
Hololive Alternative: Destiny is not Absolute

In the beginning, “The Gods” created “Space.” However, “Space” is nothing but textures and principles. Nothing more than disorder. Thus, “The Gods” created “Nature” to bind together the textures. Alas, “Nature” was merely but an existence. Hence, “The Gods” poured in “Time,” to orchestrate their growth. With the support of “Time,” lifeforms achieved evolution. Lifeforms begged for power, and “The Gods” bestowed knowledge to them. Scilicet, “Civilization” was formed. As “Civilization” was not built by “The Gods,” no order could be found among. Disorder occurred once more. “Civilization” corrupted “Nature.” With the birth of “Civilization,” “Time” gained extensive power. “Time” bound all living beings with shackles, dominating them diabolically. “Space” and “Time” had long since confronted one other for ages past. “Space” could not agree with “Time”’s tyranny, and a devastating conflict commenced. Amidst the havoc, “The Gods” created avatars. They bestowed a vessel to “Chaos,” who had existed since the genesis. “Let there be order! ‘Chaos’ shall govern the lands via council.” “The Gods” said, followed by their slumber. So led to the “Council”’s provenance. Mumei, a member of the Council and the Guardian of "Civilization," a concept crafted by mankind. Due to not being created by the Gods, she was free to choose her own appearance, and decided to make herself owl-like, after the bird that symbolizes wisdom. [Cover and the character used in this fanfic do not belong to me, they belong to their respective owner.]

Daoist7FF · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

A Grand Royal Audience

On the way home, the golden hues of the setting sun painted the cobblestone streets, casting long shadows that seemed to reach out and embrace Tomoko as she strolled down the familiar path. 

Tomoko's family house stood proudly at the end of the road. It wasn't just their family house; it was more of a holiday retreat. Most of the time, when Ernst was on duty, they would stay at the palace. But during his off-duty moments, they cherished their time spent here, Tomoko explained.

Especially when Tomoko was born, Ernst and his wife desired privacy, and thus they were gifted this house by her majesty herself.

Tomoko's father, Ernst, was more than just a loving parent; he was an esteemed member of the Azurith Kingdom's elite knight force, a revered guardian of the realm. 

Indeed, his esteemed position not only garnered him strong ties to the noble family but also solidified his role as a key figure in the kingdom's inner circle. This stature enabled the Ernst to receive gifts from the queen herself, a privilege not granted to just anyone.

This aspect of her father formed a deep part of Tomoko's own sense of self. The tales of her father's legendary bravery had been woven into her life since childhood.

From the earliest moments of her memory, she had been captivated by the stories of his heroism, the thrilling accounts of dragon-slaying and rescuing the kingdom from dire threats. 

The desire to see her father in action had grown within her, an unquenchable yearning that now tugged at her heart.

As we strolled along the well-worn path, the excitement swelled within Tomoko until it was impossible to contain. 

She turned to me, her new friend, with wide-eyed anticipation and confided her deepest desire. "Mumei, I want to go see my father at the palace."

I, ever the pragmatic and protective friend, couldn't help but express my concerns. My voice was laced with genuine worry as she shared her reservations, "Tomoko, I don't think it's a good idea to go to the palace right now. Your father is deeply involved in important matters, and it might not be safe."

However, Tomoko was undeterred, her determination burning as bright as the midday sun. Without a word, she broke into a swift stride, her steps purposeful and resolute, her destination the palace where her father stood guard. 

I had no choice but to follow, my concern shadowing me like a loyal companion. But navigating the labyrinthine alleys and secret shortcuts that Tomoko knew so well made it a Herculean task to keep pace with my spirited friend.

As we ventured deeper into the city, I couldn't ignore the grim aftermath of the recent monster invasion that had befallen their home. 

The once-peaceful streets were now lined with shattered buildings and debris, the remnants of a battle fought to protect the very lives of the kingdom's citizens. 

Despite the devastation, the indomitable spirit of the people prevailed, as they courageously carried on with their daily lives. 

My concern deepened with every step, and I made a valiant effort to convince Tomoko to turn back, to return to the safety of their home. 

But Tomoko's resolve was like an immovable fortress; she was steadfast in her determination to reach the palace, to witness her father's valor firsthand.

Amidst the hallowed halls of the Azurith Palace, Ernst and Temma, accompanied the delegate Lancelot. 

Their purpose: to consult with the queen and lay the groundwork for a plan to confront the menacing dragon Astaha that lurked ominously within the foreboding Stormbringer Mountains.

