
Hololive Alternative Chronic Side E

Shirakami Fubuki and Ookami Mio are a couple of duos that are against monsters, from small things to giant things, but after exploring islands, temples, and castles... A new adventure for duo has begun. They have so many friends in a city that are very comedians... But when they are together the funny just begins! Onto going to places, like the sea just found an octopus friendly with a small friendly shark. With this, having powers and magic to practice and upgrade the skills that them has on their hand like a scythe, swords, and more. This Chronicles Side outside of the live streams. Will they be able to bring down the villainous Nakiri Ayame?

Suffocate · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Exploring the city

In a forest that are two people walking around from there without seeing nothing, then the white fox ask a question to the wolf that was by her side. "Mio... Did you see something here...?"

"About that... I'm trying to look but here has so many trees everywhere. So... It will take minutes to found something in this place."

"Well, for security I will grab my katana, it's not good to trust people here that you don't know."

Fubuki says that while grabbing her katana and looking side by side but she not found nothing for now. "Fubuki, if you hear something tell me..."

The time that they walked, they are so close to reach it. Minutes has passed and both hear a strange sound, then they look around being close together a bit.

Mio felt something about this place causing her ears to rise for warning, then put her hand on Fubuki's shoulder attracting her attention.

"Huh? What is it?"

"Something is coming here... Only we need 27 minutes more and we complete this walking of the forest."

And since then, they kept walking those minutes, but unfortunately, Mio acquired intrigue from that sound. From then on, Fubuki began to get a little bored, being a little hungry to walk minute by minute, to argue a question to the wolf.

"Do you have something to eat? At least... To be active at least in these 27 minutes of walking."

"For games you don't get tired, but for this you do? Oh well, I give you some onigiri and we keep walking. OK?"

"It's okay... But—Hey, it's not my fault that I didn't attract food!"

"Arguing is useless, really..."

The conversation they were having, a few minutes left before leaving the woods and right there the wolf girl took out of her pocket 2 onigiris just in case.

"Here are the onigiris, eat them while we walk, so we will take as little time as possible."

"To order madam!"

The white fox girl began to eat the onigiris while the other, Ookami, checked side by side to defend and protect her aforementioned allie-friend. Mio was starting to smell something too close, she's curious what she'll be smelling.

Fubuki, who was still in her universe with the onigiris, at the head of the semi-human found some bushes grouped together to attract the attention of her reliable friend once again. Later she was confused because she doesn't understand what she means to her.

"All right... If there is this here it means that we have arrived at the destination..."


"Yes, I will remove the bushes in the middle and we will see what is behind this plant... By the way, keep your katana, there are no enemies nearby anymore."

She said that putting her hands in the bushes to see around, there were many flats, a beach, people everywhere doing their thing, having fun, others having drinks and so on.

Thanks to that, Mio was surprised while Fubuki stood by her side to spectate the atmosphere that is there right now.

They both began to embark towards the beach to see if they meet people, or at least one. Fubuki has finished eating the onigiris that were delivered by the one with the caramel orange eyes.

Looking by the sea she saw a girl wearing a detective hat, detective uniform, next to him he had a small dog that had the same cap as his owner herself. When she realized that who she was, she approached.

The detective looked askance at someone approaching the opposite, then got up from the chair that was placed in the sea to say hello. A few seconds later her recognized who her was and smiled. Moving away, Fubuki rushed to both of them waving the same way.

"Ohh, hi Mio. How nice to see you here. Where have you gone?"

"Well, then... We came from a forest and we had found a bush and that's how we ended up. Here."

"We had also heard some sound from the place, we don't know what it could be."

"Hmmm, I'll take care of that later. By the way, do you want to drink and eat something? Because you have just arrived at the right time."

"Yes please..." Fubuki said, she was tired of walking, although she exaggerates so she doesn't like to walk when they go on adventures. Is it because you need to seek action and stuff?

"That's fine for me. I will attract things, by the way both can stay here, I mean, as if you were in your own homes. If Gura asks you where both you came from, tell her."


"Sure, I don't have a problem."

They both gladly sat on the chairs of the free beaches, while Fubuki had a relaxed drink, as if she were in paradise. Suddenly, from the waves of the sea a person has just arrived.

Mio was attentive to her environment but her ears moved to signal that someone was about to approach. She noticed by the sea that waves were rising, throwing back as she was near the seashore.

"The shark has arrived here!" She collected the little shark with her shark uniform, she is the queen of the sea for controlling the great monsters of the seas; even the Megalodon we all know.

She jumped out of the sea with her trident in hand falling to her feet looking at the two "visitors" of the place. Out of sheer curiosity, she was visibly confused not to see her friend Watson Amelia running around this place. She had no choice but to ask the girl in front.

"Did you guys see Amelia around here?"

"Yes, she went to get food for us."

"Oh, well. I wanted to tell her that I have already brought some fish from the sea. I have them in the trident, when she comes here to tell her, please."

"Sure, there's no problem with that."

"Hey Mio, what are we going to do while we're here? Can't we explore or something?"

"We can do it, but didn't you want to eat something?"

