

White surrounded me from all sides. Trapping me if not for the jagged opening from which I had entered. Its opaqueness gave off a familiar feeling. A given, of course, considering where I was. This was the place I had broken free from, I was the one creating that opening with my own hands/claws. My first memory as far as my clouded mind was concerned, and my biggest achievement. My one and only prison.

Yet, even after offering up my entirety to break out of it, I had returned to it. Like a prisoner getting right back in after they had served their time.

Though I guess you can't call it a prison when it has a giant back entrance.

And what was I doing here you might ask? Well hiding of course!

After coming to the conclusion that standing in the middle of nowhere would probably "lead me to my end", I decided to do the only sound course of action: RUN.

The problem was that there was nowhere to run to, correction; nowhere "I" could run to. For there were only trees as far as the eye could see. And while I tried to climb up them, I could not. The moment I got my hands/claws into the bark of the trees, the bark slid off the tree, leaving the tree with a bald spot.

Don't worry, it's not that visible.

Bark still attached to my palms, I tried to hide behind the tree. But, it was to no avail.

I stood out like a sore thumb. Whether I stood sideways, facing forward, or standing on my hind legs, part of my body always poked out from my hiding spot. Feeling embarrassed for a moment, I came to a conclusion: The trees are far too thin!

And thus I was forced to find another hiding spot. That is not to say I came from this endeavor empty-handed. I don't know when it happened, but some of the red fruit had fallen from their branches when I tried to climb.

Looking down at my hands, I saw 5 glowing orbs. Shinning in the shadows of my prison, one more so than the other. My first impression of them was that they resembled some sort of crystal, but on closer inspection their semblance and touch reminded me more of hard jelly. It also had a protective film over it, covering the jelly-like substance and its black seeds.

Despite not looking like anything I had ever seen before and, you know, literally glowing in the dark, it looked quite tasty.

Moving my neck forward I took a whiff of one of the orbs. It smelled like an absurdly sweet mixture of different fruits and berries, though not the artificial kind. I could only assume what they would taste like.

My mouth even started watering, but I caught myself.

Eating mysterious fruit you find in the forest is never a good idea. Especially ones with strong bright colours. Could be poisoned after all.

Better safe than sorry.

Well, that put a bumper in my mood. Realizing that I should be paying more attention to danger signs did not help either. But I did not turn my face taway, instead, my eyes were still glued to the luminous gelaté. Drawn in by its scent and red form.


I had not eaten anything in a while had I? Actually, I can't even remember eating anything ever. My stomach felt totally empty, and then I mean really empty. Like there was a monster inside me. A black nothingness that had devoured everything in sight, but still demanded more. Then the nothingness turned against me, its host, and tried to devour me too. Sadly there was not much to devour. After all, despite my earlier failure to hide behind a tree, I had no fat reserves on my body. If I did not eat anything soon there would be "consequences".

But the only other consumables available were the "meat" outside. Eating that would feel weird, not because of my long moral toil about it. In fact, I felt mostly over that whole "debate" now. No. What hindered me from partaking in the feast outside was the growing aura of dark mist that seeped from its body, coiling in the air above it; around my prison. The "meat" in front of me even began to "decompose" into nothingness. Something told me not to touch that, much less eat it.

That only left these delectable fruits. They could be my savior, but also my doom. It was frustrating, being presented nourishment while malnourished, but not being able to partake.


While I was busy thinking about what to do with these fruits, my hunger only grew.

One bite wouldn't hurt, right? Right!?

My stomach and brain were at war arguing this exact dilemma. If only there were a way to determine if it was harmful. Sadly I did not possess such a skill...Or did I?

Remembering the notifications I put a hand/claw to my face, closing my eyes.

The information in those notifications had already described the essence of me and the "meat" outside. What we were at our core. Doesn't that mean I could use it on this fruit too?

Going with that line of thought, I stared into the fruit in my palm, focusing on it in its "entirety".

Tier: Silver

Name: Soul Fruit of the Forgotten Woods

Affinity: Spīritus, Vitalis

Effect: Strengthens the user's Vitality(lesser) temporarily. Can have extra effects based on the user's and individual Soul Fruits Vitality. Makes it harder to sleep.

Trivia: Soft, yet delicious and tart. Extremely hard outer layer. Perfect with a bit of ice and a straw.

Sparing only a few moments to inspect the notification and its clear lack of the word poison, I dug in.


Ah! That's delish.

Sweetness engulfed my mouth as tarty jam-like juices went down my throat. My 5 appendages quivered in delight as I downed another fruit, releasing the empty shell from my hand. I continued this action 2 times more, filling my belly to the brim, until there was only 1 fruit left.

Vitality increased(lesser)

+Extra(1+ Vitality(permanent))

Vitality increased(lesser)

Vitality increased(lesser)

Vitality increased(lesser)

Skill learned: [Viril Disposition]

Skill learned: [Lesser Vitality]

Experience is awarded for learning 2 Skills.

As the notifications made their presence clear, my mind swam in a sea of freshness and my body raged in a hearth energy. I felt stronger, faster, and above all; lighter. Vapor formed on my arms and wisped off with a red and golden glow before it faded into the opaque whiteness surrounding me.

As I reveled in this feeling of satisfaction I-


I heard a loud roar in the distance.

Level: 4

Name: None

Species: Wonderbeast (youngling)

Affinity: Darkus, Darkness

And more "meat" appeared.


The next chapter is already available on Royal Road!

Long time no see btw -LuckyChant

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