
Holy Dragon's Ascension

For the sky I could not reach, for the freedom I was chained from attaining, for the memories I had seemingly forgotten. I will grasp them all in my claws. Read 1 chapter ahead on Royal Road!

LuckyChant · Fantasy
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8 Chs

5. Hunt or Hunted?

Before me was a large blue monster with green eyes, looking like a hybrid between a giant lion and a ghost. A bright sickening red mist surrounded it, as if announcing its presence.

Hmmm. I feel the presence of something "else" here too. Can't put my finger on it though.


It stood about 10 meters away from me, at the edge of this small clearing, a large tree standing behind it. Its giant green eyes stared at me through the crack in my prison, then my prison itself, before finally the hill beneath us both. To be fair now, it was not much of a hill any longer. Most of the "meat" had already finished dissipating, and all that was left was its simmering ashes. Before I had known it, the "hill" had turned into an actual hill.

It stared at it for a moment, seemingly taking it all in; Me, in my prison, on top of the remains of its kin.

Detecting: [Wild Charge]

Then- It charged. Running forward while breathing heavily through its nose. A notification rang in my head as my instincts blared. While not as large as the lv. 5, it still dwarfed me in size. The target of its charge was clear, as well as its imminent destruction.

My mind raced as time slowed down. Hiding near a corpse did not seem to be the smartest idea any longer.

The "meat" closed in on me, trampling the ground under it as it ran, spilling earth into the air. Then- it hit my prison. But the prison did not break. No more cracks had spread. It had somehow resisted the wild charge.

That is not to say that it stopped the charge. It continued on taking me and my prison with it, trampling over what remained of its kin in the process. It could not last forever though, as it was already on the other side of the clearing. It headbutted into a tree. Shockwaves spread through my prison as my back crashed into the wall. The vibrations spread through my spine and then transferred to my head, making my mind quack.

The beast shook its head before turning around. At first, I thought it might have lost interest. After all, I had come away unscathed, and my prison still stood strong. Actually, compared to my initial impression, it seemed mor-

Before I could finish my thought it had already charged into the prison again. Again, again and again. It charged at me a total of 2 dozen times. I had tried to scratch it a few times, but my arms were too weak and my claws too small to pierce its hide.

I helplessly tumbled about my prison, bouncing off the walls like a rubber ball. Too powerless to do anything.


Until I heard my prison wail out as it gave in. My rival and my bane, my biggest achievement; gave in to defeat. 2 jagged lines formed on the walls surrounding me. They would probably intersect with the next charge, breaking my defenses. There was only 1 possible result, I would be crushed. Squashed on the tree like an insect.

I don't know why, but that idea angered me. To meet such a pathetic end.

And I was envious. Of that power. Of that might.

Another part of "me" told me to give up. To take the cards I was dealt.

Yet, there was an emotion that prevailed above all others. It was a very simple emotion as well. Like a primeval part of me; my "nature". It screamed, no; roared!

I wanted it. That power. Power that could surpass it. I wanted all of it.

My body seemed to agree. Filling with energy as if compensating for my weakness. And as the tempest of this "change" stilled within me, the "beast" broke my defenses. Cracking my prison, and breaking me free.


As My prison cracked open, it split into 4 separate parts. 1 large and long, 2 medium, and 1 small and shaped like an elongated triangle.

I quickly grabbed the triangle one in my mouth and moved to the side. It was the smallest but also the thickest.

By the time the "beast" ran headlong into a tree, I had already dodged to the side. While it was still stunned I ran behind it, sliding the sharp end of the triangle at the back of its hind legs. It screamed as I drew first blood.

I tried going for the second leg, but it began to turn around so I took distance instead. It went in for a sweep attack, but I was already 10 meters away by that time, where my prison had originally stood. I struck my hand into the "earth", as it eyed me and began to charge again. But it fell due to its limp hind leg, its built-up momentum dragging it across the brown and red earth.

Normally I would take this chance to run away, but could not. Even if it would have to run while limping, it was still faster than me. No use running from a "bear" after all. So instead I ran another 10 meters, to the edge of the small clearing, as fast as my 4 energized limbs could carry me. Then I stopped in front of a tree and looked at the charging "beast" in the eye as if mocking it. It seemed to have worked.