"Yes, of course—" Just in saying that, Amelia came loaded with a wheeled table with a buffet meal. I think that would be an exaggeration because soooo starving they are not hungry just to arrive from a said forest without finding anything.

"Sorry for the delay, Aqua was helping me with this. Sorry, I'm here."

"Amelia! You're just there! I've already brought you the fish you told me, I have them in my pitchfork so they don't escape. Although, they are already dead... OOPS."

"Don't worry, that way they can cook for us faster. Tee-hee. "So, by the way, Fubuki and Mio. I have already brought you the buffet that I told you, Bon Appetit."

"Thank you, Amelia!"

Then they started eating, at least Fubuki. A few minutes ahead of time, the wolf with the red tie felt that something was going to happen, so before that she turned around to see the sky trying to notice something there.

She noticed her wolf ears moving something shining from the sky, to see what thing or object it was she took out her binoculars for occasions like this. When her zoombed she saw a little Angel who was expelled from the sky causing her to get up leaving her object where Fubuki to respond directly. "Fubuki, I'm coming back, someone falls from the sky!"

Without the white fox being able to say anything, her ally run at the girl who was falling from the blue sky with clouds trying to capture where she could fall. She accelerated the bullfight further to get there as soon as possible and from there she just pushed towards to jump to the other person before her fell at the floor and saw her expression.

"Are you okay...? How did you fall from the sky...? What happened...? She asked with few nerves, confused and without understanding why or how she fell from the sky because she found out thanks to her ears that moved by warning.

"Yes, I'm fine..." She wiped the tears she acquired in her eyes with her index finger to see her, to breathe a sigh and let go watching her.

"But... There's something around here, you can't see it, but it's waiting on arrival..." She pointed with her index finger that covered her entire arm by her uniform that she is wearing, what she pointed out was close to those cities but without being so seen what she mentions.

"Upon arrival...? What are you trying to say?" Mio asked, being confused by the words said by the Angel who fell from heaven and saw where she was pointing her finger and answered her answer. "And who is there if I may know?"

"You should know that when we're out there, we don't know who's there." She looked around to raise her Angel wings watching Mio. "I just want to warn you something... If you see Coco around here, please call me instantly." She said that and flew away to another side of the city, far but somewhere else.

"I'll keep that in mind, Kanata..." Before that, Fubuki came to Mio to see her with a full stomach. "Oh... I've eaten too much, my stomach hurts from eating so much."

"I told you not to eat so much, but you didn't listen to me. And that's how you stayed." The wolf girl put her hand on her face to lower her head a little and move it side by side, then lifted her up looking at the white fox. "Next time listen to me if you don't want the same thing to happen to you, OK?"

"If yes... Sorry Mio. Forgive me!" She lowered her fox ears, kneeling on the ground, clasping her forgiving hands, drawing tears as she moved her hands together. "Forgive me, I beg you!" Mio turned somewhere to say the following, sighing, "Please don't be dramatic."

The girl turned around again to see her begging on the floor putting her arms around her hip. "Go, get up, I forgive you. But don't let it happen again." The white vixen girl stood up cheerfully ceasing to have tears watching her until a rumble was heard causing her ears to rise quickly causing her to be frightened.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" She jumped into the arms of the aforementioned girl who put her hand on her face to see her with a serious expression, until she immediately let go.

"How could you have been frightened by that? Maybe it was one of our friends, but we don't have to put on like that... Isn't that you brave?" She asked about to release her to the ground but the white vixen girl clung to her so she wouldn't fall to the ground.

"I also have a feline instinct to scare me. AND.. Please don't let go of me! I'm scared!" Shirakami frightened, her body began to tremble while Ookami had no choice but to sigh and release her instantly. She didn't convince her to be with her. "Come on, Fubuki, get up."

Fubuki stood up when she heard that word from her mouth. Mio is curious about what the Angel said that she went to a place she doesn't know, she looked up to where she had pointed again to say by her thought about that "arrival" "That intrigue won't let me sleep tonight."

Before that she turned to the sea checking if she found something or anyone, she took steps towards the sand on the edge of the small waves of the beach and put her arm sleeve on her forehead forcing her eyes to see who she is.

And it was, a captain with a boat bound for slow down near some bridges, she got curious. "Hmm, where will Marine be going?—" when she said the name "Marine" Fubuki rushed to her by her side to respond non-stop. "WHERE?! WHERE?! WHERE?!"

"This way, just follow me!" She exclaimed and then started running towards the direction where the boat began to slow down in the place where they are but a little further away, Fubuki also started running to keep up with her pace.

When they both arrived at the place, they saw that a ramp would open downhill on the bridges for the pirate to get out of the ship, she was surprised to see that her two best friends were there, she raised the sleeve of her uniform that covered her arm and moved it side by side smiling saying the following: "Ahoy sailors!! How are you?"

"We're good. We went here because we saw the boat. Since Fubuki got her adrenaline pumping when she heard that I said "Marine" and that's why we're here-"

"Ohh, I understand. Just as I arrived from boarding here again, I came but to visit Aqua. She told me she's in a nearby mansion here. I heard that this one accompanies her from Choco. That's why I ended up here."

