
Holo Alter

a creatures that's supposed to not exist, by any chance, he came to life—living an average life on planet called Earth. Until, his existent took a certain god's attention. The god who find out his potential—thoughts and tried of many plans; that is to cause misfortune in his life to accelerate his negative points, to replace him, so he can safely retires his job as a god... only for everything to be in futile. Lifetime worth of staging the world in fail, the god decided to give up on him and send him to foreign places in different universe. Here, his 3rd life unfolds as he live the life of average person without being bothered by any higher beings—unbounded by destiny on characters that appears on story. ----- Edited in 2022/1/16 Many information will contrasts from original works but I won't mess with the characters' emotions too much. At first, I thought of making the hololive characters as main focus of story but writing up to a hundred chapters, I couldn't do it. So the hololive characters will only be appearing when the time is right. But to keep their uniqueness intact, I will make them slightly or more 'special' compared to others characters... (with a reason) Viewpoint can change from 3rd perspective to 1st perspective depending on the situation. Fanfiction based on [Hololive Alternative's Teaser] and **Author's Imagination & Author's Deep Analysis Supported by Author's Immense Knowledge.

R4IN · Anime & Comics
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192 Chs

Demon King is an Employee

Kuro's birthday may have gone uncelebrated but have attained new meeting, as well made an objective/what to do with this life of him.

"Kuro~, come here a little bit."

After some time has passed, Botan has took a liking toward the 4 years old. Is it because that the 4 years old children wasn't scared of her? Or was it because that he promised that he will make her an fun game?

but they were talking about that lazy lion. She may not need an reason to take a liking to human.

When Kuro obediently came forward, she rested her hand at the top of his head and said.

"Don't die before you make a game."

Kuro doesn't know what's her intention. but he nodded to her.

"Yes! I am also supporting Botan Onee-chan to become a good human."

Spouting this, Kuro have become readied to the supposed farewell they will have. Kuro himself also wanted go adventuring with her but he didn't had a guts nor power to go with her. Even though everyone treated him like a plague in Agrenoria, no one tried to kill him.

and he still had close to infinite amount to study in the library. Even until now, he doesn't still know the whereabouts of where the Oni lives. he isn't even sure if the Oni speaks Maoul.

"Then, Oneechan. Good bye. I'll be back in my hometown."


That was how Kuro made his first friend.



"The great sun elf barrier has cometh undone?"

This was the Demon King on his journey to become the greatest horse rider in the history.

Currently, he was in the Reign Empire which the Getsuba Tournament will hold in 2 years or so. After he have picked his horse breed and feed him an mysterious potion, he was talking alone.

The reason was 2. Because he have felt the enormous mana disruption from the afar world and, he was practicing the human language.

He have learnt all languages, including ancient dragon language and ancient human language, but because of how long he have been the demon lord, he developed the habit of speaking as if he in the higher position whatever the language is.

so, to suppress that, he have began practicing by speaking with himself. Still, he was having a hard time and his language sometimes become hard to understand.

"Maou-san, how is the horse?"

"Reina-san, Don is good and he have grown almighty and fast! At this rate, I can win the Getsuba Tournament."


his coworkers at the MakDonald, Reina laughed to Maou. That was because she knew that the horse Maou bought, was barely 1 years old and there was no way that the horse would grow that quickly. at most, the time the Getsuba Tournament have begun, the horse would barely pass the enter condition.

but at that time, Maou will not have the time to train the horse.

"Don't worry, believe in me! Don is a good and strongth boy."

his usual habit came but Reina didn't care about it. She met Maou 2 months ago exactly the time when Maou have just begun working at Makdonald. at that time, Maou have saved her in the hidden alleyway, and instead of asking for high-prices, he just asked her the way toward Getsuba Tournament Application and how to make a money enough to live.

Maybe it was during that time that she begun having a weird trust toward Maou that she can't doubt his sentence.

"Good luck Maou-san! I am betting my money on you!"

"Ou!... Welcome to Makdonald, may I take your order?"

The demon lord, who was basically the oldest, the strongest creature in the Virturan, was working in the Makdonald as an cashier. That was how crazy, yet interesting the Virturan world have turned out.

"5 Giant Burger, 5 Fried Potato XL Size, 30 packs of 5 Nugget and 5 XL Size Coca Cola please."

"Understood. Would you like a takeout?"

"No, I'll eat it here."


Afterward, the burly man whose clothes couldn't hide his muscle and an silver hair with a scar that's just under his pupils have walked to side to wait for his fast food.

"Ma-Maou-san, that was the famous and the strongest knight..., Shirogane Leon!"

"Huh? Oh, yes."

In contrast of Reina's expressions of panic, Maou was calm. in fact, it wasn't his first time meeting with Leon. Maou have fought with Leon before, thinking about it, it was truly an coincidental meeting when Maou have arrived to Reign Empire to pla- to gather information.

Leon's orders was enormous compared to others costumers so his order took much time and the person who ordered before him's food had arrived faster than him.

When the food was laid in the trays, it couldn't be held with just 1 trays. After all, 1 Giant Burgers was a little less than 2 adult hands. That's why this shop especially prepared an tray for Leon but still 1 tray wasn't enough and it was barely enough with 3 Leon Trays.

"Here is sir's food."

Maou said with a smile. That smiles of him seemed like an experienced employee that have worked for 30 years in Makdonald. it seemed not too long after for him to get a rise or promoted.

Leon, who was waiting at the counters while staring at Maou with serious face also took 3 trays. 1 trays in each of his hand while the 3rd trays just floated in airs, following him.

"Hah, too fancy when you just came to eat food."

Maou lightly sighed and muttered to himself as he prepared for an small mana talk with Leon.

[Hey Leon! How is your daughter?!]

Maou greeted Leon as if he was greeting his old friend who he met after 5 years.

[Wha- how did you know? What are you planning to do to my cute little Noel.]

[Nothing, nothing! This one hasth gotten purely b'r'd to come here. I hath no intention to do to your daughter.]

[Oh, that's relief.]

[By the way, Leon. Interested in a little bit of spar after my work?]

[Okay. Follow my mana after you've done your work, by the way, Treiner, is the disappearance of great elf, sun elf barrier your doing?]



Their conversation ended there as Leon's blackhole-like stomach was filled with nourishment and his body was energised from the food he ate.

'Strange. I seems to relax the best when I am with my enemy, instead of my subordinate.'

Even the oldest creature in Virturan had an stress.


"Botan-Oneecha- Oni big sister!?"

In front of Kuro was the Oni he met many years ago, along with the jet-black female who had an wilds-hair similar to Botan he met in his birthday. her fashion was similar to the Oni so he thought she was one of her Oni friend, he was wrong.

The girl had no skin-colored horn, instead she had the wolf's ears. That wolf-like girl opened her mouth.

"Ayame, is he the one you mentioned me in your story?"

I heard that Hataraku Maou-Sama is getting an Season 2.


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