
Hololive Alternative: Destiny is not Absolute

In the beginning, “The Gods” created “Space.” However, “Space” is nothing but textures and principles. Nothing more than disorder. Thus, “The Gods” created “Nature” to bind together the textures. Alas, “Nature” was merely but an existence. Hence, “The Gods” poured in “Time,” to orchestrate their growth. With the support of “Time,” lifeforms achieved evolution. Lifeforms begged for power, and “The Gods” bestowed knowledge to them. Scilicet, “Civilization” was formed. As “Civilization” was not built by “The Gods,” no order could be found among. Disorder occurred once more. “Civilization” corrupted “Nature.” With the birth of “Civilization,” “Time” gained extensive power. “Time” bound all living beings with shackles, dominating them diabolically. “Space” and “Time” had long since confronted one other for ages past. “Space” could not agree with “Time”’s tyranny, and a devastating conflict commenced. Amidst the havoc, “The Gods” created avatars. They bestowed a vessel to “Chaos,” who had existed since the genesis. “Let there be order! ‘Chaos’ shall govern the lands via council.” “The Gods” said, followed by their slumber. So led to the “Council”’s provenance. Mumei, a member of the Council and the Guardian of "Civilization," a concept crafted by mankind. Due to not being created by the Gods, she was free to choose her own appearance, and decided to make herself owl-like, after the bird that symbolizes wisdom. [Cover and the character used in this fanfic do not belong to me, they belong to their respective owner.]

Daoist7FF · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

When Runes Revolt

As the first rays of the sun began to paint the sky with vibrant hues of orange and pink, I descended gracefully from the heavens, my wings outstretched, and landed at the outskirts of Azurith Port. 

The tranquil beauty of the dawn was in stark contrast to the turmoil brewing below. The city was gradually stirring from its slumber, and the distant murmur of life began to weave through the serene morning air.

Originally, my intent was to return to the the tavern, to partake in hearty tales and shared laughter, but as my boots touched the well-worn cobblestone streets, a memory surged through my mind with the abruptness of a lightning strike. 

The quest—the mission to hunt down the desert wyverns! It seized my thoughts, its urgency clamoring at the forefront of my mind like a persistent drumbeat.

Without a moment's hesitation, I altered my course, veering away from the comforting allure of the tavern and redirecting my steps toward the formidable city gates. 

The prospect of facing the formidable wyverns was an intimidating one, but I was resolved to fulfill my duty.

As I drew closer to the formidable city gates, a smudge of darkness marred the azure sky—an ominous trail of smoke billowing into the heavens, an unsettling harbinger of impending doom. 

It stretched out, darkening the horizon with its foreboding presence, casting a pall over the city and its denizens.

The closer I came to the city gates, the more the grim reality of the situation became apparent. Chaos reigned at the walls, a cacophony of shouts, and the clatter of armor, intermingled with the anguished cries of civilians. 

A monstrous tide of creatures, grotesque and nightmarish, had breached the city's defenses. Panic surged among the civilians and soldiers alike, their lives irrevocably disrupted by the relentless onslaught of the enemy. 

The monsters swarmed in ever-increasing numbers, like a relentless tide of darkness, threatening to engulf the city in an unending nightmare

Amidst the chaos that enveloped the city, a pair of colossal desert wyverns emerged as harbingers of doom. 

Their immense forms loomed ominously against the azure sky, casting a foreboding shadow over the beleaguered city.

The first wyvern soared upward, its sinuous body rising majestically from behind the city's protective walls. 

The second one, to my utter shock, landed atop the fortifications, a monstrous sentinel that unleashed a deafening, bone-chilling scream. 

Flames erupted from its gaping maw, engulfing the watchtowers nearby, turning them into towering pyres of destruction, their stones glowing red-hot as they crumbled into the unforgiving embrace of the flames.

My heart raced as I watched the flames consume the structures, and a sense of dread washed over me. I knew, deep down, that I should have dealt with these wyverns when I had the chance. 

But now, with two of these fearsome creatures on the attack, the situation had escalated to the brink of disaster.

The wyvern in the sky beat its colossal wings with thunderous force, a haunting and eerie sound that reverberated through every nook and cranny of the city. The menacing creature bore down on me, a malevolent force of nature incarnate.

My fingers clenched around the hilt of my dagger as I braced for the impending confrontation. The wyvern's predatory descent sent tremors through my core. 

Desperately, I scanned the surroundings, searching for any means of evasion from the imminent assault.

As the wyvern closed in, I made a swift decision, transforming into my owl form. My small size allowed me to dart and weave through the narrow city streets, narrowly avoiding the wyvern's deadly talons. 

Fire and destruction rained down upon the city as the wyvern obliterated any obstacle in their path. Houses were reduced to smoldering ruins, and chaos reigned in the streets below.

Approaching the towering city walls, I executed a rapid ascent, narrowly evading the wyvern's lethal attack. 

It crashed against the formidable barrier, but its recovery was swift, and it resumed its menacing flight.

I gained altitude, soaring above the wyvern in my owl form, a vigilant observer of its movements. 