It came at me faster and angrier than ever before. Throwing up "dirt" in its wake. I stood on 3 of my limbs, the last one, my right arm, behind my back.

I must admit, it was kind of hard to balance. Luckily my tail helped adjust my weight, keeping me steady.

When the "beast" was 5 meters away from me, 15 meters from where the prison was, I made my move.

I swung my arm forward, releasing a dark decomposing component into the air. It dissolved mid-air, blotting out my vision in front of me. Then I turned around, jumping up as hard as I could, and clawed into the tree. The bark fell off, leaving the tree bare as I sank the shard in my mouth into it. It kept in place, barely. Steeling myself for what came next, the beast came running out of the dark mist and landed squarely into the tree. Vibrations were sent into the tree, and through the shard that connected us, into me. My jaw trembled and my brain shook, as my vision blurred. I felt my consciousness fading, but I was somehow kept awake. Or rather I could not faint.



Getting a hold of myself I stared down as my vision turned to normal. The beast spun around erratically, trying to find me. That would be hard though considering how its eyes were closed, barely letting it see anything around it. The dark ashe of its kin irritates its red eyes, I could not help but quip:

Guess love does turn you blind. And in this case, it will also be your doom.

Hanging by my mouth I waited for an opportunity to arise. And it did.

The beast turned around, scanning the clearing for me, to the best of its ability. But I was not in front of it ready to get pounced upon. No, I was behind it ready to pounce on it.

Ready to make my move, I could feel the adrenalin and bloodlust seeping through me. I only got one chance at this, I could not mess it up.

[Lesser Vitality]

Remembering the "Skill" it had used before and its immense power, I decided to activate my own.

I kicked off the tree, using it as a stepping stone to release the shard, as well as pushing me forward. Bending my body as I soared through the air, I pointed the shard at the top of the beast's head. At the newly acquired weak spot in its armor.

Your baoldness will be your doom. 

Then just before striking, I remembered I had another "Skill". I decided to try it out. Screaming out its name.


[Egg Cracker]

And a burst of golden light engulfed the shard as it pierced the skull of the beast. Then the beast's head exploded.


Experience is awarded for defeating Wonderbeast(youngling) lv.4.

Extra experience is awarded for defeating someone significantly stronger than you.

Hatchling lv. (-1)=>Hatchling lv. 0=>Hatchling lv. 1


For showing such a great feat while still being negative (error) old you have been granted the Title: [Prodigy].


[Ascencion] Begins now.

While a bunch of notifications ran off in my head, I stood up, releasing the shard of my old prison. I took a moment to revel in the defeat of my enemy.

I did it. I really did it. 

In the end, I guess you ended up as just a "piece of meat" too.

"It" lay there on the ground without a head, just as its kin had. Except this time I was the one who had slayed i- Though guess I defeated it with the help of the prison this time too. But I only used like 10% of it okay!?

"I-i-i-[Ignis], I-[Ignis], Igni-ini-i-i-i-i-i...."

While I monologed on, I heard a "voice" for the first time. It was from behind the tree. Curious and a bit cautious, I walked around the tree to take a look. While doing so I felt weirdly sleepy.

There I saw a "girl". Full black hair, with what looked like cotton ball mittens on top. Sharp red eyes that pierced into me. Staring at me, not with anger like the beast's, but with fear.

Her pupils were long and thin splitting her eyes vertically, changing in size as her wide red eyes turned to slits, and what looked to be "water" appeared in their corners. They dilated uncontrollably until-



Until she fainted. Kind of rude if you ask me. Who just stares at someone and faints? I'm offended. I'll have to talk to her man-


And then I fainted as well.

Starts Ascension:

Classification: [Divinity(lesser)]

  [Mortal Climb] 

[Demonic essence(lesser)] 

Bloodline: Detected. 

Sin: Detected. 

Divine skill: detected: [Egg Cracker].


Initiating: [Evolution] [Bloodline Awakening] [Class Inauguration] [Sin Evaluation].