Their approach to the reception hall was nothing short of a grand procession. With every step, the resounding clank of their armor and the weight of their weapons filled the air, echoing in the spacious chamber. 

The room itself exuded opulence, with its towering ceilings and majestic marble columns. Every inch of the chamber was adorned with exquisite tapestries and imposing marble sculptures, a testament to the vast wealth and influence of the Azurith Kingdom.

As the trio advanced, the throne room loomed large, serving as the epicenter of the palace's power and authority. 

The Queen of Azurith, regal and poised on her ornate throne, held court with an air of grace and authority. 

Her presence alone seemed to command respect, and her eyes held the wisdom of a ruler who understood the weight of her responsibilities.

Lancelot, stepping forward, introduced herself with the utmost respect, "Your Majesty, I am Lancelot of the Kingdom of Arvandor, sent here as a representative of a delegation. Our mission is to extend our aid in the endeavor to defeat Astaha, the fearsome dragon that currently resides in the treacherous Stormbringer Mountains." 

Her voice conveyed both determination and a deep sense of responsibility as she explained the looming threat that Astaha posed, not only to the Azurith Kingdom but also to the neighboring lands.

The Queen of Azurith nodded with a thoughtful air, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. She had long been aware of the dragon's presence in the formidable Stormbringer Mountains, and the peril it presented not only to her own kingdom but to the entire region. 

"Your offer of assistance is greatly appreciated, Lancelot. We are well aware of the havoc Astaha has wreaked upon our lands, and we are eager to put an end to this menace," she replied with a regal grace.

"We have been laboring diligently to formulate a comprehensive plan to raid Astaha's lair, a perilous undertaking that demands the finest skills and valor," the Queen continued, gesturing to the figures standing resolutely beside Lancelot.

With a sense of formality, Ernst and Temma, two distinguished members of the Azurith elite knight corps, took a step forward and bowed in respect to their queen. 

"Your Majesty, it is an honor and a privilege to serve our kingdom and protect our people," they declared in unison, their voices resonating with unwavering loyalty.

The queen's gaze shifted, acknowledging the broader scope of this mission."And, in fact, the Order of Shirogane, led by the renowned dragon slayer Shirogane Noel, has extended their support to our cause. We understand the vital importance of a well-coordinated effort, and we value the assistance offered by the Kingdom of Arvandor and the Order of Shirogane. In the face of a formidable adversary like Astaha, a united front is imperative."

"I am pleased to hear so," Lancelot responded, reaffirming the determination of their collective alliance.

After a determined sprint through the cobbled streets, Tomoko's journey brought her to the grand, looming gates of the Azurith Palace. 

These massive, ornate gates, intricately adorned with the kingdom's symbols and crests, stood as the first formidable barrier to her goal. 

Her breath came in hurried gasps, and she pushed a strand of ebony hair from her eyes as she halted at the entrance.

To my astonishment, the palace guards immediately recognized the young girl standing before them. They had seen her grow from a baby into the woman she was becoming. 

Their armor glistened, and their swords gleamed, yet their faces softened upon recognizing her as the daughter of Ernst. Their stern expressions shifted to warm smiles, and they bowed in deep respect.

"Lady Tomoko," one of them greeted, "It is an honor to have you here. Your father is in the midst of an important meeting."

The warm reception didn't surprise Tomoko; she was accustomed to the kindness of the palace staff. Over the years, they had watched her play in the palace gardens, listened to her youthful tales, and shared many a meal. 

They held a genuine fondness for the daughter of one of the kingdom's most respected knights, and they often regarded her visits as a bright spot in their duties.

I, observing this from her owl form, waited in the shadows as Tomoko was welcomed into the palace. My feathers rustled quietly as she prepared to continue her pursuit. 

The servants' respect for Tomoko did not extend to me; after all, I was an outsider, unknown to the palace staff. However, this did not stop my determination to protect and look after her just as Ernst had entrusted me to do.

Once inside the palace, I followed Tomoko's trail through the opulent halls. The palace's grandeur was overwhelming, with towering marble columns, intricate tapestries that told stories of the kingdom's history, and gold-plated fixtures that seemed to sparkle even in the soft candlelight. 

As I glided silently through the palace, I marveled at the craftsmanship and elegance that surrounded her. It was a stark contrast to the city's destruction caused by the monster invasion, a reminder of the resplendent history the kingdom aimed to protect.

Every servant Tomoko encountered greeted her with a friendly smile. The bond Tomoko had formed with the palace servants was one of genuine affection. 

Over time, her presence had become synonymous with moments of joy and laughter. Her visits were always a delight, a brief respite from the weight of the kingdom's troubles. 