In a calculated maneuver, I transformed back into my human form, targeting the base of the wyvern's wings with every ounce of my strength, intent on crippling the beast and bringing it crashing to the ground.

Yet, my intentions took a cruel twist. Instead of the sound of breaking bones, I heard a swirling rush of air as the wyvern's tail swung towards me with astonishing speed. 

It struck with brutal force, hurling me through the air and into the azure sky.

Transforming again into my owl form, I initiated a methodical assault on the wyvern. With surgical precision, I alternated between my human and owl forms, delivering precise blows to the wyvern while skillfully evading its retaliatory strikes. 

Despite its thrashing and desperate attempts to escape, it became clear that the beast could no longer maintain its flight, plummeting inexorably towards the ground.

However, my moment of triumph was short-lived. Caught off guard by the forceful sweep of the wyvern's tail, I was sent hurtling to the earth below. 

The impact was jarring, but I quickly regained my footing, only to find the wyvern charging towards me with an unrelenting fury.

As I prepared to take flight once more, my eyes locked onto a lone child standing nearby, their eyes wide with fear. I couldn't leave without ensuring their safety. 

The wyvern, though grievously wounded, still had movement left in its serpentine form, and it slithered menacingly toward me.

Desperation clawed at my senses as I stretched out my hand, fingers wrapping around the hilt of my shattered blade as a drew my sword. 

With the innocent child's well-being weighing heavily on my conscience, I steeled myself for for the wyvern's final assault.

As the creature lunged forward, its gaping maw poised for a lethal strike, I clenched my jaw, determination flooding my veins. 

With a swift motion, I thrust the fractured remnants of my sword towards the beast, aiming for its vulnerable point.

A deafening roar pierced the air as the blade found its mark, piercing through the wyvern's scaled hide and into its skull. 

In that moment, a surge of unimaginable power surged through me, igniting a primal fire within. The once dormant runes etched upon the broken blade blazed to life, casting an ethereal glow.

The runes pulsed with increasing intensity, their luminous glow growing in strength. With a sense of urgency, I took a step back, cradling the fragile child in my protective embrace, unsure of what was about to transpire.

Suddenly, a blinding beam of light erupted from the sword's runes, lancing through the wyvern's scaly hide. 

The mighty beast had been spewing fire and slashing wildly with its fearsome claws just moments before, but now it was enveloped in the intense, incandescent radiance. 

The brilliance of the light was so overwhelming that I had to shield both my eyes and the child's from its searing, celestial glow.

A bolt of lightning erupted from the sword's runes, encasing the blade in an electrifying cocoon. The lightning crackled and danced, almost as though it had taken on a life of its own, channeling the pent-up energy within the sword. The power continued to surge, reaching a level that seemed almost unbearable. 

The very ground beneath our feet quivered and shook as it struggled to contain the unleashed forces of the sword.

Then, with an earth-shattering explosion, the city was jolted by a deafening shockwave, sending debris hurtling in every direction. The sheer force of the blast sent me sprawling to the ground, dazed and disoriented. 

The once-threatening wyvern lay motionless, its form consumed by the cataclysmic power of the sword's unleashed energy. The air was thick with the smell of scorched earth and smoldering remains.


As the dust and debris settled, I gazed upon the colossal crater where the wyvern had once sprawled. 

All that remained was a vast pit of ash, and at its center lay my sword, seemingly unscathed as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.

Breathing heavily, I took a moment to regain my composure amidst the chaotic backdrop of the city. 

Monstrous creatures still roamed the streets, and there was no respite to be found. I had to keep moving, keep fighting.

My heart soared as I looked down at the child in my arms, their eyes filled with awe and lingering fear. "Are you okay?" I asked, my voice filled with genuine concern.

The child nodded, a small but reassuring gesture. "Thank you," they whispered, their voice trembling.

With a determined resolve, I hoisted the child onto my shoulder and began to run towards the city's walls. "We need to get you to safety," I declared, my footsteps quick and purposeful.

However, before I could depart, my gaze fell upon the broken sword. I couldn't simply leave it behind, knowing its immense power and potential danger. 

As I reached out to retrieve it, a jolt of electricity shot through my hand, causing me to cry out in pain. Blisters and burns marred my skin, but I understood that I couldn't abandon the sword.

Employing basic magic, I reached out to the earth beneath me, conjured a modest amount of earth and stones from the ground. 

Through a combination of creativity and skill,I molded and shaped the gathered materials into a remarkable creation – a glove fashioned entirely from stone. 

The textures and colors of the earth were woven together to form a glove that not only felt strong but also held an enchanting beauty, resembling a piece of art crafted by nature itself.

With the sword safely sheathed, I carried the child to a nearby shelter that had been hastily erected to shield civilians from the onslaught of monsters and wyverns. 

The shelter was crowded and disordered, but I managed to find a quiet corner where I could ensure the child's safety.

After ensuring the child was in the care of others, I departed the shelter, returning to the chaos-ridden streets to assist any other survivors in dire need of aid. 

The battle for the city was far from over, and our fight for survival continued unabated.