Mio and Fubuki attended with their heads watching the pirate girl but was just interrupted by a shadow that came from the sky. The three of them looked towards the sky to get a good look at the silhouette.

After that, the wolf girl and the white fox girl turned back to see a white duck with a toy cap on top of it next to a girl in a green shirt and white lines, with black hair next to a compound pendant on her neck.

Fubuki raised her arms to capture the subject's attention, but it was difficult to do so because she wanted to go to her destination, so Shirakami still with her arms up was excited to see her smile.

The silhouette began to move away, but thanks to Fubuki's courtesy of wanting her attention, it could work by making she go down to the ground but for a short time; leaving that animal without touching the ground witnessing the subject moving his arms next to the pirate and the wolf girl, asked the one who was riding the flying duck.

"What do you want now Fubuki? I don't have time to talk right now, I need to go whatever it takes to long. She urgently needs help."

Without argument, none of the white fox girl lowered her ears and tail, she understood the situation in which she wanted to be the brunette elf with orange eyes in that place.

She nodded her head with concern. Her expression would show the sadness rolling to Shirakami. The pirate with the eye patch that hides her other red eye compiled Oozora's question with the following words.

"Can you tell us what happens to Flare to get into trouble? Is someone else with her or is she alone?" Marine was worried about her friend with a different tone of voice, she was like Fubuki right now.

The pirate then looked around her trying to track down the other girls if they are around to give a signal for the elf. By sheer luck she saw the mythological little shark with the weather detective.

She lifted a sleeve on her arm to want to acquire their attention from both of them in order to be seen, otherwise she would have to make another option for them to see her.

Fortunately, the blue eyes were Gura who turned around seeing Houshou from a distance. Seeing that she raised one arm, she was followed by the current raising her two arms with her hands covered, so she was drinking a drink.

Certainly later she turned around seeing the blonde to tell her that they were calling her both at the time, the blonde turned when she saw that she was being called.

Amelia saw Gura to capture Marine. Both looked at each other a little to embark towards her, that the two more girls would be there. After approaching, one of the two of them was going to ask a question as to why they called her.

"Is there a purpose for why they called us? We were talking about our things sincerely." The weather detective asked seeing the aforementioned pirate bliss, therefore the pirate changed her tone of voice to angry hysterical, those who know her will know why.

"I have warned you as Gura to help us rescue Flare, since she is in trouble and that's why Fubuki warned Subaru to land with us! I hope you understand why I called you."

"..." Without words taken out of her mouth, the sapphire eyes in shark costume joined the debate with a tone of sadness, she could at least understand being the smartest of all. Fortunately, not for anything else. "And do you know where the location where Flare is located?" "Not unfortunately."

"If you want to know that, ask Subaru for that and not me. I'm not the one who should be in this." The red eyes said crossing her arms to instantly see Fubuki and Mio, the sapphire green eyes didn't know anything, the orange eyes thought about how that disaster of the brunette elf could have started.

Without a grudelseshe she looked at Subaru when she knew more about her, because if she goes to the trail where she is, she might know something else.

"What I know the least about Flare's danger is that, that problem she's in right now. There's no time to waste, we have to go. NOW!" she exclaimed screaming flying upwards with his animal which was mounted, without thinking twice she flew as fast as possible to the place.

Gura gave the drink to Marine to take care of her by opening her hand causing her bluish spear to appear in her hand with impulse towards the buildings ahead, clearly she knows what she is doing.

Amelia sighed to also run to the location where Gura and Subaru are going while the three of them watched each other.

"I'm already worried about Flare, I think I'm going with my boat too. But I also have to go where Choco and Aqua are... Agh. I don't know what to do."

"Don't worry, go if you want, Fubuki and I take care of your mission, no problem for this. After all, we are companions. It can be done if we trust each other." Ookami responded by approaching Marine by composing his hand on her shoulder, tilting his head slightly smiling.

Thanks to that, the pirate could trust them, so she would bring out a slight smile closing her fist while watching her for her good positive vibes. "Thank you for telling me this, I don't have to worry so much now. I have to thank you."

She was walking to her boat to say goodbye to them, turning around, after that, she also went on the high seas to the recipient. Fubuki worried a little about what she said to her, looking at her sadly with a bad expression. "And I who wanted to help her.."

"There's no need... For now, Gura can take charge of being the strongest to be able to summon sharks under the ground as she is her specialty for being queen of the sea. Nobody can stop her so much, the one who can is Ina, being an ancient of the God of Cosmos."

"Our goal is to explore what's here and then visit the other girls. They'll be worried." The werewolf would say turning around pointing to a destined direction with her index finger. "You just follow me and see."

"Okay... Let's go to it now!" The young girl woman with a white tail with black tips and a satanic symbol replied to propel herself towards the recipient observing Ookami. "This will be a piece of cake for me."

"First let's go to the mansion mentioned by Marine, they will be waiting for the succubus and the marine maiden by the door." Without further ado, she began to run until she accelerated her pulse on her legs towards the habitat.