
Hololive Alternative: Destiny is not Absolute

In the beginning, “The Gods” created “Space.” However, “Space” is nothing but textures and principles. Nothing more than disorder. Thus, “The Gods” created “Nature” to bind together the textures. Alas, “Nature” was merely but an existence. Hence, “The Gods” poured in “Time,” to orchestrate their growth. With the support of “Time,” lifeforms achieved evolution. Lifeforms begged for power, and “The Gods” bestowed knowledge to them. Scilicet, “Civilization” was formed. As “Civilization” was not built by “The Gods,” no order could be found among. Disorder occurred once more. “Civilization” corrupted “Nature.” With the birth of “Civilization,” “Time” gained extensive power. “Time” bound all living beings with shackles, dominating them diabolically. “Space” and “Time” had long since confronted one other for ages past. “Space” could not agree with “Time”’s tyranny, and a devastating conflict commenced. Amidst the havoc, “The Gods” created avatars. They bestowed a vessel to “Chaos,” who had existed since the genesis. “Let there be order! ‘Chaos’ shall govern the lands via council.” “The Gods” said, followed by their slumber. So led to the “Council”’s provenance. Mumei, a member of the Council and the Guardian of "Civilization," a concept crafted by mankind. Due to not being created by the Gods, she was free to choose her own appearance, and decided to make herself owl-like, after the bird that symbolizes wisdom. [Cover and the character used in this fanfic do not belong to me, they belong to their respective owner.]

Daoist7FF · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

The Pact with a Pirate

As I arrived at the bustling docks of Azurith Port, my eyes scanned the area, searching for any sign of the pirate known as 'Houshou Marine'.

The men I had spoken to earlier had pointed me in this direction, assuring me that if anyone could provide information on Astaha and the impending raid, it would be her.

Just as I began to wonder if I had come to the right place, a striking figure sauntered past me, drawing my immediate attention. 

Her presence was impossible to ignore, and I watched with a mix of curiosity and awe as she approached. 

The woman appeared as though she had stepped out of the pages of a pirate storybook, her fiery red hair tied up into twin braids with scarlet ribbons.

Her eyes, heterochromatic and gleaming with a mischievous spark, met mine briefly, as if sizing me up. 

She was clothed in a cropped, sleeveless red jacket adorned with golden buttons, its white notched lapels and gold trim giving her a distinctive pirate-like appearance. 

A lapel pin in the shape of a pirate ship adorned her jacket, further emphasizing her seafaring persona. Beneath the jacket, she wore a see-through leotard that left little to the imagination.

A black frilled choker or collar encircled her neck, contrasting with the red ascot she wore, complete with a brooch that caught the light. 

Her attire continued with a red and white pleated miniskirt, cinched by a brown leather belt. White gloves, lace-trimmed black or brown thigh-highs, and high-heeled brown leather fold-over ankle boots completed the ensemble, adding a touch of sensuality to her overall pirate-inspired look.

It was undeniable that she was the woman the men had instructed me to seek out for information. I approached her cautiously before speaking.

"Excuse me," I began, my voice steady but polite. "Are you Houshou Marine, by any chance?"

The woman turned her attention toward me, her mismatched eyes scanning me with an appraising gaze. 

"Ahoy, there!" The woman said before introduced herself as Houshou Marine, one of the legendary Seven Kings of the Seven Seas. 

I couldn't help but doubt her claims - she seemed so young, and there was something about her that didn't quite add up - but she was willing to listen to whatever I had to say. "And who might ye be, wanderer?"

"I'm Mumei," I introduced myself. "I've heard that you might be able to help me with some information."

Marine arched an eyebrow, her interest piqued. "Information, eh? About what, exactly?" As Marine continued to speak, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off about her. 

She stared at me intently, as if trying to read my thoughts, and I could see drool starting to form at the corners of her mouth. I couldn't help but think that this woman was not all that she seemed.