The servants knew that, despite her youth, Tomoko carried within her the spirit of valor, much like her father. 

Their smiles and welcomes were a testament to the enduring friendship she had cultivated within the palace walls.

My pursuit continued, and as we neared the conference room, the tension in the air grew palpable. It was in this room that the kingdom's most crucial decisions were made. 

The doors loomed before them, massive and imposing, a physical representation of the weighty matters discussed within.

But these formidable doors were not the only obstacles. Two guards, fiercely dedicated to their duty, sought to bar Tomoko's path. Their armor gleamed as they made a move to block Tomoko's path. 

The tension in the air was palpable, and the gravity of the moment weighed heavily upon the situation. However, with a display of unexpected determination, Tomoko managed to navigate her way through the vigilant guards and stepped into the conference room, myself, now transformed back into human form, following closely behind.

Inside, the scene was as grand as the exterior of the palace. A long, ornate table stretched out before them, surrounded by elaborately carved chairs. 

The room was bathed in the soft glow of golden chandeliers, their crystals casting intricate patterns of light across the polished mahogany floor. 

The conference room was where the kingdom's most crucial decisions were made, where knights and ministers gathered to discuss the impending battle against the fearsome dragon, Astaha.

Amidst the opulent surroundings, Tomoko's father, Ernst, a figure of unwavering strength and resolve, was in the midst of an intense meeting with the knights of the realm and a high-ranking delegation from the Kingdom of Arvandor. His presence alone exuded authority, and the air in the room was charged with anticipation.

Ernst, shocked by the unanticipated entrance of his daughter, jumped up from his chair, his expression a blend of surprise and concern. He turned to Tomoko and asked, "Tomoko, what's up?"

The sudden intrusion sent shockwaves through the chamber, and the ministers and Lancelot, a member of the delegation from Arvandor, were instantly incensed. Their voices rose in protest, outrage palpable in the room. However, the regal figure at the head of the table, the Queen intervened with a commanding presence.

Her imperious aura seemed to quell the rising tumult, and she recognized Mumei's presence, acknowledging the daring feat of infiltrating the palace. The Queen's eyes bore into me, an admiring glint in her gaze.

The Queen addressed the agitated ministers, her voice commanding the room's attention, "This young woman, Mumei, has shown great courage and resourcefulness in protecting our city from the recent monster attack. Her presence is a testament to our unity in the face of a dire threat."

She continued, "I had already intended to send Ernst to fetch her. Her arrival here merely simplifies matters."

In gratitude for my help, the Queen extended a generous offer, her voice bearing the weight of the kingdom's appreciation. 

"For your invaluable assistance, young Mumei, I shall grant you a boon limited only by the bounds of possibility. You are also hereby pardoned for your daring infiltration of the palace and the momentary interruption of our crucial meeting."

As the air filled with anticipation, and all eyes turned towards me, a voice of dissent rose from within the assembly. Lancelot, with her customary determination, couldn't resist the urge to object. "But Your Majesty," she interjected, her voice laced with a hint of disapproval.

With a measured gesture, the Queen raised her hand, her stern look effectively silencing Lancelot's protest. Her unwavering gaze remained fixed upon Mumei, her attention fully returning to the young woman who had played a pivotal role in the kingdom's defense.

"Speak your desire, Mumei," the Queen urged, her words echoing in the grand chamber, resounding with both the weight of her authority and the promise of benevolence. "Name it, and it shall be yours."

I, standing at the epicenter of the room, absorbed the gravity of the moment. I took a deep breath, my determination unwavering as I prepared to voice my deepest aspiration. 

"I want to take part in the dragon raid," I declared, my voice carrying the earnestness of my desire. "I wish to be an integral part of the team that will confront and vanquish Astaha. This is my ultimate ambition."

A hushed silence fell over the room as my declaration hung in the air, a declaration that reverberated with unwavering determination. The Queen's eyes widened in surprise, her keen memory recalling a previous recommendation for my inclusion in the formidable mission.

However, the Queen, wise and strategic in her judgment, recognized the necessity for a pivotal condition to validate my readiness for the impending mission. Her voice resonated once more, shattering the silence that had enveloped the room. 

"Your request is granted, Mumei. But there is a crucial condition that must be met," she declared, her words reverberating with significance. "Before you can officially join the mission team and undertake this perilous endeavor, you must prove your worth in a test of strength and skill."

The room, once filled with anticipation, now buzzed with renewed energy, as everyone was eager to witness the outcome of my forthcoming trial.