
Holy Demon Lord: The Execution Sword

[Dropped] When you live with an unknown feeling within you and it turns out to be two kinds of bloodlines, a demonic and holy bloodline, you know you are about to start an extraordinary adventure. Bryce was precisely that kind of a guy, but he spent years researching the bizarre within him. All answers came out in another world after a random summoning, though. And he will find more answers about his origins there, striving to become the only Holy Demon Lord! (Novel contains romance and harem, so lovely sex scenes are a must and will be tagged with [R-18] in the chapter's title.)

Sixth · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

His way

Chapter 12: His way

"You said it yourself, I have two kinds of swords. I will use the bloody one against Arnold and his buddy and get permission to take you outside with myself," Bryce said to Sharla's inquiry, her big eyes staring at him, not blinking at all.

He glanced at her, found her cute, and laughed out loud. In his reaction, as an opportunist, Sharla would've spotted that slight difference in him finding her adorable had she not been in profound confusion, thinking more about Bryce's weird choices.

Hearing her worried questions, Bryce thought of the reason he bothered to take her with him. It was because he knew what kind of people heroes were; they were fools who saved others.

They were people who worked their asses off for others, took the brunt of blaming themselves after things went wrong, and surrounded themselves with people to protect and work with.

Well, that was what Bryce thoughts of heroes, his imagination of them was highly influenced by the heroic aura that had smitten a few girls and made things easier for him.

Thus, if he were to go outside, he needed more than just Gengo. He needed Sharla and her holiness to progress with his hero's bloodline. Of course, Bryce found it hard to operate as he had no answer to his partially awakened bloodlines; Sharla told him that most heroes just received skills based on their personalities and developed them by doing heroic deeds true to their hearts.

And in Bryce's case, being a candid hero meant fighting enemies, and that was all.

It was perhaps his way as a demon lord as well.

Bryce didn't really care, he just wanted answers to his origins. And as he liked Sharla, he will protect her as both the hero and the demon lord, even if she might not like the latter.

"Do I have to face the villain?" Bryce suddenly asked, causing Sharla to shut her lips tightly, he continued, "I have an option to fight a villain, of course I go for it. If he doesn't visit this village, I will sniff him out around this region. I want to see what kind of person has been summoned by a demon lord, I want to test myself against him, I want to get more options, you know?"

"I understand, I think I do," Sharla replied, uncertain.

Bryce glanced at her and helped with her thoughts, "It's like you telling me to smile at some old woman to get stuff from her. With money, I can buy better equipment or at least not go to the forest naked. But that's not my way, it's always been the strength, beating other is the most satisfying way, and if I can do it for a good cause, I can't help but feel good."

"You will join mercenaries, won't you?" Sharla faintly smiled, understanding him better. His heroic abilities and goals have been unknown, besides his desire to go to the Freedom Metropolis. But now, Sharla knew he would join mercenaries and clash with various people, heroes, villains, beasts, and more.

Perhaps, he would make the strongest guild that everyone would fear in the future. For some reason, Sharla had a strong belief Bryce had enough means to achieve all of that and even more.

She herself just wanted to get more status and become a respectable healer sheltered in the center of Freedom Metropolis, which meant that their path soon would split and that soon was pretty close, too. Knowing that Sharla took a different resolve.

"I must think of a good way to support you tomorrow!"

"You already did more than enough."

Bryce has grasped the new world well, practiced a new style, learned an appraisal skill, and has a warm bed for himself and Gengo. Sharla's also a good company which reminds him of underclassmen he had taken care of back on Earth.

"Hehe, I got a good idea, actually," Sharla smirked; her tone was weird.

Bryce looked at her oddly, then prepared for a talk with his friend.





"Gengo!" Sharla was the first to skip toward the dog, who had been chilling on the sofa for hours.

Surprised by her sudden call and sweeter than usual tone, Gengo raised his head and looked at her oddly, only to receive a tight hug from the lady. He instantly glanced at his owner, knowing he was about to step into some shit.

Gengo squealed, his voice pulling the strings of Sharla's heart.

"What has gotten into you?" Sharla tilted her head, not knowing why Gengo reacted in this way, as she just hugged him because she knew their time was short.

Bryce looked at the good actor with squinted eyes, then smirked, "We gonna fight trolls."

Gengo's groans became louder.

Sharla patted his head and combed his fur faster, to no avail.

"But first, I will fight Arnold and his buddy," Bryce nearly burst out laughing as Gengo's barks bounced off the wall, "Both at the same time!"

Gengo lost all his restraints, he howled like a demon lord, then slipped from Sharla's hands and charged into Bryce. Of course, his owner stood straight and sturdy like a tree, of course he would stand like that.

Gengo knew him! He parted his jaw and then bit that stupid human!

"It's ticklish! And who will pay for those pants now?" Bryce smiled cheekily, but Gengo hadn't stopped yet! He only did when Bryce pulled him away with his strength.

They sat by the table, and Bryce explained, "My options have been limited. There's nothing else to do here other than us waiting for the villain."

Gengo barked, voicing his disappointment. His friend was so calm before, so what did exactly change? Why would he go and fight humans with level thirty?

Bryce crossed his arms and said, "Villains grow in strength, and this particular villain in our region has the luxury of having a monster army. We must level up, too, in a harsh environment, that is."

Gengo growled.

"That won't do. I want to level up while using my abilities, you know? I can't team up with other hunters." Bryce once again showed his great understanding of his friend.

Gengo then glanced at Sharla, she nodded, and both of them hovered their eyes on Bryce.

She asked the question, "Will you use the hero's skills against Arnold and his friend?"


Gengo went mad again and jumped at his friend, both of them fell off a chair, then another argument started. Both of them comically swayed their limbs.

Sharla supported her little head on her palm, gazing warmly at the duo, for she had never seen such a close bond in her whole life; her heart grew jealous.





The next day, afternoon, everyone gathered in the middle of the village.

Even hunters from atop the walls used their skills to peek at the battle that would soon start, a battle between a foreigner who has taken the attention of their miraculous healer and the best tank and his archer friend. The odds were against Bryce, and no one believed he would do well.

Yet, they were curious about him.

As people gathered and took their spots around, a particular sector stood out, for there were youngsters Bryce's age, including Sharla, who had hailed peculiar banners.

[Arnold is a bully.]

[Arnold's father is a troll.]

[Arnold has a small dick.]

"If we had more time, I would have thought of something better!" Sharla said, shaking the banner with the most enraging words.

At last, Bryce entered the scene. Shortly after him, Arnold and his friend did. When the tank saw the banners, he scoffed, then blood drained off his face, then he became so red as though he ate something spicy.

Some villagers chuckled at him.

Bryce tilted his head and asked, "Seeing your reaction, the troll banner must be true, then? I pity your family and everyone you did with your small dick."

Arnold shivered, glanced at his friend with threatening eyes, and told him through eye contact. [If you don't take out his eyes, I will gouge your and your family's eyes!]

The archer gulped and nodded.