"I seek knowledge regarding Astaha and the impending raid," I explained, choosing my words carefully. "I've been told that you might have insights on the matter."

Her lips curled into a sly smile, revealing a hint of amusement. "Aye, I've got me a fair share of secrets," she admitted, "but such information doesn't come easy. What can you offer me in return?"

I considered her question for a moment before making my proposition. "I have a proposal, Marine. I can offer my skills and resources to help you with a matter of your own."

Marine's gaze narrowed, her interest evident as she leaned in slightly. "And what matter might that be?"

"On the way here, I talked with some people and I've come to hear that your crew was captured by the authorities while docked in the harbor," I began. "Your ship, the 'Crimson Serpent,' has been seized. I propose that I assist you in freeing your crew and reclaiming your ship from the authorities. In return, you provide me with the information I seek."

"What skills do you possess, to gather information?" Marine inquired mockingly. "I have many contacts here at the port. What can you offer that I don't already have?"

In response, I transformed a portion of my arm into the wing of an owl.

It didn't take Marine long to grasp the situation. "You can fully transform?" She asked. "For how long?"

"Long enough," I replied.

Marine's expression shifted from curiosity to contemplation. After a moment of silence, she extended her hand toward me, her grip firm and decisive. 

"You've got yourself a deal, Mumei. Let's free my crew and ship, and then I'll share what I know about the Astaha raid."

"By the way, do you know Kaela Kovalskia?" I inquired.

"Yeah, I've heard of her," Marine replied. "The legendary blacksmith of the north."

"You got information on her?" I pressed.

"Sure, I can get you all the information you want," Marine said, "if we can free my crew that is."

With our pact sealed, Marine and I moved to a quieter corner of the docks, away from prying eyes and curious onlookers. 

The bustling activities of the harbor provided the perfect cover for our whispered conversation.

"So, Mumei," Marine began, her voice low and conspiratorial, "freeing my crew and gettin' back the 'Crimson Serpent' won't be no easy task. We'll need a plan, and I've got some ideas."

I nodded, eager to hear her thoughts. "What's your plan, Marine?"

She leaned in closer, her crimson hair cascading like a fiery waterfall as she spoke, her voice a low, whisper that drew me into her world of intrigue and danger. 

The dimly lit tavern provided the perfect backdrop for our clandestine meeting, with shadows dancing across her face.

"First things first," she said, her heterochromatic eyes locking onto mine, "we need to find out where they've got my crew locked up." Her words hung in the air, laden with a sense of urgency and determination that matched the fervor burning within her. "The authorities ain't too keen on sharing that kind of information, but this won't be the problem."

I leaned in, my curiosity piqued, eager to absorb every detail of our unfolding plan. Marine's resolve was palpable, her determination unwavering as she continued. 

"I've got a contact within the city's underbelly who already helped me with locating my crew and ship. We simply never had an opportunity to infiltrate the prison and free them."

The hours slipped away as we delved deeper into our strategies, weaving together a web of tactics and contingencies. 

The tavern's patrons around us were oblivious to the high-stakes conversation taking place in their midst, their laughter and chatter a stark contrast to the gravity of our mission.

As our plans evolved and took shape, it was evident that every detail mattered, from the timing of our actions to the routes we would take to elude capture. 

Marine's knowledge of the city's defenses and the inner workings of the prison proved invaluable, offering a glimpse into the meticulous preparations required for our daring rescue.

After what felt like an eternity, we finally concluded our intensive planning session. The map of the prison and its surroundings lay before us, covered in hastily drawn lines and annotations. 

Marine's eyes, now alight with a newfound hope, met mine once more.

"Memorize the layout of the prison," she instructed, her voice soft yet resolute. "I'll see you then at our predetermined meeting point." 

With a nod of understanding, I committed every detail of the prison's layout to memory, knowing that the fate of Marine's crew and the future of the 'Crimson Serpent' depended on the success of our meticulously planned mission.